Monthly Archives: December 2020

2020-12-11: News Headlines

Workers World Party (2020-12-11). PDF of December 10 issue. Download the 12-page PDF. Capitalist COVID catastrophe FIGHT or DIE! Message from Peltier; Reparations now! Justice for Breonna denied again; Disability rights; Workers demand justice; DEA surveillance; Editorial: New president — same wars; Commentary: Becoming a cadre; GLOBAL: China: global vaccines, science; India: worker & farmer uprising; Cuba; France; Palestine; Venezuela. . . . |

Mark Taliano (2020-12-11). COVID Crimes and the Violation of Fundamental Human Rights in Ontario. Full transcript of the video below. Recorded by Mark Taliano | [00: 00: 00] He spoke in Toronto yesterday? | [00: 00: 07] Oh, our lawful excuse for being here is for safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and …

RT (2020-12-11). Migrant smugglers exploiting Covid-19 pandemic, Interpol warns. Interpol has made more than 200 arrests as part of an international operation to bring down criminal smuggling networks, and warned human traffickers are exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic. | The one-week op, named Operation Turquesa II, saw officials in 32 countries conduct more than 50,000 checks. The massive crackdown lead to the identification of around 3,500 irregular migrants and the detention of over 200 people linked to migrant smuggling and human trafficking. | Interpol Secretary General Juergen Stock warned that the operation "shows how organized crime groups continue to take advantage of vulnerable pe…

_____ (2020-12-11). Lynchings By Law. The U.S. death penalty has always been a symbol of white supremacy and a violation of human rights law. Having already executed 11 people this year, the Trump administration plans to execute five people (four of them Black) during a lame-duck session. This would be the first time a president has carried out executions during a lame-duck session since the Cleveland administration carried out the execution of an Indigenous man in 1890. | The profound anti-lynching activist Ida B. Wells once said: "The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them."

Manar Waheed (2020-12-11). Biden Must Restore Citizenship for Black and Brown People. President Trump's relentless destruction of our immigration system is well documented. However, the myriad ways in which he attacked and targeted Black and Brown people seeking immigration benefits or citizenship, and even U.S. citizens is less discussed. , , There have been three substantial attacks on citizenship for Black and Brown immigrants: | Indefinite delays of immigration benefits, including citizenship, through the Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program (CARRP), which has targeted Muslims and people from Muslim-majority countries since 2008;Blocking the expedited path to citizenship fo…

Art Persyko (2020-12-11). Thursday 12/10: A Public Reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the SF Gray Panthers. Zoom…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-12-11). On International Human Rights Day, Chileans demand release of political prisoners. This December 10, on International Human Rights Day, hundreds of Chileans took to the streets to demand the release of all political prisoners in the country. There was special emphasis on the demand to release the protesters arrested during Several small demonstrations were c…

ACLU (2020-12-11). Glennon Doyle on Telling Loved Ones Hard Truths. On our podcast, At Liberty, we learn a lot about history, civil rights and civil liberties issues, and how we can use legal advocacy to move the needle. This week, we spent time talking about how we can best share that knowledge with others, especially the people in our lives who may not be as tuned into these conversations. , , Bestselling author Glennon Doyle, who knows a thing or two about difficult truth-telling, joined us to break down how those of us who are invested in civil rights work can better draw the people closest to us into our fights for justice and equality. Doyle is also the founder and presi…

MEE and agencies (2020-12-10). Amnesty criticises Airbnb for West Bank settlement listings ahead of IPO. Amnesty criticises Airbnb for West Bank settlement listings ahead of IPO | Rights group says US company failed to inform investors of its business activities in illegal Israeli settlements | Thu, 12/10/2020 – 08: 19 | The San Francisco-based booking company is holding an initial public offering on the Nasdaq on Thursday (AFP) | Amnesty International has accused Airbnb of acting in bad fait…

Leonardo Flores (2020-12-10). Low Turnout, but Free, Elections in Venezuela Are a Blow To Regime Change. After four years of sanctions, sabotaged industries, attempted coups, an assassination by drone attempt, a mercenary incursion and paramilitary attacks, among others, Venezuela managed to survive the Trump administration's maximum pressure.

