2023-10-11: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-10-11). China elected to Human Rights Council for 2024-2026. ecns.cn China on Tuesday was again elected as a member of the Human Rights Council for the term 2024-2026 in the election held at the 78th United Nations General Assembly.

Editor (2023-10-11). UN slams Israeli siege on Gaza as violation of international law. mronline.org United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk calls on the global community to defuse the "explosive powder keg" situation in Palestine.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-11). Cuba defending the South at the UN Human Rights Council. plenglish.com United Nations, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) The re-election of Cuba as a member of the UN Human Rights Council opens new opportunities for the defense of the interests of the South within the organization.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-11). Cuba highlights recognition of the work done on human rights issues. plenglish.com Havana, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) Cuba considers the broad support it gained as an international recognition of the work it has done in human rights, which allowed it to join the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-11). Venezuelan Chancellor praises election of Cuba to the HRC of the UN. plenglish.com Caracas, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) The Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Yván Gil, considered the election of Cuba as a member of the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations to be good news for Latin America and the Caribbean.

MEE staff (2023-10-11). Israel-Palestine war: Keir Starmer supports Israel's 'right' to cut Gaza's water and power. middleeasteye.net Israel-Palestine war: Keir Starmer supports Israel's 'right' to cut Gaza's water and power | Leader of the UK's opposition Labour Party and frontrunner to be the British prime minister was previously a human rights lawyer | Wed, 10/11/2023 – 11: 42 | Under Starmer's reign as leader, Labour has taken a more pro-Israel stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict (AFP/Paul Ellis) | The leader of the UK's oppos…

presstv.ir (2023-10-11). Pro Palestine protests in Paris. presstv.ir Demonstrators gathered in Paris to demand that Palestinians be given their human rights and that Western governments end their complicity with Israel.

presstv.ir (2023-10-11). UN: Israel's total Gaza blockade amounts to war crime. presstv.ir The UN human rights chief Volker Turk said the blockade "seriously" risks the already dire humanitarian situation.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-10). Cuba is elected a member of UN Human Rights Council. plenglish.com United Nations, Oct 10 (Prensa Latina) Cuba will be once again a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, after winning 146 votes at the 78th General Assembly on Tuesday.

Orinoco Tribune. (2023-10-10). Al-Qassam Commander: 'Today, People Claim Their Revolution'. popularresistance.org The Zionist colonial occupation occupied our Palestinian homeland and displaced our people, destroyed our towns and villages, committed hundreds of massacres against our people, killing children, women, and elderly people and demolishing homes with their inhabitants inside in violation of all international norms and laws and human rights conventions. | We have previously warned the Israeli occupation against continuing their crimes and appealed to world leaders to work on putting an end to the Israeli crimes against our Palestinian people and detainees and their holy sites and homeland and to put pressure on the…

presstv.ir (2023-10-10). Pro Palestine protests in Paris. presstv.ir Demonstrators gathered in Paris to demand that Palestinians be given their human rights and that Western governments end their complicity with Israel.

sputnikglobe (2023-10-10). Russia Fails in Bid to Get Elected to UN Human Rights Council for 2024-2026. sputnikglobe.com UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – Russia has failed in its bid to get elected to the UN Human Rights Council for 2024-2026, a Sputnik correspondent reported on Tuesday.

Vijay Prashad (2023-10-10). The savagery of the war against the Palestinian people. peoplesdispatch.org Israel's brutal and punctual violence against the Palestinian people in Gaza over the last decade, is in violation of all international conventions on war and human rights…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-10). Cuba is among the candidates for UN Human Rights Council. plenglish.com United Nations, Oct 10 (Prensa Latina) Cuba reaffirms its commitment to protecting universal guarantees as the United Nations General Assembly elects 15 seats to the Human Rights Council on Tuesday.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-10-10). UNHC for Human Rights warns against Israel's blockade against Gaza. plenglish.com Geneva, Oct 10 (Prensa Latina) United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tàºrk warned on Tuesday that the total blockade announced by Israel against the Palestinian Gaza Strip is forbidden by international humanitarian law.

