Daily Archives: February 18, 2022

2022-02-18: News Headlines

_____ (2022-02-18). The Russians Are Coming. Even in Africa, Moscow Beats a Path. strategic-culture.org For those countries who don't think they have a good deal from the EU, their regimes might well consider working more closely with the Russians. | And the cheers from the crowds seeing off the expelled French ambassador must be seen for what Europeans are. | The chicken or the egg? Did the Mali military junta's decision to bring in Russian military contractors create the inertia for Emmanuel Macron to reduce his own troops' presence there and initiate EU sanctions — or did his earlier decision to reduce troop numbers push the regime to take the measure to bring in around 400 Wagner mercenaries to keep it in…

Matthew J.L. Ehret (2022-02-18). There Is a Limit to the Tyrant's Power: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America. dissidentvoice.org No, there is a limit to the tyrant's power! When the oppressed man finds no justice, When the burden grows unbearable, he appeals With fearless heart to Heaven, And thence brings down his everlasting rights, Which there abide, inalienably his, And indestructible as stars themselves. — Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell's Rutli Oath, from Schiller's play …

Human Rights Working Group, Forum at UUSF (2022-02-18). Sunday 2/27: Dangerous Truths. indybay.org

Jennifer Loewenstein (2022-02-18). How Glib charges of "Anti-Semitism" at every Human Rights Report on Israel undermines Jewish Civil Rights. juancole.com Madison, Wi. (Special to Informed Comment) — The unqualified branding of people, organizations, reports, and movements as "anti-Semitic" for their criticism of Israel is having a boomerang effect. Labeling every condemnation of Israel as "anti-Semitism" silences those whose voices are most needed. The repeated charge of anti-Semitism debases its actual meaning—and provides cover for those …

Fight Back (2022-02-18). Miami demands 'Free Alex Saab'. fightbacknews.org Miami, FL – 20 activists gathered at the Federal Courthouse here, to demand the release of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, who has been detained in Miami since October when the United States government kidnapped him from Cape Verde. Saab's supporters brought banners and signs with messages of solidarity, chanted "Free Alex Saab" and answered questions from reporters who converged on the courthouse. | Eminent Puerto Rican freedom fighter and longtime political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera delivered a powerful speech to the crowd. He explained ,"The Venezuelan people as well as the Puerto Rican people are fighting f…

WSWS (2022-02-18). Attorney Steven Donziger detained for five days in a Bronx halfway house. wsws.org Donziger, who won a $9.5 billion class action lawsuit against Chevron for polluting the Amazon rain forest, was detained because prison authorities claimed he violated the terms of his home confinement by going to a lower floor in his apartment building.

Bay Area Coalition for IWD Action (2022-02-18). Tuesday 3/8: Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights on International Women's Day! indybay.org Rally starts at noon in Sproul Plaza on UC Berkeley Campus (public welcome) | Entrance near Telegraph and Bancroft | One hour rally to be followed by march through the city of Berkeley.

deweylaura (2022-02-18). All-out in the fight for democratic rights! cpusa.org The following report was presented by Joelle Fishman, Chair of the Political Action Commission, to the National Committee meeting on Feb. 13, 2022. Joe Sims has laid before us the urgency, dangers, and possibilities of the current political situation and the 2022 elections. We have the responsibility and opportunity to be in the thick …

Staff (2022-02-17). Ukraine reveals new gun plan. rt.com Legal gun ownership in Ukraine would make any aggressor think twice before attacking it, Kiev's defense chief believes | Allowing people in Ukraine to legally own handguns would greatly improve national security against outside "aggressors," Ukraine's Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov told news agency RBK Ukraine on Thursday. The move would "increase citizens' personal security, help law enforcement and certainly reduce crime rates," the minister claims. | Reznikov said on Thursday he has been a "longtime gun-rights supporter", adding that "as a lawyer" he believes a gun law is long overdue in Ukraine. In late…

Staff (2022-02-17). US warns of 'global fallout'. rt.com The world economy will pay a heavy price if the West imposes new sanctions on Moscow, the US Treasury warns | If Russia launches an invasion of Ukraine, the global economy will suffer an inevitable fallout as a result of newly unleashed Western sanctions on Moscow, the US Treasury secretary warned on Wednesday. | Speaking to French news agency AFP, Janet Yellen explained that the US and its European allies are preparing a "very substantial package of sanctions that will have severe consequences for the Russian economy." | However, despite Washington wanting the highest cost to fall on Moscow, she admitted that…

Juan Cole (2022-02-17). Conflict with Russia is Raising your Gasoline Bill; an Electric Car is the Answer. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Reporters pressed White House spokesperson Jen Psaki on Wednesday about the likelihood that any Russian military engagement in Ukraine will raise petroleum prices further. Ensuing US sanctions on Russia would keep some of its petroleum off the market, as has already happened to Iran, at a time when demand is …

