Monthly Archives: June 2022

2022-06-26: News Headlines

Peoples Dispatch (2022-06-26). United States rises up in fight for abortion rights. Joyce Chediac of the feminist organization Redstockings talks about the recent US Supreme Court verdict that removes federal abortion rights and the history and possibly futures of organizing for reproductive justice…

PSL SDS FRSO CPUSA (2022-06-26). Friday 6/24: San José Emergency Action: Defend Abortion Rights! San José City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street | San José, CA 95113…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-26). Grupos de DD.HH. expresan preocupación por situación en Ecuador. La Misión Internacional de Solidaridad y Derechos Humanos llegó a Ecuador para observar lo que sucede en el paro nacional.

Dave Id (2022-06-26). SCOTUS Overturns Roe v Wade: The Dissent of Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan. Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan: "Today, the Court discards that balance. It says that from the very moment of fertilization, a woman has no rights to speak of. A State can force her to bring a pregnancy to term, even at the steepest personal and familial costs."

WEXIT (2022-06-26). Overturning Roe is Illegitimate: SCOTUS Decision Must Not Stand. 5: 00 pm Protests at Supreme Court & everywhere, nationwide | is calling on people to bring the gears of society to a grinding halt through nonviolent mass resistance to compel the federal government to reverse the overturning of Roe v Wade by codifying into law access to abortion on demand nationwide.

TeleSUR -HIM, JL (2022-06-26). Realizan movilización en Ciudad de México por orgullo LGBTIQ. La marcha defiende los derechos a la diversidad de orientación sexual en México, una de las sociedades más machistas y con mayor índice de crímenes contra la comunidad LGBTIQ+.

Manlio Dinucci (2022-06-25). Terrapiattismo geopolitico dell'Italia. L'Italia, mentre chiede a Washington di essere ammessa alla Five Eyes, la più potente alleanza spionistica mondiale a guida Usa, boicotta il Forum economico internazionale di San Pietroburgo a scapito dei propri interessi nazionali. | Due eventi — uno a Occidente …

Thierry Meyssan (2022-06-25). The Ideology of the Banderists. By Thierry Meyssan — Jun 21, 2022 | While Stepan Bandera was an agent of the Gestapo and left only the memory (positive for some) of the massacres and tortures he organized, Dmytro Dontsov was—and still is—the reference thinker of Ukranian nationalists. It is he who invented Ukrainian racialism and imagined the fanaticism of Ukrainian nationalists as a weapon. | If in previous articles I have presented the history of the Banderist movement from the interwar period to the present day, I would like to talk here about their ideology. | Their reference intellectual, then and now, is Dmytro Dontsov (…

Editor (2022-06-25). Why Sanctions Always Fail. By Andrew Cockburn / Early in the Ukraine war, President Biden boasted on twitter that thanks to "unprecedented" sanctions, the "Russian economy is on track to be cut in half" and the ruble had been reduced to "rubble." All instruments of economic warfare had been deployed against Ukraine's invader, from the freezing of central bank reserves to sanctions on Russian cats. Today, the cats may be still at home, but the ruble is at a seven year high, Russian interest and inflation rates are headed downwards, and industrial pro…

Editor (2022-06-25). Double-Standards at the UN Human Rights Council. It is no secret that the UN Human Rights Council essentially serves the interests of the Western developed countries and does not have a holistic approach to all human rights. Blackmail and bullying are common practices, and the US has proven that it has sufficient "soft power" to cajole weaker countries.

