2023-07-10: News Headlines

Amy Goodman (2023-07-10). Cluster Bomb Deliveries to Ukraine Alarm Human Rights and Antiwar Advocates. truthout.org The Biden administration is drawing outrage after announcing it will send cluster bombs to Ukraine as part of a new weapons package. When deployed, cluster munitions spread smaller "bomblets" across a wide area and regularly kill civilians, either on initial impact or from unexploded segments that go off later. Their use has been banned by 123 countries that signed the Convention on Cluster… |

Amy Goodman (2023-07-10). Cluster Bomb Deliveries to Ukraine Alarms Human Rights and Antiwar Advocates. truthout.org The Biden administration is drawing outrage after announcing it will send cluster bombs to Ukraine as part of a new weapons package. When deployed, cluster munitions spread smaller "bomblets" across a wide area and regularly kill civilians, either on initial impact or from unexploded segments that go off later. Their use has been banned by 123 countries that signed the Convention on Cluster… |

Binoy Kampmark (2023-07-09). A Bankrupt Calculus: Sending Cluster Munitions to Ukraine. dissidentvoice.org There is a certain desperation in the logic of those who argue that a depraved solution has merit because it's only slightly less depraved than that of the opponent. Torture is bad but should still be used because your adversary feels free to resort to it. Only do so, however, via judicial warrant. Bombing hospitals …

_____ (2023-07-10). Mintieron sobre Afganistan e Irak y ahora mienten sobre UcraniaPublicado originalmente por ScheerPost. strategic-culture.org El público estadounidense ha sido engañado, una vez más, para que invierta miles de millones en otra guerra interminable. | El manual de jugadas estratégicas que los proxenetas de la guerra utilizan para arrastrarnos a un fiasco militar tras otro, incluyendo Vietnam, Afganistán, Irak, Libia, Siria y ahora Ucrania, no cambia. | La libertad y la democracia están amenazadas. El mal debe ser derrotado. Hay que proteger los derechos humanos. Está en juego el destino de Europa y de la OTAN, así como el ´ orden internacional basado en reglas ª. La victoria está asegurada… | Los resultados también son los…

_____ (2023-07-10). Conditions for Guantanamo Detainees Are Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading, UN Investigator Says. transcend.org 26 Jun 2023 – The first U.N. independent investigator to visit the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay said today the 30 men held there are subject "to ongoing cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under international law."

teleSUR (2023-07-10). Man With 77 KG Heroin Arrested in South Afghanistan. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, Spokesman for the Interior Ministry Abdul Matin Qani said that Afghan police have arrested a man with 77 kg heroin in south Afghanistan's Uruzgan province. | Related: | According to Qani, the counter-narcotics police have detained the man along with the drugs in Uruzgan province and three more drug smugglers in the eastern Khost province and another in Parwan province over the past 24 hours. | Qani also said that the counter-narcotics police have als…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-07-10). Over 71K alleged gangers busted in El Salvador. plenglish.com The arrest of Javier Enrique Sánchez, alias Liro Black, marked the total number of detentions under the state of emergency. Most are presently being sentenced for their crimes, Justice and Security Minister Gustavo Villatoro stated. | Villatoro stated that Sánchez would be tried for illegal association and drug possession.

Vince Quiles (2023-07-10). Why companies say you're 'family' while underpaying you. therealnews.com Karl Marx once observed that "equal rights" under the inequality of capitalism simply means the right of capitalists to exploit workers. Anyone who's attempted to unionize their workplace has discovered the truth of this—as employers frequently stoop to unethical and dishonest measures to prevent workers from building collective power. Felix Allen, a Lowe's union organizer based in New Orleans, speaks with The Real News about his experience organizing his workplace for fair pay. | Studio Production: Adam Coley, David Hebden, Cameron Granadino | Post-Production: Cameron Granadino |
| Transcrip…

Grace Storrie (2023-07-10). The Weekly Round-up: the COVID-19 Inquiry, Crimes of Aggression in Ukraine, and UK Special Forces in Afghanistan. ukhumanrightsblog.com In the news On Thursday, the High Court dismissed a claim for judicial review brought by the Cabinet Office, regarding a notice issued by the Chair of the COVID-19 Inquiry which requested the disclosure of correspondence between former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his senior advisers. The Cabinet Office argued the Inquiry Chair's notice was unlawful …

Barry Sheppard (2023-07-10). United States: Supreme Court upholds LGBTQ discrimination, denies student debt relief. greenleft.org.au The United States Supreme Court curtailed LGBTQ rights and struck down debt relief for students on June 30, reports Barry Sheppard.

ecns.cn (2023-07-10). Regulators fine Ant Group 7.12 billion yuan for violations. ecns.cn Financial regulators imposed a 7.12 billion yuan ($984.1 million) fine on Ant Group, an affiliated company of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, on Friday for violations of laws on corporate governance, consumer rights and business activities.

