Daily Archives: November 8, 2019

2019-11-08: News Headlines

David Bacon (2019-11-08). The new NAFTA won't protect workers' rights. peoplesworld.org Sara Steffens after being fired from her job as a reporter for heading the union organizing drive at the Contra Costa Times-called for passage of labor law reform in the US. Today Steffens is Secretary-Treasurer of the Communications Workers of America. 2009 | David Bacon | Strong unions and high wages benefit workers in both countries. The USMCA supposedly will require Mexico to enforce the new reforms more rigorously. Mexican workers will indeed benefit if they are enforced, but the track record of the old NAFTA is clear. Even if the USMCA requires Mexico to obey its own labor laws, freeing US corporations to i…

John W. Whitehead (2019-11-08). A New Kind of Tyranny: The Global State's War on Those Who Speak Truth to Power. dissidentvoice.org What happens to Julian Assange and to Chelsea Manning is meant to intimidate us, to frighten us into silence. By defending Julian Assange, we defend our most sacred rights. Speak up now or wake up one morning to the silence of a new kind of tyranny. The choice is ours. — John Pilger, investigative journalist …

Kimberly Haven (2019-11-08). Why I'm Fighting for Menstrual Equity in Prison. aclu.org My name is Kimberly Haven. I am an activist, an advocate, and I have also been referred to as the "tampon queen." I got this moniker because, while I was incarcerated, I learned how to make my own tampons out of the subpar menstrual products I was "given" while incarcerated. | For those who do not have firsthand experience with it, incarcerated women are typically provided with a very limited number of subpar products you would never buy outside of the carceral system. Access to pads and / or tampons is not a given—they are closely restricted and sometimes run out, leaving women without any solutions ex…

United Nations (2019-11-08). Violence can 'never be the answer': UN rights experts condemn excessive force during Chile protests. un.org United Nations human rights experts on Friday condemned the excessive use of force during Chile's ongoing street protests, and in a statement underscored that violence "can never be the answer to people's social and political demands".

WSWS (2019-11-08). Beijing looks to end Hong Kong protest movement. wsws.org Youth and students fighting to defend democratic rights in Hong Kong must turn to the international working class as their only allies in this struggle.

Staff (2019-11-08). Remembering the 1968 Orangeburg Massacre. truthout.org The 1968 Orangeburg massacre is one of the most violent and least remembered events of the civil rights movement. A crowd of students gathered on the campus of South Carolina State University to protest segregation at Orangeburg's only bowling alley. After days of escalating tensions, students started a bonfire and held a vigil on the campus to protest. Dozens of police arrived on the scene, and state troopers fired live ammunition into the crowd. When the shooting stopped, three students were dead and 28 wounded. Although the tra…

Stephen Lendman (2019-11-08). Israel's Supreme Court — Upholding "Targeted Assassinations" and Torture. globalresearch.ca Time and again, Israel's high court upholds human and civil rights abuses committed by the state. | In 2006, the court upheld its targeted assassinations policy, claiming they're OK when no other choices exist to protect against dangers to national security …

United Nations (2019-11-08). Egypt: 'Credible evidence' that 'brutal' prison conditions prompted Morsi's death, thousands more at risk. un.org A group of independent UN human rights experts said on Friday that there was "credible evidence" that inadequate prison conditions in which former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was held may have led "directly" to his death in June, and thousands of other detainees may be at "severe risk".

United Nations (2019-11-08). Speaking truth to power: the UN experts fighting for global human rights. un.org Fearless. Plain-speaking. Critical. Courageous. Unflinching. Unfair. Biased. Manipulative. These are some of the adjectives used to describe the Human Rights Council experts who fan out across the world to research, hold consultations and gather information on a vast range of human rights violations.

David Bacon (2019-11-08). The New NAFTA Won't Protect Workers' Rights. thenation.com The New NAFTA Won't Protect Workers' Rights…

United Nations (2019-11-08). Hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk in Syria amid ongoing violence in northeast and northwest. un.org Almost daily violence targeting built-up areas and health facilities in Syria continues to threaten the lives of civilians there, UN rights experts and humanitarians said on Friday.

