Monthly Archives: May 2020

2020-05-16: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

As Gerry Adams' internment conviction is 'quashed', Britain's shameful past in Ireland comes back to haunt it
Peadar O'Cearnaigh | | 2020-05-16
On 13 May, the Supreme Court quashed the 1973 and 1975 convictions of former leader of Sinn Féin ( SF) Gerry Adams. The court held that because Adams "was not detained lawfully" it "follows that he was wrongfully convicted of the offences of attempting to escape from lawful custody". This means "his convictions for those offences must be quashed". | The floodgates of similar cases could…

U.S. Sanctions: The Weaponization of the Global Financial System
IFCSS | | 2020-05-16
Zoom Meeting ID: 873 3950 1810 | Password: 795705 | Join Zoom meeting: |… | Call in: +1 669-900-9128 | Look up int'l numbers:

As US Reels From COVID-19, Trump Turns to Sanctions, War Making and Threats
Alan Macleod | | 2020-05-15
The Trump admin has decisively chosen war over peace and conflict over cooperation. Yet it appears less able than ever to coerce the world into following its lead.

Arabs, UN Must Move to Swiftly Protect the Status of Palestinian Refugees
Ramzy Baroud | | 2020-05-15
'Heinous racism,' is how the Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor described a recent decision by Lebanese authorities to bar Palestinian refugee expats from returning to Lebanon. Lebanon's restrictions on its ever-diminishing population of Palestinian refugees is nothing new. However, this event is particularly alarming as it may be linked to a long-term official policy regarding…

Bolivia: Añez Backs Down, Annuls Decree Against Speech Freedom | 2020-05-15
Due to pressure stemming from human rights defenders, Bolivia's coup-born regime led by Jeanine Añez Thursday was forced to repeal a decree allowing it to extend restrictions on freedom of expression during the COVID-19 pandemic. | RELATED: | Bolivia De-Facto Govt Repress Protesters That Can't Afford More Lockdown | The ‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äãdecree issued on May 7 aimed at…

Ecuador: Human Rights Organizations Denounce Police Brutality | 2020-05-15
Ecuador's Human Rights organizations Thursday denounced that police force abuse against pacific protesters in Guayaquil. Claimers denounced the negligence of health authorities in corpses counting and handling. | RELATED: | Ecuador Faces Wave of Corruption Amid Pandemic | Protesters gathered at Centenary Park for a sit-in demonstration against both President Lenin Moreno's budget cuts and lack of economic aid for those in need. | "We are mourning and resisting," was their protest's maxim. Cit…–20200515-0009.html

Oppose the Israeli Annexation of West Bank Settlements
Howie Hawkins | | 2020-05-15
It is time for the United States to end its bipartisan blanket support for Israeli policies that violate the human rights of Palestinians. At this critical moment, where Israel has announced its intention to annex Israeli settlements on the West Bank with the support of the Trump administration, we must speak out and resist this …

Immigrant Rights Groups Call on Governors, Health Officials to Release People in Immigration Detention | 2020-05-15

South Africa's NUMSA calls out leading company for violating workers' rights
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-05-15
Excellerate Services, owner of South Africa's largest private security company, has failed to pay its workers' outstanding wages while forcing them to work without PPEs, sanitizers and other protective measures, as per the union…

How a teenager in the '60s South became a Communist
Al Neal | | 2020-05-15
Once upon a time, and sadly, not so long ago in the grand scheme of history, a young high schooler in Virginia spent his summer, the summer of 1964, watching the Civil Rights Movement play out before his eyes. Little did this student, Scott Marshall, know how life-changing that first Freedom Summer would turn out …

'Not their business': Iran slams US threats to reimpose UN sanctions
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-05-15
The US has threatened to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran if its draft resolution to extend the arms embargo is vetoed in the UN Security Council…

U.S. Sanctions: The Weaponization of the Global Financial System
IFCSS | | 2020-05-15
Zoom Meeting ID: 873 3950 1810 | Password: 795705 | Join Zoom meeting: |… | Call in: +1 669-900-9128 | Look up int'l numbers:

Up to Five Iranian Tankers en Route to Venezuela Carrying Much-Needed Gasoline
Irina Slav | | 2020-05-15
An Iranian tanker loaded with gasoline has set sail for Venezuela, Reuters reports, citing tanker tracking data. The cargo should help alleviate a growing shortage of gasoline in the sanctions-stricken South American country. | The Clavel, a medium tanker, loaded in March at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, and this week passed the Suez Canal, the data showed. | co-founder Samir Madani confirmed the data to, noting that there were several vessels en route from Iran to Venezuela, with the cargo all or mostly gasoline. |…