Ragip Soylu (2020-12-10). Libya's Haftar releases detained Turkish ship. Libya's Haftar releases detained Turkish ship | The cargo ship was released after paying a fine to the eastern Libya commander's forces following threats by Turkey | Thu, 12/10/2020 – 14: 50 | In this file photo taken on 19 October,2020 in Istanbul shows Turkey's third drilling ship 'Kanuni' as it enters the Bosphorus near Haydarpasa port (AFP) | Forces loyal to renegade general Khalifa Haftar have relea…

Areeb Ullah (2020-12-10). Six times the ICC says British forces committed war crimes in Iraq. Six times the ICC says British forces committed war crimes in Iraq | Despite not pursuing its own investigation, court says there is 'reasonable basis' to believe British forces committed murder, rape and torture | Thu, 12/10/2020 – 16: 00 | An Iraqi youth looks at a British soldier pointing his machinegun while conducting a security operation in the Iraqi southern city of Basra, 16 February 2006 (AFP)…

MEE staff (2020-12-10). Western Sahara: Decades-long sovereignty battle for 'Africa's last colony'. Western Sahara: Decades-long sovereignty battle for 'Africa's last colony' | Region has been claimed by both Morocco and Polisario Front, an independence movement that has long awaited political referendum | Thu, 12/10/2020 – 19: 33 | People demonstrate in support of Sahrawi people's rights in Malaga, Spain, on 28 November (AFP) | Often referred to as Africa's last colony, Western Sahara has come to the forefr…

Staff (2020-12-10). Law Prof: I Nominated Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed for the Nobel Peace Prize. Then He Started a Civil War. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 for ending the two-decade "state of war" between Ethiopia and Eritrea, with many hailing a new era of peace in the region. Just one year later, Ahmed's military has displaced tens of thousands of civilians in an ongoing military campaign in the northern Tigray region. Thousands have died since Ethiopia declared war on the Tigray People's Liberation Front in early November, and at least one massacre has been reported. Ethiopia has admitted federal troops fired at and detained U.N. workers in the northern Tigray region for attempting to e…

sputniknews (2020-12-10). EU Backs Move to Implement Sanctions on Turkey, Sources Say. Earlier, Brussels imposed individual sanctions for illegal drilling in the territorial waters of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean. In November, the EU extended these sanctions for a year, until 12 November 2021.

Dr. Pascal Sacré (2020-12-10). The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a "Test" To Lock Down Society. The misuse of the RT-PCR technique is used as an intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society,…

Mehr News Agency (2020-12-10). Govt. to spare no effort in providing COVID-19 vaccine: Veep. TEHRAN, Dec. 10 (MNA) — Stating that provision of coronavirus, COVID-19, vaccine is of the main priorities of the country, Iranian First Vice President said that the country will spare no effort in providing corona vaccine despite cruel US sanctions.

Cherri Murphy (2020-12-10). Advocates Fear New Wave of Anti-Worker Laws Pushed by Big Tech. Ride-hailing companies Uber and Lyft scored a major victory with the passage of Proposition 22 in California, and worker rights advocates fear they will push similar measures in other states…

National Welfare Rights Union, NUH, partners (2020-12-10). Thursday 12/10: Human Right's Day Virtual Gathering w/ National Union of the Homeless & NWRU. Online via livestream: YouTube & FB…

Vania Leveille (2020-12-10). The Biden Administration's Disability Rights To-Do List. People with disabilities face enormous barriers in the United States today — from a pandemic that is killing disabled people, especially those in institutions, at staggering rates; to schools that too often fail, traumatize, and criminalize students with disabilities; to a criminal legal system that unnecessarily targets, incarcerates, and kills Black and Brown people with mental disabilities. The administration must make disability rights a priority from day one, with a commitment to addressing head-on these harms and the intersection of discrimination and marginalization around disability, race, and po…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-12-10). 2009 H1N1 Vaccine Caused Brain Damage in Children. Dr. Anthony Fauci on "Vaccine Safety" Issues. A lawsuit against the Trudeau Government for its handling of the COVID-19 Crisis has been launched. What is at stake is the violation of fundamental rights of Canadians. | "The mass and indiscriminate containment of citizens, the restriction of access to …

news.un (2020-12-09). UN's Bachelet slams 'reprehensible' political leadership during pandemic, sees hope in new US administration. Some political leadership during the pandemic has been "reprehensible", UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said on Wednesday, while holding out hope of a better 2021 as US President-elect Joe Biden takes office.