Malik Miah (2023-07-10). United States: Supreme Court refuses to hear challenge to Mississippi law against Black voting rights. greenleft.org.au The United States Supreme Court upheld, on June 30, a century-old Mississippi law used during the "Jim Crow" segregationist era to deny Black people in the state the right to vote, reports Malik Miah.

Movement Rights (2023-07-10). Tuesday 7/11: Banking on a Safe World: Divest from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels w/ Indigenous Leaders. indybay.org Online event via Zoom…

Movement Rights (2023-07-10). Monday 7/17: Banking on a Safe World: Divesting from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels. indybay.org Online event via Zoom…

West Oakland Tenants Rights Clinic (2023-07-10). Wednesday 7/19: Renters' Rights Clinic in West Oakland. indybay.org Oakland Public Library: West Oakland Branch | 1801 Adeline Street | Oakland, CA 94607…

WSWS (2023-07-10). Two American high school students demand Sydney's Macquarie University end censorship of anti-war IYSSE club. wsws.org "To deny club status to the IYSSE is a denial of the most basic democratic rights of students to express their thoughts and organize."

WSWS (2023-07-10). Canada's New Democratic Party feigns "solidarity" with striking West Coast dockers. wsws.org The NDP is posturing as a defender of workers' rights, while propping up the federal Liberal government that is colluding with the Biden administration to criminalize or otherwise force a quick end to the B.C. dockers' strike on the employers' terms.

WSWS (2023-07-10). Canada's New Democratic Party's feigns "solidarity" with striking west coast dockers. wsws.org The NDP is posturing as a defender of workers' rights, while propping up the federal Liberal government that is colluding with the Biden administration to criminalize or otherwise force a quick end to the B.C. dockers' strike on the employers' terms.

Movement Rights (2023-07-10). Tuesday 7/11: Banking on a Safe World: Divest from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels w/ Indigenous Leaders. indybay.org Online event via Zoom…

Movement Rights (2023-07-10). Monday 7/17: Banking on a Safe World: Divesting from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels. indybay.org Online event via Zoom…

West Oakland Tenants Rights Clinic (2023-07-10). Wednesday 7/19: Renters' Rights Clinic in West Oakland. indybay.org Oakland Public Library: West Oakland Branch | 1801 Adeline Street | Oakland, CA 94607…

WSWS (2023-07-10). Two American high school students demand Sydney's Macquarie University end censorship of anti-war IYSSE club. wsws.org "To deny club status to the IYSSE is a denial of the most basic democratic rights of students to express their thoughts and organize."

WSWS (2023-07-10). Canada's New Democratic Party feigns "solidarity" with striking West Coast dockers. wsws.org The NDP is posturing as a defender of workers' rights, while propping up the federal Liberal government that is colluding with the Biden administration to criminalize or otherwise force a quick end to the B.C. dockers' strike on the employers' terms.

WSWS (2023-07-10). Canada's New Democratic Party's feigns "solidarity" with striking west coast dockers. wsws.org The NDP is posturing as a defender of workers' rights, while propping up the federal Liberal government that is colluding with the Biden administration to criminalize or otherwise force a quick end to the B.C. dockers' strike on the employers' terms.

Staff (2023-07-10). Tennessee's War on Trans People: Court OKs Ban on Gender-Affirming Care as AG Demands Medical Records. democracynow.org A federal appeals court has ruled the Tennessee law banning gender-affirming care for transgender youth could go into effect for now, reversing a lower court order. It marks the first time a federal court has allowed such a ban on transition care to fully take hold in the United States, amid a wave of Republican-led attacks on trans rights targeting medical care, education, sports and beyond. "This is going to cause very serious harm to transgender adolescents," says attorney Chase Strangio of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is among the groups suing Tennessee over the law. We also speak wit…

Institute For New Economic Thinking, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-07-09). Solidarity Economics — A Path Away From Capitalist Exploitation. popularresistance.org Professor Jessica Gordon-Nembhard explores the potential of cooperatives and solidarity economics as pathways towards economic democracy and justice. Drawing on historical examples from the civil rights movement and the Knights of Labor in the 1880s, Nembhard demonstrates how cooperative economics can counteract the exploitation inherent in capitalist systems. She underlines the importance of communal ownership and shared decision-making as mechanisms for wealth redistribution, arguing that such models can liberate communities from economic exploitation.

Steve Topple, The Canary. (2023-07-09). Disabled Mothers Are Fighting Back Against Social Services. popularresistance.org We have come together to make the situation of disabled mothers and our children visible. We are launching a Charter of Rights which will spell out what support we are entitled to, and what councils and the family courts must do to end the discrimination and abuse of power we face at their hands, especially if we're also single, of colour, immigrant, working-class, a victim of domestic violence, a sex worker and/or were in care as children. The universal bond between mother and child must be respected and supported, financially and in every way, not the privatised child removal industry where disabled children/of…

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