Vijay Prashad (2019-11-08). How U.S. sanctions on Iran are killing innocent people. mronline.org It is a measure of the fortitude of Iran that—despite these unilateral U.S. sanctions—it has been able to maintain production of medical equipment and drugs. Nonetheless, the Human Rights Watch report should be seen as an alarm. | Source

Jake Johnson, staff writer (2019-11-08). UN Votes 187-3 to Condemn US Embargo Against Cuba, With Israel and Brazil Joining Trump Administration as Lone Outliers. commondreams.org "The blockade has caused incalculable humanitarian damages. It is a flagrant, massive, and systematic violation of human rights," said Bruno Rodr√≠guez Parrilla, Cuba's foreign minister. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Julia Conley, staff writer (2019-11-08). Democratic Victory in Virginia Paves Way for Final Approval of Equal Rights Amendment. commondreams.org House Democrats wasted no time Friday preparing to allow for the Equal Rights Amendment to enter into force, just three days after Democrats won control of Virginia's legislature—making it likely that it will soon become the 38th state to ratify the amendment. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Staff (2019-11-08). Remembering the 1968 Orangeburg Massacre When Police Shot Dead Three Unarmed Black Students. democracynow.org The 1968 Orangeburg massacre is one of the most violent and least remembered events of the civil rights movement. A crowd of students gathered on the campus of South Carolina State University to protest segregation at Orangeburg's only bowling alley. After days of escalating tensions, students started a bonfire and held a vigil on the campus to protest. Dozens of police arrived on the scene, and state troopers fired live ammunition into the crowd. When the shooting stopped, three students were dead and 28 wounded. Although the tragedy predated the Kent State shootings and Jackson State killings and it was the fir…

Susan Price (2019-11-08). Malaysian socialists condemn new security laws. greenleft.org.au Peter BoyleIssue 1244 Malaysia SOSMA Pakatan Harapan Internal Security Act (ISA)November 8, 2019Twelve men were detained under Malaysia's Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA) on October…

Aída Chávez (2019-11-07). With Bold Immigration Plan, Bernie Sanders Becomes the Only Candidate to Call for Break Up of ICE and CBP. theintercept.com The plan, released Thursday, also calls to improve conditions in industries that rely on immigrants, including instating a domestic workers' bill of rights.

IMEMC News (2019-11-07). Israeli Soldiers Take Measurement Of Home In Preparation For Detonating It. imemc.org Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday at dawn, the family home of a Palestinian detainee near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, before taking measurements of the property in preparation for detonating it. Media sources said the soldiers invaded and surrounded the entire area of the home of …

teleSUR (2019-11-07). China, US Agree to Roll Back Tariffs as Phase 1 of Trade Deal. telesurenglish.net China and the United States have agreed to roll back sanctions on each others' goods as part of the first phase of a trade deal, officials from both sides said Thursday, although amounts nor timelines have been discussed. | RELATED: | Trump: Possible Trade Agreement With China to be Signed in Iowa | The Chinese commerce ministry, without laying out a timetable, said the…

United Nations (2019-11-07). 'Terminator' warlord Bosco Ntaganda sentenced to 30 years in prison for DR Congo atrocities. un.org The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday handed down a maximum 30-year prison sentence for mass murder and numerous other atrocities, to Bosco Ntaganda, the heaviest sanction yet imposed by judges at The Hague, in the Netherlands.

Staff (2019-11-07). Ex-Twitter Workers Charged with Spying for Saudis as Part of Kingdom's Growing Crackdown on Dissent. democracynow.org The U.S. Department of Justice has charged two former Twitter employees with helping Saudi Arabia spy on thousands of the kingdom's critics. Ali Alzabarah and Ahmad Abouammo are accused of giving the Saudi government detailed information about users, including telephone numbers and email addresses linked to the accounts, as well as internet protocol addresses that could be used to identify a user's location. The charges are being filed just over a year after the brutal murder of Saudi journalist and critic Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed inside the Saudi Consulate in Turkey. A new report by Human Rights Watch fin…