Arabs, UN Must Move to Swiftly Protect the Status of Palestinian Refugees
Ramzy Baroud | | 2020-05-14
'Heinous racism,' is how the Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor described a recent decision by Lebanese authorities to bar Palestinian refugee expats from returning to Lebanon. Lebanon's restrictions on its ever-diminishing population of Palestinian refugees is nothing new. However, this event is particularly alarming as it may be linked to a long-term official policy regarding …

Tense Calm in Montenegro After Day of Mass Protests | 2020-05-14
Montenegro was under a cloak of tense calm on Thursday, after mass protests in several cities, which were strongly repressed by the police and during which people were arrested and injured, including minors. | RELATED: | Montenegrin Police Violently Repress Religious-Law Protesters | The origin of the situation was the detention of Orthodox Archbishop Joanikij and eight other clergymen who were saying mass in honor of Saint Vasilije Ostrovski on May 12, when thousands of people…

US Uses "Humanitarian Intervention" to Advance Economic and Strategic Interests
Roger D. Harris | | 2020-05-14
No More War focuses on the one nation in recent times that has been continuously engaged in wars of aggression. In fact, that nation has been engaged in wars or military occupations in all but five years since its founding in 1776. Author and professor of human rights law at the University of Pittsburgh, Dan …

Myanmar army admits soldiers' interrogation of prisoners was not in accordance with law
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-05-14
In a rare admission of guilt, the Myanmar army admitted that its forces were involved in interrogation of detainees that was not in accordance with the law. A leaked video on Sunday showed detainees being assaulted…

[UPDATED] Venezuelan Oil Sector Continues Slump Amid Pandemic, US Sanctions
Ricardo Vaz | | 2020-05-13
The Maduro government is working to repair refineries with Chinese and Iranian assistance to tackle fuel shortages.

From Lebanon to Syria, the Arab World is Failing Palestinian Refugees
Ramzy Baroud | | 2020-05-13
Heinous racism. That is how the Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor described a recent decision by Lebanese authorities to bar Palestinian refugee expats from returning to Lebanon. | Lebanon's restrictions on its ever-diminishing population of Palestinian refugees is nothing new. However, this event is particularly alarming as it may be linked to a long-term official policy regarding the residency status of Palestinian refugees in this Arab country. | Many were ta…

Trump's Ex-Security Company and Their Botched Plot to Overthrow the President of Venezuela | 2020-05-12
Reports coming out of Venezuela and Miami, Florida in the United States are boarding on the hilarious. If you thought you had seen it all with Venezuela's hard right-wing opposition and their allies in the U.S. with their actions to overthrow the socialist government of Nicolas Maduro, well, think again. In recent days, images of two captured North American mercenaries have been flooding the air waves in the South American country of Venezuela where Maduro remains the president, despite harsh U.S. economic sanctions. | Accord…

Minneapolis vigil honors Carlos Ernesto Escobar-Mejia, first person to die of COVID-19 in ICE detention
Fight Back | | 2020-05-12
Minneapolis, MN – After dark on Monday, May 11, the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) held a candlelight vigil at the Minneapolis Federal Courthouse to remember Carlos Ernesto Escobar-Mejia. He is the first person reported to die of COVID-19 while in jail detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The speakers at the vigil called on people to remember Carlos and called on government officials to free all ICE detainees. | Because of COVID-19, all vigil participants wore a mask and maintained social distance. | During the vigil, Escobar-Mejia's name was also projected on a large wall o…

SPLC fights to keep children out of juvenile detention, other confined settings during pandemic | 2020-05-11

Doctors Speak Out About COVID 19 & The Violent Suppression Of Your Rights
Ryan Cristián | | 2020-05-11
The only question, is whether We The People have the courage to stand for what we know to be right, or if we will allow ourselves to be scared into passively accepting the "new normal," a locked down controlled society that was prepped for, planned out, and designed years ago. I for one, will never …

Doctors Speak Out About COVID 19 & The Violent Suppression Of Your Rights
Ryan Cristián | | 2020-05-11
The only question, is whether We The People have the courage to stand for what we know to be right, or if we will allow ourselves to be scared into passively accepting the "new normal," a locked down controlled society that was prepped for, planned out, and designed years ago. I for one, will never …

"A Lynch Mob": After Months of Inaction, 2 White Men Are Charged with Murder of Ahmaud Arbery in GA
Staff | | 2020-05-08
The two white men caught on camera shooting and killing Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old African American man, were arrested and charged Thursday with murder. The arrests came two days after video of the attack in February was shared with the public, sparking widespread outrage. Today would have been Arbery's 26th birthday. We speak with civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump, who represents the Arbery family and formerly represented Trayvon Martin.…

SPLC's Civil Rights Memorial Center publishes children's activity book online | 2020-05-06

Detainees put at high risk for COVID-19 at Madison, Wi., jail
Annika Lee | | 2020-05-05
To protect them from COVID-19, incarcerated people must be freed.