_____ (2022-06-25). In Solidarity with the Ecuadorian People, for the Reestablishment of Democracy in Ecuador. The Ecuadorian people, with the indigenous and peasant movement at the forefront, have taken to the streets to express their resistance to the adverse impacts of the extreme neoliberal policies implemented by the government of banker Guillermo Lasso. The peaceful nationwide mobilization is demanding from the government response to critical aspects that affect the people in their daily lives, such as the lack of employment and labor rights, a moratorium and renegotiation of personal and family debts, fair prices for peasant production, control of basic prices and an end to speculation, fuel prices, respect for col…

_____ (2022-06-25). In Solidarity With The Ecuadorian People. The Ecuadorian people, with the indigenous and peasant movement at the forefront, have taken to the streets to express their resistance to the adverse impacts of the extreme neoliberal policies implemented by the government of banker Guillermo Lasso. The peaceful nationwide mobilization is demanding from the government response to critical aspects that affect the people in their daily lives, such as the lack of employment and labor rights, a moratorium and renegotiation of personal and family debts, fair prices for peasant production, control of basic prices and an end to speculation, fuel prices, respect for col…

Editor (2022-06-25). GUIDE: How Will My State Be Impacted By The Overturning of Roe v. Wade? Thousands of demonstrators march to the US Supreme Court during the Bans Off Our Bodies abortion-rights rally in Washington, DC, on May 14, 2022. Photo by Craig Hudson for The Washington Post via Getty Images. | By Molly Shah / | The map above visually represents the likely conditions for abortion access in all states in a post-Roe US. This map does not visually represent the current status of abortion laws and restrictions in each state, and it is likely that many states will c…

Editor (2022-06-25). How Clarence Thomas' Concurring Opinion Suggests Other Rights May Be Vulnerable After Roe: Analysis. By Meaghan Ellis / AlterNet A new analysis is breaking down the context of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' concurring opinion following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The New York Times' Sheryl Gay Stolberg explained how Thomas' remarks appear to suggest that the abortion ban could only be the beginning of the conservative attack …

Editor (2022-06-25). 'The Times is Telling You to Choose Between Rights and Safety'. By Janine Jackson / Janine Jackson interviewed Alec Karakatsanis about the recall of Chesa Boudin for the Janine Jackson: Politico, in a

Misión Verdad (2022-06-25). Crypto Platform Uphold Leaves Venezuela due to US Blockade. On Thursday, June 23, the cryptocurrency platform Uphold announced its withdrawal from Venezuela. The company, which offers financial services and cryptocurrencies, requested users in the country to withdraw their funds before July 31. | "We are very sorry to inform you that Uphold has decided to withdraw from Venezuela due to the increasing complexity of complying with US sanctions," the company announced in a statement published by CriptoNoticias. | The company noted that Venezuela was one of the early adopters of Uphold, and that the group loved serving its Venezuelan clients. The withdrawal is an unfortunate…

Steve Sweeney (2022-06-25). Mexico to offer Assange sanctuary as Amlo calls for charges to be dropped. MEXICAN President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has offered sanctuary to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and will raise the case with US President Joe Biden when they meet next month.

_____ (2022-06-25). 'Progressive' Food Company Amy's Kitchen Faces Multiple Unfair Labor Practice Charges. The spirit of unionizing is in the air, from Amazon to Starbucks. Now the workers in two frozen food factories in California are getting in on the action. But they're facing serious union-busting from their employer, Amy's Kitchen, despite its progressive branding. | Amy's Kitchen is the sixth-largest maker of organic frozen meals in the United States and the top U.S. producer of organic vegetarian food, according to the North Bay Business Journal. The company employs more than 2,000 workers, a majority of them Central American immigrants who do not speak English.

_____ (2022-06-25). Amy's Kitchen Faces Multiple Unfair Labor Practice Charges. The spirit of unionizing is in the air, from Amazon to Starbucks. Now the workers in two frozen food factories in California are getting in on the action. But they're facing serious union-busting from their employer, Amy's Kitchen, despite its progressive branding. | Amy's Kitchen is the sixth-largest maker of organic frozen meals in the United States and the top U.S. producer of organic vegetarian food, according to the North Bay Business Journal. The company employs more than 2,000 workers, a majority of them Central American immigrants who do not speak English. | On June 1, UNITE HERE Local 19, representing th…

Anonymous669 (2022-06-25). Turkish Military Continues Expansion In Greater Idlib, Builds New Position Near Key Highways. Turkish army vehicles and military personnel are seen near the Turkish-Syrian border on October 12, 2019. IMAGE: Reuters / Murad Sezer | On June 25, the Turkish military established a new position near the town of Mjdlya in the southern part of the Syrian region of Greater Idlib, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. | The London-based monitoring group said that the Turkish military deployed battle tanks, armored personnel carriers and anti-tank guided missile systems at the new position. | Mjdlya is l…

____ (2022-06-25). Deputy Prosecutor General visits MNA HQ. TEHRAN, Jun. 25 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Attorney General for Public Rights Division Gholamabbas Torki visited Mehr news agency (MNA) Headquarters in Tehran on Saturday and sat down for an interview.