Fred_F (2019-11-07). Indigenous communities: 'They used to shoot us. Now they kill us with their policies'. greenleft.org.au Indigenous rights Coral WynterIssue 1244 Australia WilcanniaNovember 7, 2019″We have to rely on bottled water to bathe our babies. There is no fresh water to drink," explained local Aboriginal elder Brendan Adams. "The bore water is heavy and a dark colour. Our ski…

Fred_F (2019-11-07). University of Melbourne casuals confront Arts dean over unpaid work. greenleft.org.au Workers rights Annette HerreraIssue 1244 Australia University of MelbourneNovember 7, 2019It is an open secret that Australian universities are underpaying casual academics. Often earning less than $30,000 a year, casuals make up 70% of undergraduate teach…

Ricardo Vaz and Lucas Koerner (2019-11-06). US Authorizes Tax Payments to Maduro Gov't, Sanctions Five More Venezuelan Officials. venezuelanalysis.com Washington has eased some of the restrictions imposed under its recent Venezuela embargo.

Staff (2019-11-06). Headlines for November 6, 2019. democracynow.org Democrats Take Virginia Legislature & Beat Trump-Backed Governor in Kentucky, NYC Approves Ranked-Choice Voting; Tucson Voters Reject Sanctuary City Measure, JPMorgan CEO Accuses Warren of "Vilifying" Richest Americans, Sondland Now Says There Was Quid Pro Quo on Ukraine, Scientists: Humanity Risks "Untold Suffering" from Climate Change, Brazilians Protest the Largest Oil Auction in Brazilian History, Activists Arrested After Blockading Port of Vancouver in Pipeline Protest, 9 Members of Mormon Family Murdered in Mexico, Pro-Beijing Lawmaker Stabbed in Hong Kong, Israeli Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Expelling…

Staff (2019-11-05). Protesters in Chile Have Been 'Murdered, Tortured, and Disappeared'. therealnews.com Chile's President Piñera says foreign intervention and a conspiracy are behind the recent protests. But protesters say what's happening is an explosion of long-contained rage against poverty, inequality, and oppression.

splcenter (2019-11-05). SPLC celebrates 30th anniversary of Civil Rights Memorial. splcenter.org The first African American elected mayor of Montgomery, Alabama — a city known as both the "Cradle of the Confederacy" and the "Birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement" — urged those who gathered today to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Civil Rights Memorial to ask themselves how they can make an impact on the lives of others.

Hatewatch Staff (2019-11-05). League of the South Resorts to Video Stunts as Membership Declines. splcenter.org The League of the South made a 25-second propaganda video over the weekend at the memorial of a civil rights icon in an apparent attempt to attract members to its neo-Confederate ideology.

Louise Melling (2019-11-05). Trump Wants to Allow Discrimination with Billions of Dollars of Federal Funding. aclu.org Last Friday, the Trump administration announced | an alarming new proposal that would strip away critical protections against discrimination | in grants funded by the Department of Health and Human Services. | Initially, we thought this proposal would serve to fulfill Trump's promise to give taxpayer-funded child welfare agencies a license to discriminate. This proposal does…

Staff (2019-11-05). "Release My Mother": A Yale Student Fights to Halt Deportation of His Mother with Stage IV Cancer. democracynow.org Tania Romero, an undocumented mother from Honduras and survivor of stage IV cancer, is fighting to remain in the United States with her four children. Two months ago, Romero was imprisoned by Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the privately owned Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia, interrupting her life-saving medical treatments. In mid-August, Romero was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction and arrested for not having a driver's license. Tania Romero's attorney requested a stay of deportation on humanitarian grounds because of her fragile health, but it was denied in September. Her son, Cristian…

Lucas Koerner (2019-11-05). Media Conceal Chile's State Criminality, Delegitimize Bolivian Democracy. fair.org by Lucas Koerner Chilean protester beaten by government forces (Twitter, 10/21/19) | Chile's anti-neoliberal rebellion is entering its third week, and the brutal crackdown continues. Hard-right President Sebastian Piñera and his generals have effectively decreed the country's oligarch-dominated democracy out of existence by sending soldiers into the streets to kill, maim and torture their own people. | And, for the most part, the Western corporate media blackout persists unabated. | October 25's historic 1.2 million—person march in Sa…