Mashpee Wampanoag tribe's trust status threatened by Department of Interior
Dylan Gamez Citron and Kimberly Barzola | | 2020-05-04
"This is a violation of our rights…"

Venezuelan Crude Production Falls amid Coronavirus Crisis
Ricardo Vaz | | 2020-04-16
The Caribbean country has seen worsening gasoline shortages as the US ramps up secondary sanctions.

"Can Democracy Survive the Pandemic?": Election Hangs in the Balance as Trump Attacks Mail-In Voting
Staff | | 2020-05-15
The coronavirus pandemic poses unprecedented challenges to the November presidential election, as President Trump and the GOP capitalize on the moment to attack voting rights. We speak with Emily Bazelon, staff writer at The New York Times Magazine, whose new cover story examines the bureaucratic and political challenges of mobilizing widespread vote-by-mail by November. We also speak with Jena Griswold, secretary of state of Colorado, which already has universal vote-by-mail and the second-highest voter turnout in the country.…

Venezuela Extends COVID-19 Quarantine as Pope Criticizes Sanctions
Paul Dobson | | 2020-04-13
This is the first time the Pontiff has spoken out against the measures.

Senate Bill Challenges Online Encryption, Constitutional Rights to Speech and Privacy
VINS | | 2020-04-06
A Senate bill, the EARN IT Act of 2020, introduced by Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in March 2020, appears to revise regulations aimed at preventing online sexual…

Venezuela Blasts US 'Transition' Plan as 'Tutelage'
Lucas Koerner | | 2020-03-31
Washington has threatened to "increase" crippling sanctions until Caracas accepts the deal.

Rosneft Dodges US Sanctions by Transferring Venezuela Operations to Russian State Firm
Paul Dobson | | 2020-03-30
Moscow insists that its support for the Venezuelan government and role in its oil industry will remain unchanged.

[Correspondence] Considering inequalities in the school closure response to COVID-19
Richard Armitage, Laura B Nellums | | 2020-03-26
As COVID-19 is declared a pandemic and several countries declare nationwide school closures, these measures are affecting hundreds of millions of children.1 More countries are entering delay and mitigation phases of pandemic control, with an urgent need for proactive and multifaceted responses addressing children's social, economic, and health needs to avoid widening disparities and honour commitments to the UN Convention on Child Rights and Sustainable Development Goals.2…

UN, EU Urge Venezuela Sanctions Relief as Coronavirus Outbreak Intensifies
Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz | | 2020-03-25
The South American nation has 91 reported COVID-19 cases so far.

2020-05-14: News Headlines

RT (2020-05-14). Beijing signals harsh counter-sanctions for US lawmakers & STATES targeting China over Covid-19 outbreak. China will not submit to US lawsuits and legislation aimed at blaming Beijing for the coronavirus crisis, state media has warned, suggesting that counter-sanctions against officials and entire states are already in the works. | Numerous members of Congress and other officials will be put onto China's sanctions list for their involvement in efforts to demonize China for its alleged responsibility for the pandemic, the Global Times The "painful" countermeasures will likely target Senator John Haw…

RT (2020-05-14). Gunpoint diplomacy: US to 'snap back' all UN sanctions on Iran if expiring arms embargo isn't renewed. Two years after spectacularly exiting the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the US has threatened to trigger a return of all UN sanctions — once lifted under those accords — if it doesn't renew an arms embargo set to expire in October.

Anthony Ravlich (2020-05-14). Ethical Human Rights: China criticizes New Zealand for supporting Taiwan. If my book was less suppressed the UN may well take a more positive view of Taiwan's wish to gain formal recognition in the World Health Organization. The UN seems to be following China's 'One-China policy' by excluding Taiwan.

