2023-06-14: News Headlines

Anonymous669 (2023-06-14). Russian Service Member Killed, Others Wounded In Rare Northern Syria Attack (Videos). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | On June 12, a Russian service member was killed and several others were wounded when their vehicle was hit while on patrol in northern Syria. | The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a London-based opposition war monitor of unclear funding, reported that the vehicle was hit when the Turkish military shelled a road linking the villages of Herbel with Um Hawsh in a part of the northern Aleppo countryside that's controlled by the Ku…

Brett Wilkins (2023-06-13). Human Rights Defenders Slam Israel's Planned West Bank Settlement Expansion. truthout.org Human rights defenders on Monday blasted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's far-right apartheid government after it reportedly informed the Biden administration of plans to build thousands of new Jewish-only settler homes in the illegally occupied West Bank of Palestine. Three Israeli and U.S. officials told Axios that Israel will announce later this month its intention to build at least… |

WSWS (2023-06-13). Ukrainian nationalists demand Russian and Belarusian pianists be barred from Australian music competition. wsws.org Calls for the banning of the classical musicians expose the bogus claims that the US-led NATO war against Russia is a "human rights" endeavour and reveal its anti-democratic, chauvinist and reactionary character.

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-06-13). Moroccan agents assault former Sahrawi political prisoner Mahfouda Lefkir, besiege her house in occupied territory. peoplesdispatch.org A trade unionist and prominent human rights defender, Mahfouda has been unrelentingly participating in the struggle for Western Sahara's liberation from Moroccan occupation despite torture, imprisonment, and threats of rape…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-13). To the WEF, WHO and UN: Get out of our country, you are not welcome here. expose-news.com On Sunday, retired police constable Mark Sexton and lawyers Philip Hyland and Hannah Rose, with involvement and direction from a senior human rights barrister, released a video statement to explain their judicial …

Staff (2023-06-13). "Doing Journalism Is a Crime": Guatemalan Publisher José Rubén Zamora Faces 40 Years Behind Bars. democracynow.org Prominent Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora faces 40 years in prison in his sentencing hearing Wednesday for what press freedom and human rights groups say are inflated charges of money laundering. Zamora is the founder and president of the investigative newspaper El Periódico and has long reported on Guatemalan government corruption. El Periódico was forced to shut down last month after months of intensifying harassment and persecution from President Alejandro Giammattei's right-wing government. The government has held Zamora "as a hostage" for nearly a year as part of its wider crackdown…

Walden Bello (2023-06-13). Time to Seek Justice, Not Hand Out the Nobel Prize, for Economic Crimes. fpif.org Amnesty International Philippines named FPIF commentator Walden Bello "Most Distinguished Defender of Human Rights" for 2023. This is his acceptance speech. | I would like to thank Amnesty International for this honor of naming me the Most Distinguished Human Rights Defender for 2023. Let me say that while I have long been active in the protection of the right to life, the right to be free from persecution, and the right to due process, I would like to believe that the panel of judges are also making a statement about my long-time engagement with economic rights. | Most of my life's work has been devoted to intel…

Philip Giraldi (2023-06-13). Israeli Soldiers Shoot Dead Palestinian Two-Year-Old. thealtworld.com While Blinken tells AIPAC of Team Biden's "iron clad" support for Israel | There would appear to be no limit to Israeli bestiality towards the Palestinians and likewise no limit to how much that brutality has been enabled by the positions taken by successive US governments and the national media. Indeed, the self-defined Jewish state, which ironically claims to be a democracy, is perhaps the leading human rights violator in all the world due to its officially condoned genocide directed against the Palestinian people and its bombing and killing of neighboring Syrians and Lebanese without providing any convincing e…

ecns.cn (2023-06-14). Man detained in Tianjin explosion investigation. ecns.cn A 46-year-old man was detained with suspicion of exploding two residential apartments on Tuesday night in Hedong district, Tianjin, causing three death and multiple injuries.

Fight Back (2023-06-13). Free the Santa Marta 5, environmentalist political prisoners in El Salvador. fightbacknews.org Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador – On January 11, 2023, five environmental activists and community leaders from Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador were arrested on bogus charges in a clear case of political persecution. They are still detained five months later and the movement to free them is growing around the world. | The men arrested – Antonio Pacheco, Saúl Rivas, Pedro Antonio Rivas, Alejandro Laínez and Miguel Gámez – are prominent leaders of the grassroots movement that won the world's first ban on metallic mining. The organization they're part of, the Association for Social Economic Development (ADES…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-14). One in five children is engaged in child labor in Afghanistan. peoplesdispatch.org Around 90% of Afghans lack enough food to eat, forcing many impoverished families to send their children to work. Many children are also forced to work due to unsafe migration, family separation, detentions, and injuries from unexploded ordinances…