Anand Naidoo (2022-06-25). The Heat: U.S. Supreme Court overturns Abortion Rights. The United States Supreme Court has delivered a massive blow to women's rights in the U.S. Millions of women across the country will lose their right to an abortion after the court overturned an almost -year-old ruling known as Roe v. Wade. To discuss: Joseph …

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2022-06-25). Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity. World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on "the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions". The "climate emergency" is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning "the real crisis", namely the Covid-19 "plandemic".

Gavin O'Reilly (2022-06-25). Victoria electoral de Gustavo Petro: øRumbo a un cambio de régimen en Colombia? La victoria de Gustavo Petro en las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia del domingo, que marca la primera vez que Bogotá elige a un jefe de estado de izquierda, no fue el único evento geopolítico de gran alcance que tuvo lugar…

Staff (2022-06-25). Derecho de Autor en Cuba (III y final): Luces detrás de la norma (+ Podcast). El 16 de mayo de 2022 se presentó y aprobó la Ley de los Derechos del Autor y del Artista Intérprete, destinada a sustituir la antigua Ley 14 de 1977, con un tratamiento mucho más minucioso a las facultades que corresponden a los creadores y también la incorporación de derechos que se reconocen a otros sujetos, especialmente a los artistas, intérpretes o ejecutantes.

Staff (2022-06-25). US sanctions hinder humanitarian aid to quake-hit Afghanistan. TEHRAN, Jun. 25 (MNA) — The acting interior minister of the Taliban says that countries can not send their humanitarian aid to earthquake-hit people of Afghanistan because of the US sanctions.

____ (2022-06-25). Iran to continue negotiations on JCPOA with dignity: Raeisi. TEHRAN, Jun. 25 (MNA) —Turning to negotiation process which is ongoing between Iran and P4+1, Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi said that the current administration will continue negotiations on removal of anti-Iran sanctions with utmost power.

_____ (2022-06-25). The Chris Hedges Report: Journalism And Argentina's 'Dirty War'. In the late 1970s and 1980s, Argentina's civic-military dictatorship disappeared over 30,000 people, using death squads trained by the US as part of the now infamous Operation Condor. The victims were held in secret prisons, savagely tortured, and murdered. To this day, many families do not know the fate of their loved ones. In this episode of The Chris Hedges Report, former Buenos Aires Herald editor Robert Cox joins the show to recount his experiences reporting on the disappeared during Argentina's "Dirty War." | Robert Cox is a British journalist who served as editor and publisher of the Buenos Aires Herald, a…

WSWS (2022-06-25). Protests erupt throughout the US in response to Supreme Court decision overturning abortion rights. Workers and youth spoke to the World Socialist Web Site on the impact of the reactionary decision.

Deweylaura (2022-06-25). Abortion rights: Today we mourn, tomorrow we organize! The Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization is a horrific setback for women, their partners, their families, and society overall. As expected, the court overturned Roe v. Wade, making abortion rights susceptible to the whims of extreme-right state legislators. A woman may not get an abortion in Texas, but a …

Morgan Marietta (2022-06-25). Supreme Court's Elimination of Abortion Rights Is Attack on Living Constitution. In overturning Roe, the majority's opinion offers a new and weaker standard for overturning the past rulings of the court. Simply put, precedents will be easier to overturn in the future.