IFCSS (2020-05-14). U.S. Sanctions: The Weaponization of the Global Financial System. Zoom Meeting ID: 873 3950 1810 | Password: 795705 | Join Zoom meeting: |… | Call in: +1 669-900-9128 | Look up int'l numbers:

en.mehrnews (2020-05-14). Brian Hook threatens to trigger return of UN sanctions on Iran. TEHRAN, May 14 (MNA) — In line with Washington's hawkish policies, US special envoy for Iran, Brian Hook, has publicly threatened to trigger a return of all United Nations sanctions on the Islamic Republic if the UN Security Council does not extend an arms embargo on Tehran that is due to expire in October under the 2015 nuclear deal.

WSWS (2020-05-14). Iran destabilised by US amid COVID-19 pandemic. US sanctions have shattered the country's economy and blocked access to critical food, pharmaceutical and industrial supplies, making it more difficult for Iran to respond to the pandemic.

en.mehrnews (2020-05-14). Iranian coastguards detain 4 trawlers, 8 foreign nationals in Hormozgan. TEHRAN, May 14 (MNA) — Coastguards of southern Hormuzgan province have seized four trawlers and arrested eight foreign nationals on board at Bandar Abbas territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, provincial Judiciary official Ali Salehi said on Thursday.

Zoe PC (2020-05-13). New Orleans sanitation workers demand "basic rights that every worker deserves" New Orleans sanitation workers began a The hoppers work for Metro Services Group, but are hired by a third party app-b…

RT (2020-05-13). Chechen leader Kadyrov BANNED from Instagram AGAIN, loses account with 1.4 MILLION followers. For many in the 21st century, losing social media access would be a devastating blow. However, for Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, it's just another day. For the third time in three years, Kadyrov has been banned from Instagram. | According to Instagram's owners, Facebook, the ban was in relation to US sanctions against the Chechen leader. | Since 2017, Kadyrov has been sanctioned by the United States under the terms of the Magnitsky Act. Signed by President Barack Obama in 2012, and later expanded in 2016, the Magnitsky Act enables the US government to sanction foreign government officials implicated in allege…

RT (2020-05-13). Beijing denounces 'immoral' US Senate bill threatening China with sanctions over Covid-19. Beijing has lashed out at US legislation which seeks to impose sanctions on China if it fails to cooperate with Washington's investigation into the coronavirus pandemic. | The bill would require the president to notify Congress within 60 days that China had "provided a full and complete accounting" to any US-led probe into the coronavirus outbreak. The rule would also apply to investigations carried out by American allies and UN agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO). | The legislation also demands that China shutter all "wet markets" which can pose a risk to human health. It also calls for the i…

Ramzy Baroud (2020-05-13). From Lebanon to Syria, the Arab World is Failing Palestinian Refugees. Heinous racism. That is how the Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor described a recent decision by Lebanese authorities to bar Palestinian refugee expats from returning to Lebanon. | Lebanon's restrictions on its Many were ta…

Ricardo Vaz (2020-05-13). [UPDATED] Venezuelan Oil Sector Continues Slump Amid Pandemic, US Sanctions. The Maduro government is working to repair refineries with Chinese and Iranian assistance to tackle fuel shortages.

Andrey Areshev (2020-05-13). Something About Julian Assange You Should Know. It is not just our family who suffers from the infringement of Julian's rights. If our family and Julian's lawyers are not off-limits, then nothing is. The person responsible for allegedly ordering the theft of Gabriel's DNA is Mike Pompeo, who last month threatened the family members of lawyers working at the International Criminal Court.

John Whitehead (2020-05-13). Contact Tracing, Immunity Cards and Mass Testing: Are We on The Fast Track to a National ID? CHARLOTTESVILLE ( That's the message being broadcast 24/7 with every new piece of government propaganda, every new law that criminalizes otherwise lawful activity, every new policeman on the beat, every new surveillance camera casting a watchful eye, every sensationalist news story that titillates and distracts, every new prison or detention center built to house troublemake…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-05-13). IndustriALL questions violations of worker rights by Shell in Nigeria. 82% of oil giant Shell's workforce in Nigeria is sourced through labor contractors. As per IndustriALL, the workers "live in poverty with no job security, poor healthcare and little regard for health and safety."

en.mehrnews (2020-05-13). Trump ally Lindsey Graham seeks China sanctions over coronavirus probe: report. TEHRAN, May 13 (MNA) — A leading US Republican senator proposed legislation on Tuesday that would authorise the US president to impose far-reaching sanctions on China if it fails to give a full account of events leading to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

en.mehrnews (2020-05-13). Lavrov slams US' baseless accusations against Russia, China amid coronavirus pandemic. TEHRAN, May 13 (MNA) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov slammed on Wednesday Washington's accusations against Russia and China as baseless, stressing that unilateral sanctions could only hinder humanitarian assistance amid the coronavirus pandemic.

