2022-08-01: News Headlines

Themoscowtimes (2022-08-01). Russia Releases Ukrainians Set for Deportation — Kommersant. themoscowtimes.com Hundreds of Ukrainians have been stuck in limbo at Moscow detention centers awaiting deportations that were halted by the invasion of Ukraine.

Infobrics (2022-08-01). RBI Allows Global Trade Settlements in‚ÄäRupees. infobrics.org RBI's move to allow global trade settlements in‚Ää rupees is‚Ää seen‚Ää primarily‚Ää aimed‚Ää at‚Ää facilitating‚Ää trade‚Ää with ‚Ääsanctions-hit‚Ää Russia…

TeleSUR (2022-08-01). Russia Asks for Respect for Serbs Residing in Kosovo. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov requested respect for the rights of Serbs residing in Kosovo and asked the Kosovar authorities "to be reasonable" in handling tensions on the border between Serbia and its former province. | RELATED: | "We demand that all rights of Serbs be respected," he said, adding that Russia "without a doubt absolutely supports Serbia" and considers the Kosovar authorities' intention to…

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-01). Cumbre de los Pueblos Originarios reclama la paz para Colombia. telesurtv.net Comunidades indígenas se sumarán a los cambios anunciados por el Gobierno del Pacto Histórico a partir del respeto a sus derechos.

Juan Cole (2022-08-01). How Samuel Alito's Attack on Privacy Rights could Make that famous Star Trek Kiss between Nichelle Nichols and William Shatner Illegal Again. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) &#1 ; Steve Chawkins writes in the LA Times that actress Nichelle Nichols died of a heart attack on Saturday at 89 in Silver City, New Mexico. Nichols was cast by Star Trek creator Gene Rodenberry as Lt. Nyota Uhura, chief communications officer of the Federation star ship Enterprise and the fourth …

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-08-01). Iran's intelligence forces detain Israeli-linked Baha'i group. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) — The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence said in a statement on Monday that its forces arrested members of the Baha'i group linked with the Israeli regime.

____ (2022-08-01). Xinjiang residents send their stories to UN's human rights chief. ecns.cn People in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region have recently been sending emails to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, sharing their personal stories and expressing their anger at learning about how the region is being portrayed by anti-China forces.

Shaheen Rahman (2022-08-01). Vardy 0 &#1 ; 1 Rooney: Wagatha Christie solved at last. ukhumanrightsblog.com The judgment in Vardy v Rooney [2022] EWHC 2017 can be found HERE. The case was a game of two other halves — Coleen Rooney, wife of Wayne, and Rebekah Vardy, wife of Jamie. Steyn J's judgment left Rooney and her legal team punching the air and dousing themselves in champagne whilst Vardy cradled herself …

Special to People's World (2022-08-01). California's longest serving death-row prisoner on pain and Native identity. peoplesworld.org Douglas Ray Stankewitz is California's longest-serving death-row prisoner. The 63-year-old Monache and Cherokee Indian from the Big Sandy Rancheria has spent 43 years in San Quentin State Prison for a crime he says he didn't commit: the Feb. 8, 1978 carjacking and murder of 21-year-old Theresa Graybeal in Fresno, California. (Stankewitz says that while he …

Esha Krishnaswamy (2022-07-31). "These are animals, not people": Zelensky frees convicted child rapists, torturers to reinforce depleted military. thegrayzone.com Once condemned by Ukrainian officials and imprisoned for sadistic torture and the rape of minors, leaders of the notorious Tornado Battalion are free under Volodymyr Zelensky's orders. After banning virtually his entire political opposition, publishing a blacklist of foreign journalists and academics accused of advancing "Russian propaganda," and ramming through a law exempting 70% of Ukrainians from workplace protections, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy has freed from prison fascist militants convicted of some of the most heinous crimes the country has …

_____ (2022-07-31). Evo Morales Calls For A Global Campaign To Eliminate NATO. popularresistance.org In an interview with British journalist Matt Kennard at his home in El Trópico, a small town four hours from Cochabamba in the heart of the Amazon rain forest, former Bolivian president Evo Morales (2006-2019) called for an international campaign to eliminate NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization]. | According to Morales, this campaign should explain to people worldwide that "NATO is—ultimately—the United States. It is not a guarantee for humanity or for life. I do not accept—in fact, I condemn—how they can exclude Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. When the U.S. has intervene…

_____ (2022-07-31). New Migrant Caravan Heads to the U.S. popularresistance.org On Monday, about 3,700 Central American migrants left the border state of Chiapas for the United States. According to reports from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), the caravan is made up of people from countries including Venezuela, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Ecuador, Cuba, Panama, and also from Asia. | Members of this new caravan reported that this mobilization is taking place after two weeks of unsuccessful waiting for a response from authorities of the National Migration Institute (NMI) for the issuance of temporary permits to travel through the territory and thus alleviate some of th…

_____ (2022-07-31). New Migrant Caravan Heads To The US. popularresistance.org On Monday, about 3,700 Central American migrants left the border state of Chiapas for the United States. According to reports from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), the caravan is made up of people from countries including Venezuela, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Ecuador, Cuba, Panama, and also from Asia. | Members of this new caravan reported that this mobilization is taking place after two weeks of unsuccessful waiting for a response from authorities of the National Migration Institute (NMI) for the issuance of temporary permits to travel through the territory and thus alleviate some of th…