Ajit Singh (2019-11-04). NBA-China outrage reveals how free speech is being crushed by Washington's new Cold War. thegrayzone.com Contrary to its claim to universally protect free expression, the NBA has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to sanction its players'…

Fight Back (2019-11-02). Condemn mass arrest and Duterte regime's heightened fascist drive. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 2 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns in the strongest terms the mass arrest of activist workers, peasants, women, and media practitioners over the past few days in Bacolod, Escalante and Manila. Police arrested and detained more than 60 people belonging to various sectoral organizations. More than five children were also accosted. | The CPP condemns the statement issued by Malacañang which makes the patently false claim that the arrested activists in Bacolod City were members of th…

Ryan Cristián (2019-11-02). Baghdadi Deception Exposed, Israel Bombs Gaza After Phantom Rocket & US Violates Own Syria Sanctions. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/1/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Ricardo Vaz (2019-11-01). Venezuelan Leftist Parties and Unions Stage Protest, Demand Gov't Answers. venezuelanalysis.com Dozens of activists demanded better wages and respect for collective bargaining rights.

splcenter (2019-11-01). Civil Rights Memorial commemorates 30 years. splcenter.org Carolyn Wells Gee was in bed watching TV with her younger sister when she heard the shot that killed Medgar Evers.

Staff (2019-11-01). Headlines for November 1, 2019. democracynow.org House Votes to Formalize Impeachment Inquiry Into President Trump , Trump Will Avoid State Income Taxes After Declaring Florida Residency, CIA-Backed Afghan Forces Commit Atrocities, Says Human Rights Watch, Iraqi Prime Minister Offers to Resign Amid Anti-Government Protests, Thousands March in Argentina Against IMF-Imposed Austerity, Spain to Replace Chile as Host of COP25 U.N. Climate Conference, Rex Tillerson Denies Exxon Misled Investors Over Climate Risks, Greta Thunberg Turns Down Environment Prize for Her Climate Activism, New California Wildfire Burns Homes in San Bernardino, Keystone Pipeline Spill in No…

Fred_F (2019-11-01). Union-busting bill an attack on us all. greenleft.org.au Workers rights Susan PriceIssue 1243 Australia Ensuring Integrity BillNovember 1, 2019The Coalition's Ensuring Integrity Bill will be voted on sometime over the next two weeks following the conclusion of a Senate inquiry into the proposed union-busting le…

Miko Peled (2019-10-30). At This Year's J Street Conference, "Progressive" Pols Bow to Israel While Preaching Peace. mintpressnews.com Progressive politicians like Bernie Sanders should be credited for finally offering solutions to decades-old Israeli Human rights violations, but those solutions are often little more than talking points designed to placate their base and appease Israel.

Joe Emersberger (2019-10-30). Max Blumenthal Arrest Exposes Hypocrisy of Western Media and 'Human Rights' NGOs. fair.org by Joe Emersberger Grayzone ( 10/28/19) reported that its editor, Max Blumenthal, had been arrested on "fabricated charge related to the siege of the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC." | Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal, a prominent journalistic critic of US policy toward Venezuela, was arrested by DC police on Friday, October 25, in connection with a protest at the Venezuelan embassy, and held incommunicado. But if you rely o…

CounterSpin (2019-10-25). Dorothee Benz on LGBTQ Rights, Joe Emersberger on Ecuador Protests. fair.org Media…

Lucas Koerner (2019-10-23). US Renews Chevron License as European Refiner Cuts Venezuela Ties over Sanctions. venezuelanalysis.com Finnish-Venezuelan refiner Nynas is one of PDVSA's few remaining cash buyers.

Ryan Cristián (2019-10-21). Turkey Breaks Ceasefire, US "Secures Syria's Oil" & Assange's Torture & Violation Of Rights Exposed. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/19/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Ricardo Vaz (2019-10-17). Venezuela Elected to UN Human Rights Council. venezuelanalysis.com The Maduro government was elected to a three-year term with backing of 105 out of 195 UN member-states.

