Daily Archives: September 25, 2022

2022-09-25: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-25). Cuban President votes in a referendum on the Family Code. en.cubadebate.cu The President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, and his wife Lis Cuesta arrived at 7: 48 in the morning at school 3 of constituency 57, in the municipality of Playa, where they exercised their right to vote in the popular referendum. of the Family Code. At the end of the process, he told the press that it is going to be an intense day, which we arrived at as a result of a process that had to do with the construction of a fair, necessary, up-to-date, modern regulation that gives rights and guarantees to all people and diversities of families and creeds.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-25). Kiev's NATO-Backed Terrorist Attack in Kherson Was a Strike Against Democracy & Journalism. libya360.wordpress.com Andrew Korybko No number of missiles will succeed in stopping the exercise of the locals' democratic rights as enshrined in the UN Charter nor in deterring world-class Russian journalists from reporting on this historic event. Kiev bombarded a hotel in the former Ukrainian city of Kherson with missiles on Sunday morning in what local authorities described as…

____ (2022-09-25). Xinjiang introduces human rights achievement at event of UN human rights council. ecns.cn An online meeting to introduce the human rights situation in Northwest China's Xinjiang region was held on the sidelines of the 51st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on Thursday.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-25). What is Really Behind Iran's Unrest? libya360.wordpress.com The Western media is depicting unrest in Iran as "the people" demanding social justice and women's rights. In reality, it is part of a years-long effort by Washington to foment upheaval and regime change in Iran. Policy papers from 2009 detailed step-by-step how the US could overthrow the Iranian government and install an obedient client…

Anonymous103 (2022-09-25). The Odd Prisoner Exchange. southfront.org

Binoy Kampmark (2022-09-25). Breaching Human Rights: Australia, Climate Change and the Torres Strait Islands. dissidentvoice.org Australia has a mixed relationship with the United Nations Human Rights Committee. Irritation, dismissal and even the occasional openly hostile comment, have registered. But in 1994, the Toonen decision filtered through the Australian legal process, leading the federal government to remove archaically noxious provisions in the Tasmanian criminal code criminalising sodomy. The UNHRC has since …

Anonymous669 (2022-09-24). New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes Hit ISIS Terrorists In Central Syria. southfront.org Russian Su-25 attack aircraft take off from the Khmeimim airbase in Syria © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik | On September 24, a new wave of Russian airstrikes hit ISIS's areas of influence in Syria's central region, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. | The London-based monitoring group said that the airstrikes targeted hideouts of the terrorist group's cells in the outskirts of the town of Resafa in the southern Raqqa countryside. The human and material losses caused by the airstrikes remain unk…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2022-09-24). Multi-billion Santos Gas Drilling Project In Proximity of Oceanic Shoals Australian Marine Park, The Rights of First Nations Peoples. globalresearch.ca

Scorinoco (2022-09-24). Dying for the American Dream. orinocotribune.com The number of deaths of immigrants trying to reach the United States has increased exponentially. Joe Biden's administration, despite his campaign promises, continues with its policy of repression and massive deportations. | The life (and death) of immigrants trying to enter the United States is not a path covered with rose petals. It is, quite simply, the opposite. A clear example of this situation came to light last week. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) itself acknowledged that, during the last year, more than 740 immigrants died while trying to reach the country of the great American dream from Me…

Ricardo Vaz (2022-09-24). Venezuela: Human Rights Collective Criticizes 'Unreliable' UN Report. venezuelanalysis.com According to SURES, the high-profile accusations of human rights violations lack objectivity and impartiality.

Staff (2022-09-24). Our decision is freedom:newsauthor">S of 30 Palestinian prisoners to launch hunger strike 25 September. samidoun.net Thirty Palestinian prisoners jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention have announced that they will launch an open hunger strike to bring an end to the practice on Sunday, 25 September. In a statement by the Prison Branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the prisoners going on hunger strike under …

John Zarocostas (2022-09-24). [World Report] Volker Tàºrk appointed top UN human rights chief. thelancet.com The global health and humanitarian communities have high expectations of the new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

____ (2022-09-24). US bids to violate Iran's sovereignty not to go unanswered. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) — Reacting to the US move on some sanctions imposed on Iran's communications sector, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that US attempts to violate Iran's sovereignty will not go unanswered.

Staff (2022-09-24). Tehran reacts to Blinken claims on human rights in Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani reacted to the US Secretary of State's baseless claims on human rights in Iran.

Julia Conley (2022-09-24). Federal Judge Allows 'Untenable' Plan to Send Juvenile Inmates to Angola Prison. commondreams.org "The move defies all common sense and best practices, and it will cause irrevocable damage to our youth and families," said one children's advocate.

A Guest Author (2022-09-24). Hail Indigenous Peoples Day — Support Workers World. workers.org Boston's proclamation last year that the second Monday of October every year would be Indigenous Peoples Day, "in lieu of" Columbus Day, was a victory for Native peoples, since the creation of U.S. settler colonialism, the theft and devastation of their lands and cultures, denial of all rights, the torture . . . |

A Guest Author (2022-09-24). Pennsylvania DOC reclassifies Latinx incarcerated workers as 'white'. workers.org By Bryant Arroyo and Betsey Piette In late August, environmental justice advocate and Puerto Rican political prisoner Bryant Arroyo was notified that the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Pennsylvania Justice Network, arbitrarily and without prior notice, changed his Hispanic/Latino race classification to "white." The misnamed "Justice" Network is . . . |

JANET (2022-09-24). 'Monarchy is a survival of the tyranny'. iacenter.org September 13, 2022 Irish Freedom Fighter, Marxist and labor leader James Connolly wrote these words in 1910. Connolly, who along with James Larkin, was a leader of the Irish Transport and General Union during the 1913 Dublin Lockout. The British government executed Connolly by firing squad in 1916 for his leadership role in that year's heroic Easter Rising. James Connolly What is monarchy? From whence does it derive its sanction? What has been its gift to humanity? Monarchy is a survival of the tyranny imposed by the hand of greed and treachery upon the human race in the darkest and most ignorant days of our hist…

Julia Conley (2022-09-24). 'Catastrophic': Arizona Judge Allows 1864 Abortion Ban to Go Into Effect. commondreams.org "No archaic law should dictate our reproductive freedom," said one rights advocate.

TeleSUR -ysm, DRL (2022-09-24). Presidente cubano manifiesta apoyo al Código de las Familias. telesurtv.net El Código integra los derechos pasados y presentes, que con el tiempo han construido generaciones de cubanos.

Margie Mason, Robin McDowell (2022-09-23). Prison labor helped build U.S. capitalists' business empires. peoplesworld.org More than 1 years ago, a prison complex known as the Lone Rock stockade operated at one of the biggest coal mines in Tennessee. It was powered largely by African American men who had been arrested for minor offenses—like stealing a hog—if they committed any crime at all. Women and children, some as young as …

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