FP Staff (2023-10-11). Russia loses bid to regain seat on UN Human Rights Council. firstpost.com The UN General Assembly on Tuesday rejected a bid by Russia to regain a seat on the Human Rights Council, from which it was ousted after invading Ukraine. | Russia, which was competing with Bulgaria and Albania for two open spots allocated to the Eastern Europe regional group, nonetheless received 83 votes in its favor from the UN General Assembly's 193 members. | The election for the body's 2024-2026 term had been viewed as a test of what Moscow contended was quiet support despite fierce Western-led criticism over its brutal assault on its neighbor. | The vote comes just days after a Russian missile attack on th…

FP Staff (2023-10-11). Russia seek to fine Human Rights activist for 'discrediting' nation's army fighting Ukraine war. firstpost.com The latest move in a ruthless campaign against activists, independent journalists, and opposition personalities, Russian authorities on Wednesday moved to penalize a prominent human rights advocate who was being tried for criticizing the war in Ukraine. | Oleg Orlov, co-chairman of the human rights organization Memorial that won the Nobel Peace Prize, has been accused of openly "discrediting" the Russian military after he published a Facebook post criticizing the invasion of Ukraine. | Orlov has been fined twice for antiwar protests before facing criminal charges; under a rule passed immediately after the Kremlin…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-10-11). France promises to work from multilateralism in the H.R Council. plenglish.com Paris, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) France assured today that it will work in the UN Human Rights Council, convinced that multilateralism is the best way to respond to the contemporary challenges, after its election to integrate that organ.

Vijay Prashad (2023-10-10). The savagery of the war against the Palestinian people. peoplesdispatch.org Israel's brutal and punctual violence against the Palestinian people in Gaza over the last decade, is in violation of all international conventions on war and human rights…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-10). Cuba is among the candidates for UN Human Rights Council. plenglish.com United Nations, Oct 10 (Prensa Latina) Cuba reaffirms its commitment to protecting universal guarantees as the United Nations General Assembly elects 15 seats to the Human Rights Council on Tuesday.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-10-10). UNHC for Human Rights warns against Israel's blockade against Gaza. plenglish.com Geneva, Oct 10 (Prensa Latina) United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tàºrk warned on Tuesday that the total blockade announced by Israel against the Palestinian Gaza Strip is forbidden by international humanitarian law.

FP Staff (2023-10-11). Russia loses bid to regain seat on UN Human Rights Council. firstpost.com The UN General Assembly on Tuesday rejected a bid by Russia to regain a seat on the Human Rights Council, from which it was ousted after invading Ukraine. | Russia, which was competing with Bulgaria and Albania for two open spots allocated to the Eastern Europe regional group, nonetheless received 83 votes in its favor from the UN General Assembly's 193 members. | The election for the body's 2024-2026 term had been viewed as a test of what Moscow contended was quiet support despite fierce Western-led criticism over its brutal assault on its neighbor. | The vote comes just days after a Russian missile attack on th…

FP Staff (2023-10-11). Russia seek to fine Human Rights activist for 'discrediting' nation's army fighting Ukraine war. firstpost.com The latest move in a ruthless campaign against activists, independent journalists, and opposition personalities, Russian authorities on Wednesday moved to penalize a prominent human rights advocate who was being tried for criticizing the war in Ukraine. | Oleg Orlov, co-chairman of the human rights organization Memorial that won the Nobel Peace Prize, has been accused of openly "discrediting" the Russian military after he published a Facebook post criticizing the invasion of Ukraine. | Orlov has been fined twice for antiwar protests before facing criminal charges; under a rule passed immediately after the Kremlin…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-10-11). France promises to work from multilateralism in the H.R Council. plenglish.com Paris, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) France assured today that it will work in the UN Human Rights Council, convinced that multilateralism is the best way to respond to the contemporary challenges, after its election to integrate that organ.

teleSUR (2023-10-10). Members of UN Human Rights Council, 15 States Elected. telesurenglish.net The UN General Assembly on Tuesday elected 15 States to serve on the 47-member Human Rights Council for the 2024-2026 term. | RELATED: | The decision was made by secret, direct and individual ballot of 146 member states. The States elected were: Burundi, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Malawi (for Africa); China, Indonesia, Japan and Kuwait (for Asia-Pacific); Albania and Bulgaria (for Eastern Europe); Brazil, Cuba and Dominican Republic (for La…

TASS (2023-10-10). Human Rights Watch accuses Israel, Hamas of war crimes. tass.com "The laws of war apply to all parties to a conflict, irrespective of the lawfulness of their going to war or imbalances of power between the parties," the statement reads…

Editor (2023-10-10). 'An Irreversible Torture': The Global Call to End Capital Punishment on 21st World Day Against the Death Penalty. scheerpost.com

teleSUR, JCM (2023-10-11). Venezuela presenta Informe ante Comité de Derechos Humanos de la ONU. telesurtv.net En Venezuela el respeto a la vida es inviolable por lo que el Estado es garante que ningún organismo policial o militar aplique la pena de muerte, aseguró el canciller Yván Gil.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-10-11). Eligen a Cuba para integrar Consejo de Derechos Humanos de ONU. telesurtv.net La decisión fue tomada mediante voto secreto, directo e individual por 146 Estados miembros.

