2021-06-05: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

Roman Protasevich, Casualty Of The Ryanair Incident In Belarus, Is Spilling The Beans
_____ | popularresistance.org | 2021-06-05
'Western' media, as well as other regime change activist claim that Protasevich must have been tortured to say what he says. However, aside from light handcuff marks at his wrists there is no evidence of that. Protasevich had previously been wounded when he fought in the fascist Ukrainian Azov battalion against the Donbas secessionists. He is a tough guy who will not be impressed by handcuffs which, by the way, police everywhere use for good reasons.

Learning to Feel Collectively
Max Lill | indybay.org | 2021-06-05
The starting point of the upheavals are the anti-colonial movements that have been spreading across the globe since the end of World War II. With the Black Civil Rights Movement, they penetrate into the heart of the capitalist world system starting in the mid-1950s, where they politicize liberal students* and the existentialist beat culture of the bohemians.

UK's Bulk interception of communications violated Articles 8 and 10
Charlotte Gilmartin | ukhumanrightsblog.com | 2021-06-04
In its judgment of 25 May 2021 the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights found that certain aspects of the UK's regime governing bulk interception of communications were contrary to Articles 8 and 10 of the Convention. The case concerned three different interception regimes: bulk interception of communications; the receipt of intercepted …

Socialist Alliance: Reject the coup regime in Myanmar/Burma
Socialist Alliance | greenleft.org.au | 2021-06-04
The Socialist Alliance is calling on the Coalition government to impose targeted sanctions on Myanmar's military while maintaining aid to the victims of human rights violations.

Headlines for June 4, 2021
Staff | democracynow.org | 2021-06-04
Activists Call U.S. Plan to Ship 25 Million COVID Vaccine Doses Abroad "Deeply Insufficient", WHO Warns of Surging COVID-19 Cases in Africa as Vaccine Shipments Come to "Near Halt", Chinese Authorities Ban Hong Kong Vigil Commemorating Tiananmen Massacre, Arrest Organizer, Peruvian Presidential Runoff Pits Ex-Dictator's Daughter Against Socialist School Teacher, 89 Politicians Killed in Run-up to Mexican Midterm Elections, Lawyers for Guantánamo Prisoner Challenge Judge's Order Permitting Use of Info Obtained by Torture, Watchdog Says Pentagon Grossly Misrepresented Civilian Casualties from U.S. Military, U.N. Sa…

"Disaster Patriarchy": V (Eve Ensler) on How the Pandemic Has Unleashed a War on Women
Staff | democracynow.org | 2021-06-04
The pandemic has led to a sharp rise in gender-based violence, job losses in female-dominated industries, greater parenting duties for mothers, and other pressures that primarily fall on women around the world. These effects amount to a kind of "disaster patriarchy" in which "men exploit a crisis to reassert control and dominance and rapidly erase the hard-earned rights of women," says V, the artist and activist formerly known as Eve Ensler. "Women are losing their safety, their economic power, their autonomy, their education, and they are pushed onto the frontlines, where they are often used, unprotected and sac…

'Keep up the pressure for Palestine' — Communists urge
Editorial Team | challenge-magazine.org | 2021-06-04
The Communist Party of Britain has welcomed the upsurge in mass demonstrations around the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people. But the Party's International Secretary John Foster called for the protests to continue and even escalate, to put pressure on national governments to force Israel to the negotiating table with Palestinian representatives. "Persuasion having failed over recent decades, sanctions against the Israeli state are necessary in order to bring such talks about", he told the CP Political Committee on Wednesday evening (2 June 2021).

Coalition wants Congress to end immunity for federal police, agents
Mark Gruenberg | peoplesworld.org | 2021-06-04
WASHINGTON–It's time to put a cap on ICE…and the Border Patrol…and the FBI…and any other federal law enforcement agent who illegally violates someone's civil rights, by making violators personally liable for damages when they do. Removing that immunity from prosecution for damages is, in so many words, what more than a dozen organizations, including pro-labor …

Sinema's Position on the Filibuster Echoes Goldwater's Case Against Civil Rights
Joan Walsh | thenation.com | 2021-06-04
Sinema's Position on the Filibuster Echoes Goldwater's Case Against Civil Rights…

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