2023-05-31: News Headlines

Staff (2023-05-31). Ugandan Rights Activist: U.S. Conservatives Exported Anti-LGBTQ Hate That Led to "Kill the Gays" Law. democracynow.org We go to Kampala, Uganda, to discuss the impact of one of the most draconian anti-LGBTQ laws in the world, just signed by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. The new law makes same-sex relationships punishable by life imprisonment. Some LGBTQ people could receive the death sentence. Homophobia in Uganda is heavily influenced by American evangelists, who function as "exporters of hate," notes Pepe Onziema, a Ugandan human rights activist, causing LGBTQ Ugandans to "end up as collateral damage."…

AAMIR (2023-05-31). Saturday 6/3: Pakistan: Stop human rights violation, call for democracy. indybay.org 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco…

cameron orr (2023-05-30). CPUSA statement on the removal of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's historical marker in New Hampshire. cpusa.org In early May, the historical marker for Elizabeth Gurley Flynn at her birthplace in Concord, New Hampshire was taken down by Republican members of the city's executive council. So much for GOP objections to "cancel culture!" Why is a woman whose life was dedicated to justice, human rights and free speech so threatening? The …

Staff (2023-05-30). Mass demonstration in Vancouver commemorates 75 years of Nakba and resistance. samidoun.net Samidoun Vancouver joined with the Palestinian Youth Movement, Canada Palestine Association, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC and the International League of People's Struggle to commemorate the ongoing Nakba since 1948 on Sunday, 14 May 2023. Hundreds participated in a mass popular march from the Vancouver Art Gallery in the center of downtown to the …

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-05-31). Diputados brasileños aprueban ley que afecta tierras indígenas. telesurtv.net El texto base dificultaría la demarcación de tierras indígenas en el país latinoamericano, así como debilita una serie de derechos los pueblos originarios.

Max Blumenthal (2023-05-31). British police detain journalist Kit Klarenberg, interrogate him about The Grayzone. thegrayzone.com British counter-terror police detained journalist Kit Klarenberg upon his arrival at London's Luton airport and subjected him to an extended interrogation about his political views and reporting for The Grayzone. As soon as journalist Kit Klarenberg landed in his home country of Britain on May 17, 2023, six anonymous plainclothes counter-terror officers detained him. They quickly escorted him to a back room, where they grilled him for over five hours about his reporting for this outlet. They also inquired about …

Staff (2023-05-31). The Bibby Stockholm is about to sail to Dorset to imprison 500 refugees — join the protest to stop it. thecanary.co Residents of Cornwall are urgently asking for people to join a protest on the evening of Wednesday 31 May. They are gathering to demonstrate against the Bibby Stockholm, a floating barge which is to detain 500 male asylum seekers. The barge is currently docked for a refit in Falmouth. However, it is due to make …

Sasha Abramsky (2023-05-31). Colorado River Is on Life Support, and 40 Million People Depend on It for Water. truthout.org Water rights negotiators from California, Arizona and Nevada announced earlier this month that they have reached an agreement to reduce their draw of water from the Colorado River by 3 million acre-feet between now and 2026. That translates to the amount of water that several million households use in a year, and it represents a 14 percent reduction in water usage. Slightly over half of that… |

Isaac Nellist (2023-05-31). Green Left News Podcast Ep 9: 'Ocean heat bomb', children in prisons & Thai elections. greenleft.org.au Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist and refugee rights activist Chloe DS go through the latest news from Australia and around the world. Music and editing by LittleArcherBeats.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-31). Restoring the Land Rights of the Garifuna African People of Honduras. orinocotribune.com By Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu — May 27, 2023 | The Garifuna people are being dispossessed of their lands to such an extent that they do not even have enough lands to cultivate food. | The ages-long severe oppression of descendants of West African slaves in Honduras has yet to receive wide attention. The Garifuna African people in Honduras are increasingly being denied their lands and livelihoods by the Honduran government and the multilateral institutions of the Global North. The plight of the Garifuna African people and their fight to restore their lands and livelihoods should no longer be left only to them to fa…

Fight Back News!. (2023-05-31). 300 March For LGBTQ Youth At Louisiana Capitol. popularresistance.org Baton Rouge, Louisiana – On May 27, almost 300 people gathered at the Louisiana State Capitol to protest the attacks on LGBTQ rights. The demonstrators then marched to Governor John Bel Edwards' mansion and listened to several speakers. Protests like this are sweeping the nation as states move to pass anti-LGBTQ legislation. Many of the attendees and speakers were students and young people, who these reactionary bills directly attack. | Protesters demanded that Edwards, a Democrat, veto all anti-LBGTQ legislation. They condemned bills such as "Don't Say Gay" (HB 466), which would ban teachers from discussing gend…

WSWS (2023-05-31). Oppose the witch-hunting of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation workers. wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party opposes the victimisation of SLIC workers and stands unconditionally in defense of the jobs and democratic rights of all insurance corporation employees.