commondreams (2020-05-13). Imposing Sanctions Is A War Crime Amid Pandemic. ______________________________…

Fight Back (2020-05-12). Leaders from sanctioned countries condemn U.S. sanctions amid COVID-19 pandemic. Minneapolis, MN – Over 1000 people attended an online panel hosted by the United National AntiWar Coalition, May 9. In a panel entitled, "U.S. Sanctions During the COVID-19 Pandemic, a Global Threat" leaders representing six countries facing harsh U.S. sanctions highlighted the leading role of the United States in undermining the healthcare infrastructure of sovereign states in order to foment regime change. | U.S. imposed economic sanctions currently impact 39 countries, representing one third of the global population. These sanctions result in chronic shortages of basic necessities and have inhibited the abilit…

Lauren Kuhlik (2020-05-12). During COVID-19 Crisis, We Must Prioritize the Release of Pregnant People. This piece was first published on

Teresa Gutierrez (2020-05-12). Political Prisoners Teach-In: Mumia, migrant rights and cages. These slightly edited remarks were made April 24 at the "U.S. Empire vs. Political Prisoners" teach-in webinar sponsored by Mobilization4Mumia and held in honor of the 66th birthday of political prisoner and revolutionary Mumia Abu-Jamal, incarcerated for 39 years by the U.S. state. Teresa Gutierrez First of all, happy . . . |

Betsey Piette (2020-05-12). Sanctions = Health terrorism. A timely international webinar, sponsored by on May 9, featured representatives from Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, Syria and Venezuela, plus a statement from Zimbabwe addressing the deadly impact of U.S. sanctions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 1,000 people from nearly every continent, including multiple U.S. cities, viewed the event. The . . . |

Fight Back (2020-05-12). Minneapolis vigil honors Carlos Ernesto Escobar-Mejia, first person to die of COVID-19 in ICE detention. Minneapolis, MN – After dark on Monday, May 11, the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) held a candlelight vigil at the Minneapolis Federal Courthouse to remember Carlos Ernesto Escobar-Mejia. He is the first person reported to die of COVID-19 while in jail detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The speakers at the vigil called on people to remember Carlos and called on government officials to free all ICE detainees. | Because of COVID-19, all vigil participants wore a mask and maintained social distance. | During the vigil, Escobar-Mejia's name was also projected on a large wall o…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-05-12). Serbian housing rights collective organizes relief work for COVID-19. Serbian housing rights collective Zdru≈æena Akcija Krov nad Glavom (Joint Action Roof Over Your Head) has initiated a relief campaign for the distribution of food and other essentials to people in distress…

Anish R (2020-05-12). We don't need empty praise: Nurses' unions demand better protection, rights. May 12 is globally observed as International Nurses Day. The day marks the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, who revolutionized healthcare and introduced modern nursing. This year, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses have come out to tell us that they have been left behind. | A virtual press conference held by Public Services International (PSI), on the eve of the Nurses Day, had unions from different parts of the Asia-Pacific region talk about the monumental challenges during the pandemic. According to the South-East Asian Regional Office (SEARO) of the World Health Organization, at this time, the Asia-P…

Andrea Woods (2020-05-12). Dallas County Officials are Leaving Vulnerable People to Catch COVID-19 in Jail. Wykivia and Ideare Bailey were taking every precaution. Worried for their asthmatic daughter due to the spread of COVID-19, the couple was meticulous in cleaning, sanitizing, and social distancing to reduce every possible threat. However, when Ideare was arrested for property theft and booked into the Dallas County Jail on April 6, there was no way to adhere to those precautions. Held in a crowded intake room, he could not maintain six feet of distance from other people. Forced to live in a dormitory with 60 other people — for meals, downtime, sleeping, bathing, everything — Mr. Bailey knew that he…