teleSUR, SH (2023-10-10). Venezuela aboga por el respeto a derechos del pueblo palestino. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado venezolano sostuvo que los hechos ocurridos en la zona, ha sido calificado por Naciones Unidas y organismos de Derechos Humanos, como "el nuevo apartheid"

FP Staff (2023-10-11). Teen girl loses legs, one hand after two men pushed her under moving train in UP's Bareilly. firstpost.com A 17-year-old girl is fighting for her life after two men threw her in front of a train here after she tried to stop them from harassing her sexually, according to her family's allegations on Wednesday. | She lost both of her legs and a hand in the attack. | According to reports, the event on Tuesday in Bareilly City's CB Ganj neighborhood also resulted in several fractures for the girl. | The district magistrate said that one individual has been detained in relation to this. In addition, four police officers were suspended for carelessness. | The father of an intermediate student claimed that his daughter had be…

Vijay Prashad, Jacobin. (2023-10-11). The Crackdown On Newsclick Is An Attack On India's Farmers' Movement. popularresistance.org On October 3, 2023, five hundred Delhi Police officers fanned across India's capital to raid and detain almost a hundred journalists and researchers. The Delhi Police — which is under the authority of India's Ministry of Home Affairs — seized laptops, cell phones, and hard drives. The central target of this massive assault on the media was Newsclick, a news website founded in 2009. At the end of the day, the Delhi Police arrested Newsclick's founder and chief editor, Prabir Purkayastha, and its human relations chief, Amit Chakravarty. | One issue, among others, had the Delhi Police investigators fixat…

My Khanh Ngo (2023-10-10). Asylum Seeker's Wrongful 6-Year Detention is Emblematic of a Broken System. aclu.org Jessica Barahona-Martinez and her three children arrived at the southern U.S. border in 2016. Fleeing gang violence and government persecution in El Salvador, she came seeking asylum and a better life. Like many asylum seekers with family in the United States, after being apprehended by Border Patrol, she and her children were released to live with her sister, who is a lawful permanent resident, in Virginia. Her release came with strict reporting requirements as her asylum case proceeded through the courts. | For over a year, Jessica attended every check in with ICE. She complied with all conditions — ev…

Editor (2023-10-11). How 'parental rights' language smuggles anti-LGBTQ hate into mainstream politics. mronline.org 'Parental rights' is a hateful piper's tune to commandeer the minds of adults who are supposed to know better.

Press TV, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-10-11). 'We Are Not Attacking Civilians': Hamas Says Amid Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. popularresistance.org Osama Hamadan, senior spokesperson of Hamas, has told Al Jazeera that they are not attacking civilians. | "You have to differentiate between settlers and civilians; settlers attacked Palestinians," Hamdan said. | "We are not targeting civilians on purpose. We have declared settlers are part of the occupation and part of the armed Israeli force. They are not civilians," Hamadan added. | His remarks came after a number of Western-backed rights groups, including Amnesty International, accused the resistance movement of killing "Israeli civilians" in their retaliatory strikes. | Asked whether civilians in southern Is…

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (2023-10-11). Congress Must Address the Root Cause of Violence and Stop Arming Israel. indybay.org WASHINGTON, DC, October 9, 2023—The Israeli government is bombing Palestinian families living trapped under siege in Gaza at this moment, massacring hundreds of native Palestinian people since Saturday. Justice cannot wait.

Ming Cheung (2023-10-10). The Supreme Court Must Find South Carolina's Voting Map Unconstitutional. aclu.org Racial discrimination exists in many forms. It can be as violent and overt as police brutality or as subtle as lines drawn on a voting map. In the latter case, the act may seem innocuous or technical, but the impact is significant. | Just look at what happened in January 2022. Ahead of the midterm elections, South Carolina's majority-white and majority-Republican Legislature redrew Congressional District 1 (CD 1) to maintain political power. But it purposefully targeted Black communities to do so. Mapmakers unnecessarily moved thousands of Black voters out of the district in textbook racial sorting. | But the…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-10-10). Israel continues to bomb Gazans after completely cutting their food and fuel supply. peoplesdispatch.org Several rights bodies have claimed that Israeli actions inside Gaza constitute war crimes. Meanwhile, the US stated that it has started supplying arms and ammunition to Israel a day after deploying its warship in the Mediterranean…

presstv.ir (2023-10-10). 'All Muslims should help people of Palestine, reclaim their usurped rights'. presstv.ir Iraq's top Shia cleric urges all Muslims across the world to help the Palestinian people amid the Israeli regime's relentless strikes on Gaza.