Katie Hoeppner (2023-05-31). Broken Promises: Trump-era Travel Bans Keep Thousands Trapped in Limbo. aclu.org

Staff (2023-05-30). "King: A Life": New Bio Details Extensive FBI Spying & How MLK's Criticism of Malcolm X Was Fabricated. democracynow.org We speak in depth with journalist Jonathan Eig about his new book, King: A Life, the first major biography of the civil rights leader in more than 35 years, which draws on unredacted FBI files, as well as the files of the personal aide to President Lyndon Baines Johnson, to show how Johnson and others partnered in the FBI's surveillance of King and efforts to destroy him, led by director J. Edgar Hoover. Eig also interviewed more than 200 people, including many who knew King closely, like the singer, actor and activist Harry Belafonte. The book has also drawn attention for its revelation that King was less…

Amy Goodman (2023-05-30). New Biography Details How MLK's Criticism of Malcolm X Was Fabricated. truthout.org We speak in depth with journalist Jonathan Eig about his new book, King: A Life, the first major biography of the civil rights leader in more than 35 years, which draws on unredacted FBI files, as well as the files of the personal aide to President Lyndon Baines Johnson, to show how Johnson and others partnered in the FBI's surveillance of King and efforts to destroy him, led by director J. |

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-31). UN appeals for aid for war-torn Syria. peoplesdispatch.org Around 70% of Syria's population—over 15 million people—depends on humanitarian aid for their survival, according to the UN. The country's economy has been severely hurt due to a decade-long war and sanctions imposed by the US and its allies, with the situation worsening since the disastrous earthquake in February…

Staff (2023-05-30). Headlines for May 30, 2023. democracynow.org Debt Ceiling Deal Would Cap Nonmilitary Spending, Add Welfare Work Requirements, Slash IRS Funds, Sudan's Rival Military Factions Extend Shaky Truce, Drone Attacks on Moscow Follow Russian Airstrikes on Kyiv, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Wins Reelection in Presidential Runoff, Israeli Settlers Move to Reestablish Illegal Outpost in Occupied West Bank, Libyan Court Sentences 23 Men to Death over ISIS Takeover of Sirte, Ugandan President Signs Draconian Anti-LGBTQ Bill That Includes Death Penalty, Lula Welcomes Venezuelan President Maduro to Brazil, Blasts U.S. Sanctions, 16 Killed Across U.

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-30). US Increases Sanctions on Syria After Damascus Rejoins Arab League. news.antiwar.com The US on Tuesday imposed new sanctions on Syria for the first time since the country was brought back into the Arab League as part of a normalization push between Damascus and regional governments. According to the Treasury Department, the US sanctioned two Syrian money service businesses that are accused of helping the government of …

Katie Hoeppner (2023-05-31). Broken Promises: Trump-era Travel Bans Keep Thousands Trapped in Limbo. aclu.org

Staff (2023-05-30). "King: A Life": New Bio Details Extensive FBI Spying & How MLK's Criticism of Malcolm X Was Fabricated. democracynow.org We speak in depth with journalist Jonathan Eig about his new book, King: A Life, the first major biography of the civil rights leader in more than 35 years, which draws on unredacted FBI files, as well as the files of the personal aide to President Lyndon Baines Johnson, to show how Johnson and others partnered in the FBI's surveillance of King and efforts to destroy him, led by director J. Edgar Hoover. Eig also interviewed more than 200 people, including many who knew King closely, like the singer, actor and activist Harry Belafonte. The book has also drawn attention for its revelation that King was less…

Amy Goodman (2023-05-30). New Biography Details How MLK's Criticism of Malcolm X Was Fabricated. truthout.org We speak in depth with journalist Jonathan Eig about his new book, King: A Life, the first major biography of the civil rights leader in more than 35 years, which draws on unredacted FBI files, as well as the files of the personal aide to President Lyndon Baines Johnson, to show how Johnson and others partnered in the FBI's surveillance of King and efforts to destroy him, led by director J. |

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-31). UN appeals for aid for war-torn Syria. peoplesdispatch.org Around 70% of Syria's population—over 15 million people—depends on humanitarian aid for their survival, according to the UN. The country's economy has been severely hurt due to a decade-long war and sanctions imposed by the US and its allies, with the situation worsening since the disastrous earthquake in February…

Staff (2023-05-30). Headlines for May 30, 2023. democracynow.org Debt Ceiling Deal Would Cap Nonmilitary Spending, Add Welfare Work Requirements, Slash IRS Funds, Sudan's Rival Military Factions Extend Shaky Truce, Drone Attacks on Moscow Follow Russian Airstrikes on Kyiv, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Wins Reelection in Presidential Runoff, Israeli Settlers Move to Reestablish Illegal Outpost in Occupied West Bank, Libyan Court Sentences 23 Men to Death over ISIS Takeover of Sirte, Ugandan President Signs Draconian Anti-LGBTQ Bill That Includes Death Penalty, Lula Welcomes Venezuelan President Maduro to Brazil, Blasts U.S. Sanctions, 16 Killed Across U.

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-30). US Increases Sanctions on Syria After Damascus Rejoins Arab League. news.antiwar.com The US on Tuesday imposed new sanctions on Syria for the first time since the country was brought back into the Arab League as part of a normalization push between Damascus and regional governments. According to the Treasury Department, the US sanctioned two Syrian money service businesses that are accused of helping the government of …

Anonymous103 (2023-05-30). China Rebuffs Pentagon Chief For Talks Due To Sanctions On Top General. southfront.org China's Defense Minister Gen. Li Shangfu visiting Moscow in April: Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP | Originally published by The US confirmed Monday that Beijing continues resisting all military-to-military communications and contacts with the Pentagon. | The latest specific is that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reached out to his Chinese counterpart, Minister of National Defen…

WSWS (2023-05-30). What next in the growing dollar crisis? wsws.org Sanctions imposed by the US and the major imperialist powers against Russia at the start of the Ukraine war have produced some unintended consequences, most notably attempts to shift away from dependence on the dollar as the global reserve currency.

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