Fight Back (2020-05-12). Minnesota Nurses Association plans to march on the State Capitol to demand safety for nurses. St. Paul, MN – As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise across Minnesota, members of the Minnesota Nurses Association have announced that they will march on May 20 from Allina Health United Hospital to the Minnesota State Capitol to demand that management of United Hospital and other hospitals provide proper PPE, training, and safety, as well as transparency to keep nurses and other healthcare workers safe. They will also be delivering a petition with over 10,000 signatures to the Minnesota Department of Health demanding a Pandemic Bill of Rights to keep Minnesotans safe. Social distancing guidelines will be followe…

teleSUR (2020-05-12). Nicaragua Requests OAS Lift Sanctions Due to COVID Crisis. Nicaragua's representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) demanded on May 11 that sanctions cease against Cuba, Venezuela, and his nation. | RELATED: | Nicaraguan diplomat Luis Alvarado participated in the first session of the Weekly Forum on the Challenges Facing Inter-American Law in the Time of the Coronavirus. He referred to COVID-19's social and economic worldwide impact. Alvarado stated solidarity and cooperation are paramount to cope with sequels…

en.mehrnews (2020-05-12). World Council of Churches calls for lifting US sanctions against Iran. TEHRAN, May 12 (MNA) — In a letter to the chairman of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization Ebrahimi Torkaman World Council of Churches (WCC) Acting General Secretary Ioan Sauca said that WCC calls for the lifting of sanctions against the Iranian people.

pip.hinman (2020-05-12). Refugee rights supporters occupy the Mantra Hotel.

sputniknews (2020-05-12). Church Vandalised in Pakistan Allegedly by Armed Men Over Land Dispute – Video. New Delhi (Sputnik): The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) recently released a report citing the sufferings of minorities due to forced conversion to Islam. The report said minorities were unable to enjoy the religious freedom that is supposedly guaranteed them under the constitution.

sputniknews (2020-05-12). Russian Federal Security Service Detains Man Planning to Set Gov't Buildings on Fire in Tver Region. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) on Tuesday announced the prevention of a terrorist attack in the city of Kimry, in Tver Region.

yenisafak (2020-05-12). N. Cyprus slams joint declaration on E. Mediterranean. The premier of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) slammed on Tuesday a joint declaration dubbing Turkey's activities in the Eastern Mediterranean as "illegal"."Turkish Cypriots have as much rights as the Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean," said TRNC Prime Minister Ersin Tatar in a statement.Tatar said that some parties heighten hostilities when their interests in the region are being hampered, but this was not a rightful approach.The Turkish Cypriot premier's remarks came after Greece, Egypt, France, the Greek Cypriot administration, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) released the joint declaration…

Patrick Anderson (2020-05-11). The Execution of Julian Assange. I do not respect anyone who has not been to prison." Julian Assange once said to Renata Avila, a Guatemalan human rights activist who serves as legal counsel for WikiLeaks. "What he meant," Avila After a decade of being shuttled from house arrest to confinement in an embassy to Belmarsh Prison to, if the United States government ge…

G. Dunkel (2020-05-11). In Haiti ICE is spreading COVID-19. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency charged with deporting people from the United States, scheduled five deportations to Haiti on May 11 from the Pine Prairie Detention Center in Louisiana. The agency claims the five individuals have either tested positive for COVID-19 or show signs of having the disease. (Miami . . . |

Andrea Germanos, staff writer (2020-05-11). The Elders Issue Scathing Rebuke of Israel's Trump-Approved West Bank Annexation Plan. "The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians can only ever be solved by finding a solution that guarantees peace, security, rights, and dignity to both peoples. Unilaterally seizing territory and ignoring international law achieves precisely the opposite." |…

Jessica Corbett, staff writer (2020-05-11). Rights Groups Work to Stop 'Unnecessary and Potentially Disenfranchising Purges' of Voter Rolls in Pennsylvania. American civil rights groups on Monday moved to intervene in a lawsuit filed by the right-wing activist group Judicial Watch that critics warn could result in "the unnecessary and potentially disenfranchising purges" of voter rolls in three Pennsylvania counties ahead of the November elections. |…

PCHR (2020-05-11). PCHR: In the Context of Israel's Policy of Collective Punishment, Occupation Forces Demolish Home of Palestinian Detainee's Family in Ramallah. Palestinian Center for Human Rights In the context of the collective punishment policy pursued by the Israeli occupation forces against the families of Palestinian citizens accused of carrying out acts of resistance against them and/or against the settlers, those forces demolished a house in the early hours of Monday, 11/5/2020, …

Ryan Cristián (2020-05-11). Doctors Speak Out About COVID 19 & The Violent Suppression Of Your Rights. The only question, is whether We The People have the courage to stand for what we know to be right, or if we will allow ourselves to be scared into passively accepting the "new normal," a locked down controlled society that was prepped for, planned out, and designed years ago. I for one, will never …

commondreams (2020-05-11). Voting Rights Advocates Intervene to Stop Illegitimate Purge of Eligible Pennsylvania Voters. ______________________________…