Manlio Dinucci (2022-06-25). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

2022-06-26 17:23 | 13:23 EST | tr | 34 | 0 | 26 | 6 | 0 

2022-06-25: News Headlines

WEXIT (2022-06-25). Overturning Roe is Illegitimate: SCOTUS Decision Must Not Stand. 5: 00 pm Protests at Supreme Court & everywhere, nationwide | is calling on people to bring the gears of society to a grinding halt through nonviolent mass resistance to compel the federal government to reverse the overturning of Roe v Wade by codifying into law access to abortion on demand nationwide.

Dave Id (2022-06-25). SCOTUS Overturns Roe v Wade: The Dissent of Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan. Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan: "Today, the Court discards that balance. It says that from the very moment of fertilization, a woman has no rights to speak of. A State can force her to bring a pregnancy to term, even at the steepest personal and familial costs."

PSL SDS FRSO CPUSA (2022-06-25). Friday 6/24: San José Emergency Action: Defend Abortion Rights! San José City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street | San José, CA 95113…

The Conversation (2022-06-25). America's religious Communities are divided over the issue of Abortion. Interview by Kalpana Jain, The Conversation | &#1 ; Interviewed: Luis Josué Salés, Scripps College; Rachel Mikva, Chicago Theological Seminary; Samira Meht University of Colorado Boulder; Steven K. Green, Willamette University; Susan M. Shaw; Oregon State University. Since the first indications that the U.S. Supreme Court could overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling, following a …

John J. Mearsheimer (2022-06-25). The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine War: A lecture by John J. Mearsheimer. Robert Schumann Center for Advanced Studies: "Professor John J. Mearsheimer will discuss the current Russian invasion on Ukraine whilst exploring the potential causes and consequences of the crisis. In this lecture, Prof. Mearsheimer will aim to focus on both the origins of the war in Ukraine and some of its most important consequences. He will …

Editor (2022-06-25). Why Sanctions Always Fail. By Andrew Cockburn / Early in the Ukraine war, President Biden boasted on twitter that thanks to "unprecedented" sanctions, the "Russian economy is on track to be cut in half" and the ruble had been reduced to "rubble." All instruments of economic warfare had been deployed against Ukraine's invader, from the freezing of central bank reserves to sanctions on Russian cats. Today, the cats may be still at home, but the ruble is at a seven year high, Russian interest and inflation rates are headed downwards, and industrial pro…

Editor (2022-06-25). Double-Standards at the UN Human Rights Council. It is no secret that the UN Human Rights Council essentially serves the interests of the Western developed countries and does not have a holistic approach to all human rights. Blackmail and bullying are common practices, and the US has proven that it has sufficient "soft power" to cajole weaker countries.

Editor (2022-06-25). 'The Times is Telling You to Choose Between Rights and Safety'. By Janine Jackson / Janine Jackson interviewed Alec Karakatsanis about the recall of Chesa Boudin for the Janine Jackson: Politico, in a

Misión Verdad (2022-06-25). Crypto Platform Uphold Leaves Venezuela due to US Blockade. On Thursday, June 23, the cryptocurrency platform Uphold announced its withdrawal from Venezuela. The company, which offers financial services and cryptocurrencies, requested users in the country to withdraw their funds before July 31. | "We are very sorry to inform you that Uphold has decided to withdraw from Venezuela due to the increasing complexity of complying with US sanctions," the company announced in a statement published by CriptoNoticias. | The company noted that Venezuela was one of the early adopters of Uphold, and that the group loved serving its Venezuelan clients. The withdrawal is an unfortunate…

Steve Sweeney (2022-06-25). Mexico to offer Assange sanctuary as Amlo calls for charges to be dropped. MEXICAN President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has offered sanctuary to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and will raise the case with US President Joe Biden when they meet next month.

____ (2022-06-25). Deputy Prosecutor General visits MNA HQ. TEHRAN, Jun. 25 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Attorney General for Public Rights Division Gholamabbas Torki visited Mehr news agency (MNA) Headquarters in Tehran on Saturday and sat down for an interview.

Staff (2022-06-25). US sanctions hinder humanitarian aid to quake-hit Afghanistan. TEHRAN, Jun. 25 (MNA) — The acting interior minister of the Taliban says that countries can not send their humanitarian aid to earthquake-hit people of Afghanistan because of the US sanctions.