Ryan Cristián (2019-10-09). US 'Walks Back' Syria "Withdrawal," Kurd's '10,000 ISIS' Warning & The FBI 'Violated Privacy Rights'. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/8/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Ricardo Vaz (2019-10-02). Venezuela's CITGO in Danger as Maduro Seeks Debt Renegotiation. venezuelanalysis.com US financial sanctions have stopped Venezuela from renegotiating foreign debt since 2017.

Ricardo Vaz (2019-09-26). Venezuela: Trump Imposes Travel Ban, Putin Backs Dialogue. venezuelanalysis.com US officials and the Venezuelan opposition have also lobbied the EU to impose harsher sanctions against Caracas.

Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz (2019-09-25). Washington Gives Guaido $52M in Funding, Slaps Venezuela with New Sanctions. venezuelanalysis.com The new aid package dovetailed with fresh sanctions targeting Venezuela-Cuba oil shipping.

Lucas Koerner (2019-09-18). US imposes New Sanctions Targeting Venezuela's Food Program. venezuelanalysis.com The Treasury Department has targeted people and companies involved in imports for Venezuela's CLAP program.

Peace Action (2019-06-25). Peace Action Endorses Ilhan Omar for Congress. peaceaction.org Washington, DC — June 25, 2019 — Peace Action has announced its endorsement of Ilhan Omar for Congress in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. Peace Action is a national grassroots organization working to advance nuclear disarmament, promote government spending priorities that support human needs, encourage real security through international cooperation and human rights, and support nonmilitary …

2019-11-08: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

A New Kind of Tyranny: The Global State's War on Those Who Speak Truth to Power
John W. Whitehead | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-11-08
What happens to Julian Assange and to Chelsea Manning is meant to intimidate us, to frighten us into silence. By defending Julian Assange, we defend our most sacred rights. Speak up now or wake up one morning to the silence of a new kind of tyranny. The choice is ours. — John Pilger, investigative journalist …

Why I'm Fighting for Menstrual Equity in Prison
Kimberly Haven | aclu.org | 2019-11-08
My name is Kimberly Haven. I am an activist, an advocate, and I have also been referred to as the "tampon queen." I got this moniker because, while I was incarcerated, I learned how to make my own tampons out of the subpar menstrual products I was "given" while incarcerated. | For those who do not have firsthand experience with it, incarcerated women are typically provided with a very limited number of subpar products you would never buy outside of the carceral system. Access to pads and / or tampons is not a given–they are closely restricted and sometimes run out, leaving women without any solutions ex…

Violence can 'never be the answer': UN rights experts condemn excessive force during Chile protests
United Nations | un.org | 2019-11-08
United Nations human rights experts on Friday condemned the excessive use of force during Chile's ongoing street protests, and in a statement underscored that violence "can never be the answer to people's social and political demands".

Remembering the 1968 Orangeburg Massacre
Staff | truthout.org | 2019-11-08
The 1968 Orangeburg massacre is one of the most violent and least remembered events of the civil rights movement. A crowd of students gathered on the campus of South Carolina State University to protest segregation at Orangeburg's only bowling alley. After days of escalating tensions, students started a bonfire and held a vigil on the campus to protest. Dozens of police arrived on the scene, and state troopers fired live ammunition into the crowd. When the shooting stopped, three students were dead and 28 wounded. Although the tra…

Beijing looks to end Hong Kong protest movement
wsws.org | 2019-11-08
Youth and students fighting to defend democratic rights in Hong Kong must turn to the international working class as their only allies in this struggle.

Israel's Supreme Court — Upholding "Targeted Assassinations" and Torture
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-11-08
Time and again, Israel's high court upholds human and civil rights abuses committed by the state. | In 2006, the court upheld its targeted assassinations policy, claiming they're OK when no other choices exist to protect against dangers to national security …

Egypt: 'Credible evidence' that 'brutal' prison conditions prompted Morsi's death, thousands more at risk
United Nations | un.org | 2019-11-08
A group of independent UN human rights experts said on Friday that there was "credible evidence" that inadequate prison conditions in which former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was held may have led "directly" to his death in June, and thousands of other detainees may be at "severe risk".