Lyn Neeley (2020-12-09). Venezuelan court convicts the CITGO Six. Venezuela's Supreme Court sentenced six top CITGO oil executives to prison for corruption, embezzlement, money laundering and conspiracy on Nov. 26. The former executives went behind the back of the Venezuelan state and signed an agreement with two U.S. based-international financial companies — for which they were detained in Nov. . . . |

Global Witness (2020-12-09). Beef, Banks and the Brazilian Amazon. Preserving tropical rainforests is critical to help stop climate breakdown and to safeguard the rights of the local communities and indigenous peoples who depend on and defend them. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought into sharp relief the importance of …

Andrea Germanos, staff writer (2020-12-09). 'Severe Blow to Iraqi Torture Survivors': Despite Evidence of UK War Crimes, ICC Drops War Crimes Probe. The decision "will doubtless fuel perceptions of an ugly double standard in justice: one approach to powerful states and quite another for those with less clout." |…

Editor (2020-12-09). Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin: A Certain Kind of Diversity. by Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.) / Original to ScheerPost America's first black presumptive secretary of defense grew up in the same town — Thomasville, GA — as the first black West Point graduate, Henry O. Flipper. I actually took select cadets from my civil rights history class to visit the southwest Georgia city on an academic trip in the summer of 2016. In fact, I vaguely remember the owner… |

Ashoka Mukpo (2020-12-09). Central Africa and South Asia: World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Knew About Rights Abuses by Park Rangers, but Didn't Respond Effectively.

teleSUR (2020-12-09). Brazil: MST Will Denounce Violation of Rights Before the OAS. The Landless Movement of Brazil (MST) will denounce before the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights of the Organization of American States (IACHR/OAS) various human rights violations committed by the Brazilian State against aggro-Campesino communities. | RELATED: | The public hearing will take place through the multilateral organization's social networks from 03: H00 (GMT time), with the participation…

Food Empowerment Project (2020-12-09). Demanding Safeway Put an End to Restrictive Covenants this Human Rights Day. North Bay Labor Council Joins Food Empowerment Project on Human Rights Day in Demanding Safeway Put an End to Their Restrictive Covenants!

San Francisco Human Rights Commision (2020-12-09). Wednesday 12/9: Stand Together SF: Systemic Racism and How it has Affected the Asian and Black Communities. Online via Zoom…

Dean Baker, Achal Prabhala and Arjun Jayadev (2020-12-09). Want Vaccines Fast? Suspend Intellectual Property Rights. As some reports would have it, this is the beginning of the end. Three coronavirus vaccines have posted excellent results, with more expected to come. But this is not the beginning of the end; it is only the beginning of an endless wait: There aren't enough vaccines to go around in the richest countries on

Jake Johnston (2020-12-09). Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to Hold Hearing on Haiti. The follow is a guest post from the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti. On Thursday, December 10, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will hold a hearing on pervasive impunity and a lack of judicial independence in Haiti. The event will be broadcast live here. The Commission, a quasi‚Äêjudicial body of the …

Media Lens (2020-12-08). Stuck in a Lift with John Pilger: News and How to Use It by Alan Rusbridger. Noticing the way journalists seemed unable to resist commenting on our work, even if it was just to slag us off, Glenn Greenwald tweeted us in 2012: 'You are really deeper in the heads of the British establishment-serving commentariat than anyone else — congrats.' ((Greenwald, Twitter, 12 September 2012.)) If that was true then, our relationship …

Pip Hinman (2020-12-08). US imperialist alliance cause of trade war with China. China's restrictions on a range of Australian goods has come about because of Australia's double standard on human rights and its alliance with the United States, argues Chris Slee.

Paul Craig Roberts (2020-12-08). In America Democracy Destroyed Democracy. In the United States democracy was destroyed by democracy. Read on and you will learn what I mean. | When I refer to the US as a democracy usually a couple of readers will inform me that the US is a republic, not a democracy. They are behind the times. The US was born as a republic, but the Lincoln Republicans valued empire more than the republic and destroyed the republic by overthrowing the secession of the Southern states with military force. | Once states rights were overthrown, the other parts of the structure built by the Founding Fathers of the Republic were discarded. Women and people who were not propert…

2020-12-11: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

PDF of December 10 issue
Workers World Party | | 2020-12-11
Download the 12-page PDF. Capitalist COVID catastrophe FIGHT or DIE! Message from Peltier; Reparations now! Justice for Breonna denied again; Disability rights; Workers demand justice; DEA surveillance; Editorial: New president — same wars; Commentary: Becoming a cadre; GLOBAL: China: global vaccines, science; India: worker & farmer uprising; Cuba; France; Palestine; Venezuela. . . . | Continue reading PDF of December 10 issue at…