Staff (2022-06-25). Derecho de Autor en Cuba (III y final): Luces detrás de la norma (+ Podcast). El 16 de mayo de 2022 se presentó y aprobó la Ley de los Derechos del Autor y del Artista Intérprete, destinada a sustituir la antigua Ley 14 de 1977, con un tratamiento mucho más minucioso a las facultades que corresponden a los creadores y también la incorporación de derechos que se reconocen a otros sujetos, especialmente a los artistas, intérpretes o ejecutantes.

WSWS (2022-06-25). Protests erupt throughout the US in response to Supreme Court decision overturning abortion rights. Workers and youth spoke to the World Socialist Web Site on the impact of the reactionary decision.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Reducing dementia risks. More than 55 million people worldwide are believed to be living with dementia, according to the World Health Organization. And women are likely to be twice as affected by dementia as men. Dementia is an umbrella term for a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities. It's not one disease. And Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. Dr. Ronald Petersen, director of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at Mayo Clinic, says…

Dana Sanchez (2022-06-24). Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Women's Right To Abortion No Longer Constitutionally Protected, Now It's Up To The States. The U.S. Supreme Court has taken away women's constitutional rights to have an abortion after almost years, overruling the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and paving the way for states to ban abortion. Overruling Roe gives states broad latitude to ban or regulate abortion and many conservative-leaning states are ready to further limit access, while …

Jessica Arons (2022-06-24). With Roe Overturned, What Comes Next for Abortion Rights? The Supreme Court's ruling today, which overturned Roe v. Wade, is nothing less than a shameful, sweeping, politically-driven decision that will have life-altering, and indeed, life-threatening consequences for women and other people who can become pregnant. The devastation of this moment and how it will erode so many of our fundamental rights cannot be underestimated. | Today's decision revokes the federal constitutional right to abortion, and with it our agency over our lives and futures. As a result of this decision, half the states are expected to ban abortion. | This is an outrageous attack on women's rig…

Jennifer Weiss-Wolf (2022-06-24). Fighting for Abortion Rights in Post-Roe America. Without federal abortion protections, both the public and elected leaders must act to safeguard reproductive rights.

Linda C. McClain, Nicole Huberfeld (2022-06-24). End of Roe Will Have Far-Reaching Consequences. The court's ruling has done what reproductive rights advocates feared for decades: It has taken away the constitutional right to privacy that protected access to abortion…

Brett Wilkins (2022-06-24). In 10 Key US Senate Races, Here's How Top Candidates Responded to Roe Ruling. While Republicans unanimously welcomed the Supreme Court's rollback of half a century of reproductive rights, one Democrat said "it's just wrong that my granddaughter will have fewer freedoms than my grandmother did."

Dave DeCamp (2022-06-24). Biden Again Blames Putin For High Gas Prices as Russian Oil Sales Soar. The US-led sanctions campaign against Russia has backfired on the West as Americans and Europeans are facing soaring gas prices, and Since Russia invaded Ukraine, President Biden has written off rising gas prices and inflation as "Putin's price hike." On Wednesday, Biden doubled down on blaming Russia while also admitting that his policies have only made things worse for Americans. | "We cut off Russian oil into the United States, and our partners in Europe did the same, knowing that we would see hig…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-24). From Economy to Outer Space: Conclusions of the 14th BRICS Summit. Paul Antonopoulos The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met on June 23 in the context of the BRICS Summit amid major shifts in the geopolitical and economic order following the Russian military operation in Ukraine and the consequential sanctions from the West. The summit was held in a virtual format for…

Jordan Schachtel (2022-06-24). Ukraine is a Mess: Celeb Visits, Banned Books, Ethnic Cleansing, A Broken War Effort, Sponsored by the "Free World" Ukraine is a total mess. A mess of epic proportions. | | And sponsored by the "Free World," which, in 2022, hardly resembles anything having to do with freedom or any semblance of western tradition. | Let's absorb the headlines of the past …

Misión Verdad (2022-06-24). Kremlin to Lithuania: Russia May Take Countermeasures after Blockade on Kaliningrad. The Kremlin has warned Lithuania that it may take radical measures to protect its national interests as the Baltic country is partially blockading the Russian city of Kaliningrad. | Kaliningrad is located between the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members Poland and Lithuania. It is a territory physically detached from Russian territory. Supplies from Russia arrive by rail and gas pipelines through Lithuania, which announced last week that it was banning the rail transit of goods subject to EU sanctions, including coal, advanced technology, metals and construction materials.