Steve Sweeney (2022-02-17). U.S.-funded groups in Europe lobby to kill Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. peoplesworld.org Washington-backed organizations describing themselves as charities are leading the charge for the scrapping of Russia and Germany's Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline and increased sanctions against Moscow. In an email, International Renaissance Foundation executive director Oleksandr Sushko called on Western countries to act against "Russian aggression" and warned of a European security crisis. He …

Angela (2022-02-17). Wednesday 2/23: No to Normalizing Apartheid, Yes to human rights for all. Oppose H.R. 2748. indybay.org 1002 4th St, San Rafael…

Staff (2022-02-17). Ethiopia: Amnesty Accuses Tigrayan Forces of Rape & Murder in Latest Probe of War Crimes in Conflict. democracynow.org Amnesty International is accusing Tigrayan forces of deliberately killing dozens of unarmed civilians and gang-raping dozens of women and girls in the northern Amhara region of Ethiopia. This comes as the Ethiopian government and Tigrayan rebel forces remain at war, and just last year Amnesty similarly accused the Ethiopian government of subjecting Tigrayan women and girls to rape, gang rape, sexual slavery, sexual mutilation and other forms of torture. "These are deliberate attacks which constitute war crimes and possibly may also constitute crimes against humanity," says Amnesty's Donatella Ro…

teleSUR, DRL, JDO (2022-02-17). ONU llama a proteger los DD.HH. de migrantes en el mundo. telesurtv.net Lo dijo el secretario general, A. Guterres, en la presentación del Informe sobre Migración Segura, Ordenada y Regular.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-02-17). Palestinian women's rights activist Khitam Saafin sentenced to 16 months in prison. peoplesdispatch.org Khitam Saafin, who was arrested in November 2020 and kept in administrative detention for the last 15 months, was sentenced on charges of being the director of a banned organization as well as other related accusations…

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2022-02-17). As US Renews Support for Saudi War in Yemen, Civilian Death Toll Nearly Doubles. mintpressnews.com "The civilian death toll in Yemen has almost doubled since the United Nations rights body dissolved its monitoring mechanism in the war-torn country." — Norwegian Refugee Council Report…

Kelly Hayes (2022-02-17). Trans Youth Are Facing Right-Wing Attacks and a Solidarity Shortage. truthout.org "What we have is a situation where our opponents are fixated on us and our allies are leaving us behind," says trans attorney and activist Chase Strangio. Republicans have made attacks on trans youth a signature policy item at the state level. In this episode of "Movement Memos," Kelly Hayes and Chase Strangio talk about the avalanche of transphobic legislation Republicans have generated, the role of fascist politics in this onslaught and why trans students are not getting the support they need from libe…

Staff (2022-02-17). Students sue school over book banning. rt.com US students suing a St. Louis school claim books are being banned as part of an effort to "remove" ideas on race and sexuality | The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit on behalf of two young students against the Wentzville School Board in St. Louis, Missouri, claiming they violated civil rights by banning a handful of books from school libraries. | The students in question were not identified as they are minors, but they have been referred to as C.K.-W and D.L. | According to the class action lawsuit, the recent vote to ban certain books is part of a "targeted campaign by the St. Charles…

Jasper Gold (2022-02-17). Court of Appeal examines limits of judicial authority. ukhumanrightsblog.com R (Richards) v Environment Agency Case [2022] EWCA Civ 26 Richards is, at its core, a case about the proper relationship between the courts, regulators and third parties who engage in potentially hazardous activities, but the Claimant in the case was none of these. Rather, it was Mathew Richards, a 6-year-old boy who suffers from …

Staff (2022-02-17). Your Guide to Talking About Attacks on Trans Youth. aclu.org Misinformation is fueling an attack on trans youth in state legislatures. These attacks overwhelmingly focus on youth and schools. They try to make being trans shameful — but they won't stop youth from being trans. They will only make it harder for kids to grow up at all and make it harder to access the support, education, and community that all young people deserve. | While everyone should be contacting lawmakers and expressing their support for trans youth, we know that these attacks aren't limited to statehouses. The lies about trans youth spread at the dinner table, PTA meetings, and many other place…

Leonardo Flores (2022-02-17). "It Can't be Illegal to Help a People" — The Persecution of Alex Saab. orinocotribune.com By Leonardo Flores — Feb 14, 2022 | "It's not a crime to fulfill a diplomatic mission. It's not a crime to evade sanctions that are harming an entire country. It can't be illegal to help a people." Camilla Fabri Saab made these impassioned remarks Alex Saab is virtually unknown in the United States, where he is currently languishing in a Miami prison, but he has been vital to Venezuela's ability to survive…

Foreign Policy in Focus (2022-02-17). U.S. Sanctions on Afghanistan Could Be Deadlier Than 20 Years of War. juancole.com By Mark Weisbrot | — (Foreign Policy in Focus ) — Originally published in Inside Sources. Economic sanctions have, in recent years, become one of the most important tools of U.S. foreign policy. There are currently more than 20 countries subjected to various sanctions from the U.S. government. But if more Americans knew how many …

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