TeleSUR (2022-07-31). Jorge Glas Denounces Discrimination by Ecuadorian Government. telesurenglish.net The former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, detained in prison 4 in Quito, wrote a letter to the director of the Oscar Gabela penitentiary center, expressing his rejection of the discrimination he suffers from the Ministry of Public Health, which refuses to allow him to be treated in a public or private hospital for emergency examinations. | RELATED: | Glas, who has Covid-19, urgently needs to undergo CT scan…

Editor2 (2022-07-31). Condemn the FBI Raids in St Louis, MO and St Petersburg, FL! (Statement). orinocotribune.com By Committee to Stop FBI Repression and National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression &#1 ; July 30, 2022 | Defend our rights to speak and organize! Stop political repression! | Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression and the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. | On the morning of Friday, July 29th, the FBI conducted raids at multiple locations, including the Uhuru House in St. Petersburg, Florida, the private residence of Omali Yeshitela in St. Louis, Missouri, as well as the Uhuru Solidarity Center, also in St.

Fight Back (2022-07-31). Milwaukee activists protest for abortion rights outside downtown meeting of Federalist Society. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On July 28, a group of more than 20 people rallied at Dontre Hamilton (Red Arrow) Park in downtown Milwaukee before marching a half mile to the Wisconsin Club, where the Milwaukee chapter of the notorious Federalist Society were hosting its summer cocktail party. The crowd included members of the Democratic Socialists for America, Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and the National Lawyers Guild. Speeches were made just outside the big front windows of the building with some of the Federalists looking on. | "I am not three-fifths of a person," declared Bran…

Fight Back (2022-07-31). Milwaukee Alliance hosts press conference and marches with family of Brieon Green. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI — On Friday, July 29, the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression held a press conference with the family of Brieon Green, a 21-year-old African American male who died last month at Milwaukee County Jail hours after his arrest. The Milwaukee Alliance joined Green's family to voice the following demands: | — The public release of all the officers' names who arrested Green and handled his booking | — The release of the body camera footage of all seven officers who interacted with Green during his arrest inside the county jail | — The release of the footage from street camer…

_____ (2022-07-31). COVID Ignites Long Fight for Health Care in California Prisons. popularresistance.org The COVID pandemic has thrown a harsh light on long-running medical neglect of incarcerated people and exposed the hold that the prison-industrial complex has on California politics. But even as it has done so, it has made openings for activism by and on behalf of the nearly 100,000 people in the state's prisons, among whom people of color are dramatically overrepresented. | California's state prisons are once again in the midst of a COVID-19 crisis. In Winter 2020, cumulative infections among the incarcerated population topped 45,000, and cases reached over 10,000 in a single day. One year later, the highly cont…

IMEMC News (2022-07-31). Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian Near Jenin. imemc.org On Sunday, Israeli soldiers abducted a former political prisoner and broke into the Village Council building in Nazlet Zaid village, southwest of Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. Aziz Kilani, the head of Nazlet Zeid Village Council, said several army jeeps invaded the village and abducted a former political prisoner, Zeid …

Staff (2022-07-31). "Fedayin" screening in Iran highlights case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. samidoun.net On Saturday, 30 July, Samidoun Iran screened "Fedayin: Georges Abdallah's Fight" at the Soura Hall of the Art Gallery in Tehran. The film, made by the Collectif Vacarmes Films in France, highlights the life and struggle of Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab revolutionary and struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for the past 38 years, …

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-07-31). Cumbre de pueblos originarios reclama la paz para Colombia. telesurtv.net Comunidades indígenas se sumarán a los cambios anunciados por el Gobierno del Pacto Histórico a partir del respeto a sus derechos.

Sarah Anderson (2022-07-31). Steps Biden Should Take to Rein in Excessive CEO Pay. commondreams.org The president has the power to use federal contracting standards to encourage pay equity and respect for labor rights at companies like Amazon.

____ (2022-07-31). (W.E. Talk) Why do We Say that the Traditional Chinese Culture Contains the Gene of Human Rights. ecns.cn lthough the term "human rights" appeared in the Western culture first, out of Chinese culture are the natural genes and roots of human rights: "Humanity is most valuable under the sky", "The benevolent love others"… Those traditional humanistic thoughts are the very precious Chinese genes of human rights in the long-standing Chinese culture.

Anonymous669 (2022-07-31). Four Turkish Soldiers, Five Syrian Militants Wounded In New Attack By Kurdish Forces. southfront.org Turkish forces are seen at Mount Barsaya in northeast of Afrin, January 28, 2018 / Khalil Ashawi / Reuters | On July 31, an indirect fire attack targeted a base of the Turkish military located near the town of Sufan in the northern countryside of Syria's Raqqa. | According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the attack wounded four Turkish soldiers and five Syrian militants. The wounded were taken to hospitals in southern Turkey. Some of them are reportedly in a critical condition. | This was the…

Themoscowtimes (2022-07-30). Russia Suspends Gas Supplies to Latvia. themoscowtimes.com EU states accuse Russia of squeezing supplies in retaliation for Western sanctions over Moscow's intervention in Ukraine.

Fight Back (2022-07-30). Community and labor organizations speak against voter suppression in Milwaukee. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI — On July 26, the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression and Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee joined SEIU Wisconsin for an event to speak against voter suppression. Early voting for the partisan primary kicked off on Tuesday in Milwaukee, and while many speakers emphasized the need to vote, the Milwaukee Alliance and RJAM kept their messages focused on the fight for voting rights. This is important, as our voting rights, especially those of oppressed nationalities, are coming under deeper and more frequent attacks. | Lauren Forbush, chair of RJAM, drew connections bet…

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