COVID Crimes and the Violation of Fundamental Human Rights in Ontario
Mark Taliano | | 2020-12-11
Full transcript of the video below. Recorded by Mark Taliano | [00: 00: 00] He spoke in Toronto yesterday? | [00: 00: 07] Oh, our lawful excuse for being here is for safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and …

On International Human Rights Day, Chileans demand release of political prisoners
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-12-11
This December 10, on International Human Rights Day, hundreds of Chileans took to the streets to demand the release of all political prisoners in the country. There was special emphasis on the demand to release the protesters arrested during the protests of October 2019 and in demonstrations in the following months as well as the Indigenous Mapuche political prisoners. | Several small demonstrations were c…

Lynchings By Law
_____ | | 2020-12-11
The U.S. death penalty has always been a symbol of white supremacy and a violation of human rights law. Having already executed 11 people this year, the Trump administration plans to execute five people (four of them Black) during a lame-duck session. This would be the first time a president has carried out executions during a lame-duck session since the Cleveland administration carried out the execution of an Indigenous man in 1890. | The profound anti-lynching activist Ida B. Wells once said: "The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them."

Biden Must Restore Citizenship for Black and Brown People
Manar Waheed | | 2020-12-11
President Trump's relentless destruction of our immigration system is well documented. However, the myriad ways in which he attacked and targeted Black and Brown people seeking immigration benefits or citizenship, and even U.S. citizens is less discussed. , , There have been three substantial attacks on citizenship for Black and Brown immigrants: | Indefinite delays of immigration benefits, including citizenship, through the Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program (CARRP), which has targeted Muslims and people from Muslim-majority countries since 2008;Blocking the expedited path to citizenship fo…

Migrant smugglers exploiting Covid-19 pandemic, Interpol warns | 2020-12-11
Interpol has made more than 200 arrests as part of an international operation to bring down criminal smuggling networks, and warned human traffickers are exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic. | The one-week op, named Operation Turquesa II, saw officials in 32 countries conduct more than 50,000 checks. The massive crackdown lead to the identification of around 3,500 irregular migrants and the detention of over 200 people linked to migrant smuggling and human trafficking. | Interpol Secretary General Juergen Stock warned that the operation "shows how organized crime groups continue to take advantage of vulnerable pe…

Thursday 12/10: A Public Reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the SF Gray Panthers
Art Persyko | | 2020-12-11

Europe's Anti-Russia Sanctions a Stupendous Act of Self-Harm and Loathing
_____ | | 2020-12-11
New data out this week indicates that the European Union has suffered aggregate economic losses amounting to over ‚Ǩ120 billion due to its policy of imposing sanctions against Russia. That's according to figures released by the Dusseldorf Chamber of Commerce and Industry. | Yet European leaders at an EU summit this week again called for the extension of sanctions on Russia, which will ro…

Big Pharma Strikes Back
Dean Baker | | 2020-12-11
By Dean Baker and Arjun Jayadev On Monday, we, along with Achal Prabhala, had a column in the New York Times arguing in support of a resolution put forward before the WTO by India and South Africa, which would suspend intellectual property rights related to vaccines and treatments during the pandemic. The main point is …

The American Petroleum Institute Is Working to Kill Voting on Local Measures
Staff | | 2020-12-11
Over the past five years, organizers in seven Ohio communities (three cities, four counties) have qualified ballot measures to recognize enforceable rights of ecosystems and human rights to water. All take the historic and bold step of elevating these basic rights above the legal privileges currently enjoyed by private corporations in the United States. | The local laws se…

Glennon Doyle on Telling Loved Ones Hard Truths | 2020-12-11
On our podcast, At Liberty, we learn a lot about history, civil rights and civil liberties issues, and how we can use legal advocacy to move the needle. This week, we spent time talking about how we can best share that knowledge with others, especially the people in our lives who may not be as tuned into these conversations. , , Bestselling author Glennon Doyle, who knows a thing or two about difficult truth-telling, joined us to break down how those of us who are invested in civil rights work can better draw the people closest to us into our fights for justice and equality. Doyle is also the founder and presi…

Sahrawis condemn US recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara
Peoples Dispatch | | 2020-12-11
In return of US recognition of its rights over Western Sahara, Morocco has agreed to "normalize" its relations with Israel. The United Nations and the majority of the world does not recognize Moroccan claims of sovereignty over the territory.

How The US Dominates Tech: The Untold Story
_____ | | 2020-12-10