Dave DeCamp (2022-06-24). EU Leaders Prepare for Russia Turning Off Gas Supply. European leaders on Friday The EU has banned the import of Russian coal and agreed on a phased ban of Russian oil, with exemptions for Hungary. But the bloc can't afford to ban Russian gas due to its heavy reliance on the commodity. | The Western sanctions campaign against Moscow has largely backfired on Europe as it is facing soaring energy prices, which Russia is profiting from. Germany, Europe's largest economy, is a…

Samidoun Deutschland (2022-06-24). Revolutionary journalist undergoing hunger strike in German prisons! On 16th of May 2022, Revolutionary Journalist àñzgàºl Emre was arrested by German police in Mannheim. On the next day, the police raided the house of ƒ∞hsan Cibelik, a member of the revolutionary music band Grup Yorum. He was forcibly detained and heavily assaulted. Both of them were taken to respective courts and in a …

Samidoun Deutschland (2022-06-24). Revolutionary journalist undergoing hunger strike in German prisons. On 16th of May 2022, Revolutionary Journalist àñzgàºl Emre was arrested by German police in Mannheim. On the next day, the police raided the house of ƒ∞hsan Cibelik, a member of the revolutionary music band Grup Yorum. He was forcibly detained and heavily assaulted. Both of them were taken to respective courts and in a …

Editor (2022-06-24). Bernie Sanders Advocates for Leonard Peltier's Release from Prison. "I continue to support efforts to free him," Sanders said of Leonard Peltier, 77-year-old Indigenous rights activist, in a letter obtained by HuffPost.

Editor (2022-06-24). Michael Moore: EMERGENCY PODCAST SYSTEM: Millions Must Respond. Beyonce and her army of women at the barricades. (From her "Run The World (Girls)" music video) | By Michael Moore / | Friends, | The choices we make in the next few hours will determine the fate of our democracy. | Minutes ago the Supreme Court ruled, once again, that women are indeed second-class citizens — stripped of their rights to control thei…

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2022-06-24). PSL statement: Supreme Court eviscerates abortion rights, the time to fight back is NOW! The Supreme Court does not represent the majority of the country. We refuse to let nine unelected, unaccountable judges decide our fate.

WSWS (2022-06-24). Assange was stripped and placed in "suicide watch" isolation cell after British extradition announcement. This latest abuse of Assange's democratic and human rights was reported by his father John Shipton. It is a continuation of what outgoing United Nations Rapporteur Nils Melzer has branded as the state torture of Assange by the British and US authorities.

WSWS (2022-06-24). Massive police raid highlights attack on protest rights in Australia. The "preemptive" raid on climate change activists demonstrated the vast police powers created by barrages of anti-protest laws imposed in recent years amid growing popular unrest.

Dr. Robert Malone (2022-06-24). Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Analysis Re-do: "Serious adverse events of special interest": Dr. Malone. There has been a bit of a stir lately concerning…

Walden Bello (2022-06-24). Reflections on a Path-Breaking Campaign for Democratic Socialism in the Philippines. In the Philippines, as in the U.S., the "left" presents itself "the 'progressive' tail of the liberal elite." Our campaign made room for an actual progressive agenda.

Joe Glenton (2022-06-24). As Afghans dig through earthquake rubble, their wealth remains in the hands of US banks. Afghans in the east of the country have spent several days digging through rubble, often by hand, following an earthquake. The disaster hit both Afghanistan and Pakistan on The Taliban gove…

____ (2022-06-24). UN confirms Al Jazeera journalist killed by Israeli forces. TEHRAN, Jun. 24 (MNA) — Findings show that Israeli security forces fired bullets that killed Palestinian-American reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in May and not indiscriminate firing from Palestinians, a spokesperson for UN Human Rights Office said.

