2023-05-18: News Headlines

Staff (2023-05-18). From Waterboarding to Rape, Abu Zubaydah Depicts Torture at Black Sites & Gitmo in Graphic Sketches. democracynow.org The Center for Policy and Research has just published a new report titled "American Torturers: FBI and CIA Abuses at Dark Sites and Guantánamo," which compiles a series of 40 drawings by Guantánamo Bay prisoner Abu Zubaydah that chronicle the horrific torture he endured since 2002 in CIA dark sites and at Guantánamo Bay, where he has been detained without charge since 2006. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has issued a new call for the United States to release him immediately. We speak with one of his attorneys, Mark Denbeaux, and CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou, who exposed the…

Editor (2023-05-18). Detained "Cop City" Journalist Sues Atlanta Police, Alleges Intimidation. scheerpost.com

teleSUR (2023-05-18). Salvadoran Police Arrest Son of Environmental Activist Morales. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Salvadoran civil police officers detained Manuel Gamez, son of Vidalina Morales, who chairs the Salvadoran Economic Development Association (ADES). | RELATED: | "Manuel Gamez was arbitrarily detained," ADES denounced, emphasizing that his detention occurs within the framework of the "Exception Regime" that President Nayib Bukele imposed in this Central American country on March 27, 2022. | In an open letter addressed to Raq…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-05-17). ICE, Homeland Security Accused Of Targeting Outspoken Migrant Worker For Deportation. thedissenter.org The following article was made possible by paid subscribers. Support independent journalism on secrecy, whistleblowers, and press freedom. Subscribe and get a Immigrant rights attorneys filed a complaint against United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that alleges that ICE detained a migrant worker known for speaking out against workplace abuse at construction and poultry plants. | Baldomero Orozco Juarez, an indigenous father from Guatemala who lives in Mississippi, was arrested at an ICE check-in on April 12, 2023. Author…

Michael Fox (2023-05-17). Families of the detained see echoes of dictatorial past in El Salvador's gang crackdown. therealnews.com El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele is a millennial social media sensation, who has ruled with an iron fist over the last year, instituting a state of exception and locking up 65,000 suspected gang members. For much of the country, his policies have been an overwhelming success, slashing crime rates like never seen. But, thousands of family members of the detained say their loved ones are innocent. On May 1, they led a huge International Workers Day march against the government. Their stories, and the signs they carry, are eerily reminiscent. In the 1970s and '80s, 30,000 innocent civilians were detained,…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-18). Communists in Luxembourg stress housing, social rights in manifesto for upcoming local elections. peoplesdispatch.org Elections are set to take place for the governing councils of 100 communes which are of the status of municipalities on June 11. The Communist Party of Luxembourg has said it will strive to ensure that municipalities actually belong to the inhabitants…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-18). Israeli restrictions on foreign entry into West Bank denounced by rights group. peoplesdispatch.org A new report released by the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) on Tuesday, May 16, has

Pamela Haines, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-05-18). Protecting New Mexico's Centuries-Old Water Democracy. popularresistance.org How do we mediate our relationship with water? Those in areas with unquestioned and sufficient supply may have issues with affordability and cleanliness. But in dryer parts of the country — and the world — more fundamental challenges with the allocation of scarce water are coming increasingly to the fore. | In New Mexico, the reality of scarcity pits an Indigenous perspective of water as part of the commons against a Western worldview that is centered in a system of individual property rights. These two perspectives are colliding with ever greater intensity and higher stakes. | On the one side there i…

Editor (2023-05-18). Digital Privacy Legislation is Civil Rights Legislation. scheerpost.com By Paige Collings and Adam Schwartz / Electronic Frontier Foundation Our personal data and the ways private companies harvest and monetize it plays an increasingly powerful role in modern life. Corporate databases are vast, interconnected, and opaque. The movement and use of our data is difficult to understand, let alone trace. Yet companies use it to …

Liberation Staff (2023-05-17). PSL Editorial — Struggle over abortion rights heats up nationwide. liberationnews.org Nearly one year after the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision dealt a historic blow to women's rights, the fight is as urgent as ever and playing out on a number of fronts.