Speaking truth to power: the UN experts fighting for global human rights
United Nations | un.org | 2019-11-08
Fearless. Plain-speaking. Critical. Courageous. Unflinching. Unfair. Biased. Manipulative. These are some of the adjectives used to describe the Human Rights Council experts who fan out across the world to research, hold consultations and gather information on a vast range of human rights violations.

The New NAFTA Won't Protect Workers' Rights
David Bacon | thenation.com | 2019-11-08
The New NAFTA Won't Protect Workers' Rights…

The new NAFTA won't protect workers' rights
David Bacon | peoplesworld.org | 2019-11-08
Sara Steffens after being fired from her job as a reporter for heading the union organizing drive at the Contra Costa Times-called for passage of labor law reform in the US. Today Steffens is Secretary-Treasurer of the Communications Workers of America. 2009 | David Bacon | Strong unions and high wages benefit workers in both countries. The USMCA supposedly will require Mexico to enforce the new reforms more rigorously. Mexican workers will indeed benefit if they are enforced, but the track record of the old NAFTA is clear. Even if the USMCA requires Mexico to obey its own labor laws, freeing US corporations to i…

Hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk in Syria amid ongoing violence in northeast and northwest
United Nations | un.org | 2019-11-08
Almost daily violence targeting built-up areas and health facilities in Syria continues to threaten the lives of civilians there, UN rights experts and humanitarians said on Friday.

How U.S. sanctions on Iran are killing innocent people
Vijay Prashad | mronline.org | 2019-11-08
It is a measure of the fortitude of Iran that–despite these unilateral U.S. sanctions–it has been able to maintain production of medical equipment and drugs. Nonetheless, the Human Rights Watch report should be seen as an alarm. | Source…

UN Votes 187-3 to Condemn US Embargo Against Cuba, With Israel and Brazil Joining Trump Administration as Lone Outliers
Jake Johnson, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2019-11-08
"The blockade has caused incalculable humanitarian damages. It is a flagrant, massive, and systematic violation of human rights," said Bruno Rodr√≠guez Parrilla, Cuba's foreign minister. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Democratic Victory in Virginia Paves Way for Final Approval of Equal Rights Amendment
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2019-11-08
House Democrats wasted no time Friday preparing to allow for the Equal Rights Amendment to enter into force, just three days after Democrats won control of Virginia's legislature—making it likely that it will soon become the 38th state to ratify the amendment. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Remembering the 1968 Orangeburg Massacre When Police Shot Dead Three Unarmed Black Students
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-11-08
The 1968 Orangeburg massacre is one of the most violent and least remembered events of the civil rights movement. A crowd of students gathered on the campus of South Carolina State University to protest segregation at Orangeburg's only bowling alley. After days of escalating tensions, students started a bonfire and held a vigil on the campus to protest. Dozens of police arrived on the scene, and state troopers fired live ammunition into the crowd. When the shooting stopped, three students were dead and 28 wounded. Although the tragedy predated the Kent State shootings and Jackson State killings and it was the fir…

Malaysian socialists condemn new security laws
Susan Price | greenleft.org.au | 2019-11-08
Peter BoyleIssue 1244 Malaysia SOSMA Pakatan Harapan Internal Security Act (ISA)November 8, 2019Twelve men were detained under Malaysia's Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA) on October…

With Bold Immigration Plan, Bernie Sanders Becomes the Only Candidate to Call for Break Up of ICE and CBP
Aída Chávez | theintercept.com | 2019-11-07
The plan, released Thursday, also calls to improve conditions in industries that rely on immigrants, including instating a domestic workers' bill of rights.