_____ (2022-06-24). Brazil: Officials Working With Indigenous Peoples Go On Strike. On Thursday, officials from the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) paralyzed their activities and joined the national day of protests called to reject the murder of British journalist Dom Phillips and ethnologist Bruno Araujo-Pereira in the Brazilian Amazon. | Carrying banners calling for justice, human rights defenders and environmental activists gathered in Brasilia and other Brazilian cities to demand protection for the Indigenous Peoples and demand that the far-right President Jair Bolsonaro open an exhaustive investigation into "the chain of crime in the Amazon." | In Rio de Janeiro, social activists paid tr…

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (2022-06-24). Raed Jarrar on Biden's Saudi Trip, Lindsay Koshgarian on People Over Pentagon. (cc photo: Joe Flood) | This week on CounterSpin: Elite news media are saying that Biden has to go to Saudi Arabia in July despite his pledges to make the country a "pariah" for abuses including the grisly murder of a Washington Post contributor, because…stability? Shaking hands with Mohammed bin Salman makes sense, even in the context of denying Cuba and Venezuela participation in the Americas Summit out of purported concerns about their human rights records, because…gas prices? It's hard to parse corporate media coverage of Biden's Saudi visit, because that coverage obscures rather than illuminates what's…

WSWS (2022-06-24). Quebec's ruling CAQ whipping up anti-immigrant chauvinism ahead of provincial election. By calling for the "repatriation" of federal immigration powers, Quebec Premier Franàßois Legault wants to divert attention from his government's disastrous handling of the pandemic and provoke a reactionary conflict with Ottawa.

Maryam Jameela (2022-06-24). Fascist Tories want to scrap the Human Rights Act. A new And th…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-23). The Ideology of the Banderists. Thierry Meyssan If Stepan Bandera was an agent of the Gestapo and left only the memory (positive for some) of the massacres and tortures he organized, Dmytro Dontsov was -and still is- the reference thinker of Ukranian nationalists. It is he who invented Ukrainian racialism and imagined the fanaticism of Ukrainian nationalists as a weapon….

_____ (2022-06-23). Young Victims Of Climate Disasters Sue EU States Over Energy Treaty. In the latest attempt to use the courts to address the climate crisis, five young people are suing 12 EU countries over membership in a treaty that they argue puts the needs of fossil fuel companies above climate action. | The young people brought their case before the European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday, as Euractiv reported. The lawsuit targets the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), which gives energy companies the right to sue governments for compensation when their policies threaten profits. | "Governments are still putting profits of the fossil fuel industry over human rights. But climate change is escalatin…

_____ (2022-06-23). Rights Groups Urge Court To Strike Down Unconstitutional Texas Law. The Center For Constitutional Rights And Palestine Legal Filed An Amicus Brief In The Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals In Support Of A Lawsuit Seeking To Strike Down A Texas Law That Requires Government Contractors To Pledge Not To Engage In Boycott, Divestment And Sanctions (BDS) Campaigns For Palestinian Rights. | After A Court Blocked An Earlier Version Of Texas's Anti-Boycott Law Following Lawsuits From Individuals With State Contracts, Texas Amended The Law To Exclude Companies With 9 Or Fewer Full-Time Employees And Contracts Under $100,000. While The Revised Law Mooted The Previous Lawsuits, Its Underlying F…

Contributing Writers (2022-06-23). Vatican Endorses "Killer Vaccine": Commemorative Coins Promoting the 'Need to be Vaccinated' against COVID/By Kennedy Hall. An eight-piece set includes a 20 euro silver coin depicting a young person getting jabbed with a needle. Original Link Here: Vatican Endorses "Killer Vaccine": Commemorative Coins Promoting the 'Need to be Vaccinated' against COVID &#1 ; Global ResearchGlobal Research &#1 ; Centre for Research on Globalization By Kennedy H..]…

2022-06-25 11:33 | 13:33 EST | tr | 46 | 4 | 26 | 15 | 0