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (2023-10-10). Congress Must Address the Root Cause of Violence and Stop Arming Israel. indybay.org WASHINGTON, DC, October 9, 2023—The Israeli government is bombing Palestinian families living trapped under siege in Gaza at this moment, massacring hundreds of native Palestinian people since Saturday. Justice cannot wait.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-10-11). Palestinean forces in Syria reaffirm their attachment to resistance. plenglish.com Damascus, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) The representatives of the Palestinean forces based in this Levantine nation affirmed today that resistance is the only way the Palestinian people have chosen to liberate their land and recover their rights.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-10-11). Unicef promotes girls' rights and leadership in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) On the International Day of the Girl Child, the Cuban office of the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) today promoted the right of girls to learn, dream, grow, succeed and prosper.

channelnewsasia (2023-10-11). Russia fails to return to UN rights body after losing vote. channelnewsasia.com

Geoff Dembicki, DeSmog. (2023-10-11). A Secretive Network Is Fighting Indigenous Rights. popularresistance.org A campaign to deny Indigenous peoples a voice in Australia's national Parliament is using tactics similar to an earlier conservative legal battle against First Nations communities in Canada, a new research paper argues. | That's no coincidence, according to the paper's author Jeremy Walker, because think tanks linked to these efforts in Canada and Australia belong to a secretive U.S. organization called the Atlas Network that's received support from oil, gas and coal companies and operates in nearly 100 countries. | "The coordinated opposition to Indigenous constitutional recognition by the Australian arm of the…

unitedEditor (2023-10-11). "Turning point in Palestinian history" unitedworldint.com The Palestinian journalist Mohammad Abu Takiya spoke to the Turkish TV channel Ulusal Kanal on the reasons and scope of Hamas' operation. Below we present the English translation of the interview. For fundamental rights of Palestinians What is the reason behind this operation of Hamas? The Al-Aqsa Storm operation is launched against the relentless Israeli …

sputnikglobe (2023-10-11). Report: US, Venezuela in Talks to Ease Oil Sanctions. sputnikglobe.com Amid high gas prices, the Biden administration is offering sanctions relief to spur oil production in the South American country in exchange for electoral reforms.

Staff (2023-10-11). Venezuela's Vehicle Sales Increase in 2023, Still Far Below Pre-Sanctions Levels. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan Automotive Chamber (Cavenez) reported that in the first three quarters of the year, 5,019 new vehicles have been sold, one of the highest figures since 2020. | According to Banca y Negocios, an outlet specialized in financial matters, "390 [vehicles were sold] in January, 414 in February, 491 in March, 459 in April, 713 in May, 596 in June, 642 in July, 569 cars in August, and 655 in September." | The Chamber's perspective is that the fi…

TASS (2023-10-11). US ready to ease sanctions on Venezuela in response democratic reforms — State Dept. tass.com According to a US Department of State spokesperson, Washington "continues to urge representatives of [Venezuelan President] Nicolas Maduro and the [opposition] Unitary Platform to reach a comprehensive, durable solution by returning to the dialogue process in Mexico City."

World Beyond War (2023-10-11). Tuesday 10/10: A Sanctioned World: A Crime Normalized – Voices from Sanctioned Nations. indybay.org Online via Zoom…

presstv.ir (2023-10-10). Thousands march in Rome for better working conditions, peace in Ukraine. presstv.ir Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Rome to demand better working conditions and an end to the conflict in Ukraine without sanctions and European arms supplies.

World Beyond War (2023-10-10). Tuesday 10/10: A Sanctioned World: A Crime Normalized – Voices from Sanctioned Nations. indybay.org Online via Zoom…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-10). EXIMBANK, PEMEX, and extraterritoriality of US blockade against Cuba. plenglish.com Washington, Oct 10 (Prensa Latina) The recent sanction by a US financial agency against the state-owned oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) for exporting fuel to Cuba shows the extent of the other dimension of Washington's blockade, its extraterritoriality.

channelnewsasia (2023-10-11). Analysis:China saves billions of dollars from record sanctioned oil imports. channelnewsasia.com

ecns.cn (2023-10-11). U.S. sanctions in Mideast condemned. ecns.cn The United States' role in the Middle East refugee crisis — especially the plight of displaced Syrians — remains a hot topic after affected countries slammed the sanctions imposed by Washington.

TASS (2023-10-10). Russia, UN delegation discuss supplies of Russian agricultural products for global markets. tass.com According to the statement, the goal is to ensure global food security and eliminate the obstacles "that have appeared due to the introduction of unlawful unilateral sanctions against Russia"

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