Israeli Soldiers Take Measurement Of Home In Preparation For Detonating It
IMEMC News | imemc.org | 2019-11-07
Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday at dawn, the family home of a Palestinian detainee near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, before taking measurements of the property in preparation for detonating it. Media sources said the soldiers invaded and surrounded the entire area of the home of …

China, US Agree to Roll Back Tariffs as Phase 1 of Trade Deal
telesurenglish.net | 2019-11-07
China and the United States have agreed to roll back sanctions on each others' goods as part of the first phase of a trade deal, officials from both sides said Thursday, although amounts nor timelines have been discussed. | RELATED: | Trump: Possible Trade Agreement With China to be Signed in Iowa | The Chinese commerce ministry, without laying out a timetable, said the…

'Terminator' warlord Bosco Ntaganda sentenced to 30 years in prison for DR Congo atrocities
United Nations | un.org | 2019-11-07
The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday handed down a maximum 30-year prison sentence for mass murder and numerous other atrocities, to Bosco Ntaganda, the heaviest sanction yet imposed by judges at The Hague, in the Netherlands.

Ex-Twitter Workers Charged with Spying for Saudis as Part of Kingdom's Growing Crackdown on Dissent
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-11-07
The U.S. Department of Justice has charged two former Twitter employees with helping Saudi Arabia spy on thousands of the kingdom's critics. Ali Alzabarah and Ahmad Abouammo are accused of giving the Saudi government detailed information about users, including telephone numbers and email addresses linked to the accounts, as well as internet protocol addresses that could be used to identify a user's location. The charges are being filed just over a year after the brutal murder of Saudi journalist and critic Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed inside the Saudi Consulate in Turkey. A new report by Human Rights Watch fin…

Indigenous communities: 'They used to shoot us. Now they kill us with their policies'
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2019-11-07
Indigenous rights Coral WynterIssue 1244 Australia WilcanniaNovember 7, 2019″We have to rely on bottled water to bathe our babies. There is no fresh water to drink," explained local Aboriginal elder Brendan Adams. "The bore water is heavy and a dark colour. Our ski…

University of Melbourne casuals confront Arts dean over unpaid work
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2019-11-07
Workers rights Annette HerreraIssue 1244 Australia University of MelbourneNovember 7, 2019It is an open secret that Australian universities are underpaying casual academics. Often earning less than $30,000 a year, casuals make up 70% of undergraduate teach…

US Authorizes Tax Payments to Maduro Gov't, Sanctions Five More Venezuelan Officials
Ricardo Vaz and Lucas Koerner | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-11-06
Washington has eased some of the restrictions imposed under its recent Venezuela embargo.

Media Conceal Chile's State Criminality, Delegitimize Bolivian Democracy
Lucas Koerner | fair.org | 2019-11-05
by Lucas Koerner Chilean protester beaten by government forces (Twitter, 10/21/19) | Chile's anti-neoliberal rebellion is entering its third week, and the brutal crackdown continues. Hard-right President Sebastian Piñera and his generals have effectively decreed the country's oligarch-dominated democracy out of existence by sending soldiers into the streets to kill, maim and torture their own people. | And, for the most part, the Western corporate media blackout persists unabated. | October 25's historic 1.2 million–person march in Sa…

Protesters in Chile Have Been 'Murdered, Tortured, and Disappeared'
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-11-05
Chile's President Piñera says foreign intervention and a conspiracy are behind the recent protests. But protesters say what's happening is an explosion of long-contained rage against poverty, inequality, and oppression.

League of the South Resorts to Video Stunts as Membership Declines
Hatewatch Staff | splcenter.org | 2019-11-05
The League of the South made a 25-second propaganda video over the weekend at the memorial of a civil rights icon in an apparent attempt to attract members to its neo-Confederate ideology.

SPLC celebrates 30th anniversary of Civil Rights Memorial
splcenter.org | 2019-11-05
The first African American elected mayor of Montgomery, Alabama — a city known as both the "Cradle of the Confederacy" and the "Birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement" — urged those who gathered today to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Civil Rights Memorial to ask themselves how they can make an impact on the lives of others.