Staff (2023-05-17). Venezuela's National Assembly Approves Bill for Protection of Assets Abroad. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved the Bill for the Protection of Assets, Rights and Interests of the Republic and its Entities Abroad in its second discussion on Tuesday. The bill is a tool to counter the failed US-led "regime change" operation to oust President Nicolás Maduro that, in reality, affects millions of Venezuelans, especially the most vulnerable ones. | After the bill was approved on Tuesday, May 16, the president of the National Assembly (AN), Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, agreed to apply "exemplary" sanctions against the people involved in the dispossession of property and assets…

Cassandra Dixon (2023-05-17). Taxpayer Money Shouldn't Support Illegal Settlements in Palestine. progressive.org Bernie Sanders and Jamaal Bowman are attempting to shift U.S. policy toward defending Palestinian rights rather than backing encroachments on their land.

SAM (2023-05-17). Activists Press To Stop New York From Subsidizing Illegal Israeli Settlements. progressivehub.net CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS…

infobrics (2023-05-19). India slams European sanction threats for refining and selling Russian oil. infobrics.org New Delhi defends its interests despite constant Western pressure.

Staff (2023-05-18). President Maduro: Venezuela Must Participate in Worldwide De-dollarization Trend. orinocotribune.com During the fourth broadcast of his television program Con Maduro+, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said that Venezuela will join the de-dollarization initiative that is advancing globally: "Venezuela must join the initiative of de-dollarization of the world." | President Maduro noted that Venezuela has been a pioneer in the search for alternatives to the US dollar to circumvent the "sanctions" imposed by the United States and its allies, while he denounced the political use of the US currency due to its position as the dominant international reserve currency in the world financial system. The president highli…

JANET (2023-05-17). Scott Ritter: U.S. SANCTIONS boomerang back. iacenter.org Scott Ritter, Political and Military Analyst, Former U.S. Marine Officer and United Nations Weapons Inspector, said the following about "Sanctions, a Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy": I observed first ≠ hand, from 1991 ≠ — 2002, the inhumanity and ineffectiveness of US ≠led sanctions targeting Iraq. I can say without fear of contradiction that the publication of "Sanctions—A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy" provides a much ≠ needed source of historical and current information about the nefarious reality of America's go ≠to policy of choice—sanctions. With US ≠led sanctions o…

Ryan Black (2023-05-17). The Washington Consensus Supporting Sanctions On Cuba And Venezuela Is Breaking. progressivehub.net BRANKO MARCETIC | JACOBIN…

SAM (2023-05-17). Activists Press To Stop New York From Subsidizing Illegal Israeli Settlements. progressivehub.net CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS…

infobrics (2023-05-19). India slams European sanction threats for refining and selling Russian oil. infobrics.org New Delhi defends its interests despite constant Western pressure.

Staff (2023-05-18). President Maduro: Venezuela Must Participate in Worldwide De-dollarization Trend. orinocotribune.com During the fourth broadcast of his television program Con Maduro+, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said that Venezuela will join the de-dollarization initiative that is advancing globally: "Venezuela must join the initiative of de-dollarization of the world." | President Maduro noted that Venezuela has been a pioneer in the search for alternatives to the US dollar to circumvent the "sanctions" imposed by the United States and its allies, while he denounced the political use of the US currency due to its position as the dominant international reserve currency in the world financial system. The president highli…

JANET (2023-05-17). Scott Ritter: U.S. SANCTIONS boomerang back. iacenter.org Scott Ritter, Political and Military Analyst, Former U.S. Marine Officer and United Nations Weapons Inspector, said the following about "Sanctions, a Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy": I observed first ≠ hand, from 1991 ≠ — 2002, the inhumanity and ineffectiveness of US ≠led sanctions targeting Iraq. I can say without fear of contradiction that the publication of "Sanctions—A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy" provides a much ≠ needed source of historical and current information about the nefarious reality of America's go ≠to policy of choice—sanctions. With US ≠led sanctions o…

Ryan Black (2023-05-17). The Washington Consensus Supporting Sanctions On Cuba And Venezuela Is Breaking. progressivehub.net BRANKO MARCETIC | JACOBIN…

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