WSWS (2023-06-13). More information that Australia's war crimes in Afghanistan were covered up. wsws.org In one incident, an elderly imam was allegedly shot and killed, despite being unarmed and in detention. The military command and the government defended the conduct of the soldiers involved.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-06-13). The Illegal Detention of Hannibal Gaddafi in Lebanon. libya360.wordpress.com Marinella Correggia Hannibal Gaddafi, one of the surviving sons of the Libyan leader killed as a result of the Nato war in 2011, began a hunger strike days ago in the Lebanese prison where he has been held since 2015, without trial or charges. His medical condition is precarious, his lawyer Paul Romanos told the…

Women's March & partners (2023-06-14). Saturday 6/24: Nationwide Day of Protest for Rights to Abortion Care & Bodily Autonomy. indybay.org Actions in Washington D.C. and throughout the nation…

WSWS (2023-06-14). Podemos joins Sumar in a pro-war alliance for Spain's July 23 snap elections. wsws.org Podemos, Sumar and IU all intend to justify plans for continued attacks on workers' living standards and social rights by escalating the US-NATO war on Russia in Ukraine.

ecns.cn (2023-06-13). Ministry: U.S.' moves show lack of scruples. ecns.cn Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday that the United States is carried away with abusing its national power to suppress Chinese companies and China will continue to protect the legitimate rights and interests of its enterprises with necessary measures.

Lora Strum (2023-06-13). The Fight to Take Back Our Genes. aclu.org Should companies be able to patent human genes? For decades, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office said yes, ultimately granting patents on thousands of genes. | Two of the genes that were patented are BRCA1 and BRCA2. The patent office approved exclusive rights over the genes because Myriad Genetics was the first to "isolate" them, or remove them from the body and cell. The patents on the genes allowed Myriad to exercise a monopoly on the genes in the United States, shutting down other labs from offering testing or second opinions and increasing the price to thousands of dollars per test. | The ACLU opposes pa…

Mitchell Zimmerman (2023-06-13). DeSantis and the other GOP anti-trans politicians are following the Nazi playbook. peoplesworld.org The 1920s were both good and bad times for the Jews of Germany. They'd been granted the same legal rights as other Germans and were established in respected professions. They were mostly treated as worthy of dignity. But that changed as anti-Semites scapegoated Jews for all of Germany's woes—from the loss of World War I …

WSWS (2023-06-13). Oppose attempt to disrupt defence for witch-hunted Sri Lankan plantation workers. wsws.org The estate management fears that the defence campaign for the witch-hunted workers will inspire estate workers to fight for their social and democratic rights against the attacks of the government and companies.

Isaac Nellist & Chloe DS (2023-06-13). Green Left News Podcast Ep 11: World Environment Day, public housing occupation & Canada's climate win. greenleft.org.au Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist and refugee rights activist Chloe DS go through the latest news from Australia and around the world. Music and editing by LittleArcherBeats.

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-06-13). Take Action To Stop The Growing Assault On Transgender Rights. popularresistance.org In the first five months of 2023, over 500 pieces of legislation were introduced in the US to restrict the rights of transgender people. This is part of a growing assault, fueled by the corporate media, on transgender existence. Clearing the FOG speaks with journalist and activist Morgan Artyukhina about the history of transgender struggles, the impacts of the current hostile environment on people, how transgender rights are being used to divide and weaken the ruling class and what people can do to show solidarity and stop the assault. Morgan also discusses the importance of education in creating an inclusive soc…

Andrew Korybko (2023-06-13). Does It Really Matter Whether New Permanent UNSC Members Have Veto Rights? thealtworld.com It's undeniable that the UNSC in its present form doesn't accurately reflect contemporary geopolitical realities, which is why there's an effort to reform that global body through the expansion of its permanent members, but the devil's in the details as they say since this is a lot easier said than done. | The

ecns.cn (2023-06-14). Meddling in HK tycoon case slammed. ecns.cn The central government and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region officials have slammed U.S. politicians' interference in a court case involving Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai Chee-ying and their attempt to impose sanctions on Hong Kong judicial officers.

infobrics (2023-06-14). US loses credibility as most of world's population supports Russia — American journalist. infobrics.org If the West's intention with the imposition of sanctions and coercive measures was to pressure and isolate Russia, this strategy failed.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-13). Iranian president visits Latin American countries in an attempt to strengthen multipolar world order. peoplesdispatch.org Ebrahim Raisi is on a five-day state visit to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua — Latin American countries that have been similarly affected by stringent US sanctions and hegemonic politics…

Staff (2023-06-13). Talk World Radio: Adrienne Pine on Sanctioning Countries and Then Refusing to Admit Refugees. davidswanson.org

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