"Release My Mother": A Yale Student Fights to Halt Deportation of His Mother with Stage IV Cancer
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-11-05
Tania Romero, an undocumented mother from Honduras and survivor of stage IV cancer, is fighting to remain in the United States with her four children. Two months ago, Romero was imprisoned by Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the privately owned Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia, interrupting her life-saving medical treatments. In mid-August, Romero was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction and arrested for not having a driver's license. Tania Romero's attorney requested a stay of deportation on humanitarian grounds because of her fragile health, but it was denied in September. Her son, Cristian…

Trump Wants to Allow Discrimination with Billions of Dollars of Federal Funding
Louise Melling | aclu.org | 2019-11-05
Last Friday, the Trump administration announced | an alarming new proposal that would strip away critical protections against discrimination | in grants funded by the Department of Health and Human Services. | Initially, we thought this proposal would serve to fulfill Trump's promise to give taxpayer-funded child welfare agencies a license to discriminate. This proposal does…

NBA-China outrage reveals how free speech is being crushed by Washington's new Cold War
Ajit Singh | thegrayzone.com | 2019-11-04
Contrary to its claim to universally protect free expression, the NBA has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to sanction its players'…

Condemn mass arrest and Duterte regime's heightened fascist drive
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-11-02
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 2 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns in the strongest terms the mass arrest of activist workers, peasants, women, and media practitioners over the past few days in Bacolod, Escalante and Manila. Police arrested and detained more than 60 people belonging to various sectoral organizations. More than five children were also accosted. | The CPP condemns the statement issued by Malacañang which makes the patently false claim that the arrested activists in Bacolod City were members of th…

Baghdadi Deception Exposed, Israel Bombs Gaza After Phantom Rocket & US Violates Own Syria Sanctions
Ryan Cristián | thelastamericanvagabond.com | 2019-11-02
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/1/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Venezuelan Leftist Parties and Unions Stage Protest, Demand Gov't Answers
Ricardo Vaz | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-11-01
Dozens of activists demanded better wages and respect for collective bargaining rights.

Civil Rights Memorial commemorates 30 years
splcenter.org | 2019-11-01
Carolyn Wells Gee was in bed watching TV with her younger sister when she heard the shot that killed Medgar Evers.

Union-busting bill an attack on us all
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2019-11-01
Workers rights Susan PriceIssue 1243 Australia Ensuring Integrity BillNovember 1, 2019The Coalition's Ensuring Integrity Bill will be voted on sometime over the next two weeks following the conclusion of a Senate inquiry into the proposed union-busting le…

Max Blumenthal Arrest Exposes Hypocrisy of Western Media and 'Human Rights' NGOs
Joe Emersberger | fair.org | 2019-10-30
by Joe Emersberger Grayzone ( 10/28/19) reported that its editor, Max Blumenthal, had been arrested on "fabricated charge related to the siege of the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC." | Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal, a prominent journalistic critic of US policy toward Venezuela, was arrested by DC police on Friday, October 25, in connection with a protest at the Venezuelan embassy, and held incommunicado. But if you rely o…

At This Year's J Street Conference, "Progressive" Pols Bow to Israel While Preaching Peace
Miko Peled | mintpressnews.com | 2019-10-30
Progressive politicians like Bernie Sanders should be credited for finally offering solutions to decades-old Israeli Human rights violations, but those solutions are often little more than talking points designed to placate their base and appease Israel.

Dorothee Benz on LGBTQ Rights, Joe Emersberger on Ecuador Protests
CounterSpin | fair.org | 2019-10-25

US Renews Chevron License as European Refiner Cuts Venezuela Ties over Sanctions
Lucas Koerner | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-10-23
Finnish-Venezuelan refiner Nynas is one of PDVSA's few remaining cash buyers.

Turkey Breaks Ceasefire, US "Secures Syria's Oil" & Assange's Torture & Violation Of Rights Exposed
Ryan Cristián | thelastamericanvagabond.com | 2019-10-21
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/19/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Venezuela Elected to UN Human Rights Council
Ricardo Vaz | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-10-17
The Maduro government was elected to a three-year term with backing of 105 out of 195 UN member-states.

US 'Walks Back' Syria "Withdrawal," Kurd's '10,000 ISIS' Warning & The FBI 'Violated Privacy Rights'
Ryan Cristián | thelastamericanvagabond.com | 2019-10-09
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/8/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …