2023-10-17: News Headlines

Kit Klarenberg (2023-10-17). Former ambassador and Assange advocate Craig Murray detained under UK terror laws. thegrayzone.com The former diplomat's detention is just the latest example of British terror laws being used to harass and intimidate dissidents, while brazenly prying into their private affairs. On the morning of October 16, counter-terror police in Glasgow Airport detained journalist, whistleblower, human rights campaigner, and former British diplomat Craig Murray upon his return from Iceland. After grilling him intensively about his political beliefs, officers seized Murray's phone and laptop. Murray, a proud Scottish nationalist, flew back to Glasgow after several …

Physicians for Human Rights (2023-10-17). California Becomes First State to Ban "Excited Delirium" as a Cause of Death. indybay.org Governor Newsom signs landmark bill following tireless community activism and PHR report on the pseudoscience of "excited delirium"

Staff (2023-10-17). "We Will Never Leave": Human Rights Lawyer Raji Sourani in Gaza City Refuses to Be "Good Victim" democracynow.org We go to Gaza City to speak with Raji Sourani, director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza, who is refusing to move south after Israel's evacuation order. "Why should we be good victims for criminals who do war crimes [in] the daylight in front of the whole world, and the world is watching?" asks Sourani, who says there are no safe havens in Gaza, but social solidarity is high among survivors. "They can bomb us. They can kill us. But they cannot take the love and the justice from our hearts and minds." Since October 7, Israel's attacks on Gaza have killed 2,800…

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (2023-10-17). Second Time in 48 Hours, Israel Attacks Aleppo International Airport and Puts It Out of Service. globalresearch.ca

Physicians for Human Rights (2023-10-16). California Becomes First State to Ban "Excited Delirium" as a Cause of Death. indybay.org Governor Newsom signs landmark bill following tireless community activism and PHR report on the pseudoscience of "excited delirium"

Amy Goodman (2023-10-17). Human Rights Lawyer in Gaza: Why Should We Be "Good" Victims of War Crimes? truthout.org We go to Gaza City to speak with Raji Sourani, director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza, who is refusing to move south after Israel's evacuation order. "Why should we be good victims for criminals who do war crimes [in] the daylight in front of the whole world, and the world is watching?" asks Sourani, who says there are no safe havens in Gaza, but social solidarity is high… |

Marc Rosenthal (2023-10-17). Biden's Nomination of Elliott Abrams Excuses a Violent Past. progressive.org Diplomacy should be guided by individuals who prioritize human rights, not by a political operative who enabled a massacre in El Salvador.

presstv.ir (2023-10-16). Adviser to Netanyahu's wife calls for torture of Gazans to death as war on Gaza rages. presstv.ir An adviser to the wife of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for torturing the residents of Gaza to death.

Mike Ludwig (2023-10-17). Mother Sues Alabama Jail After Being Forced to Give Birth Alone in a Shower. truthout.org Attorneys for an incarcerated mother in Alabama say she experienced nothing less than "torture" when she was jailed while pregnant, denied prescribed psychiatric medication and forced to give birth alone in a shower. Authorities in Gadsden, Alabama, jailed Ashley Caswell during her high-risk pregnancy, ostensibly to protect the fetus from alleged drug use. However, after seven months of alleged… |

teleSUR, JDO (2023-10-16). ALBA-TCP exige a Israel respeto a derechos de civiles de Gaza. telesurtv.net El bloque integracionista enfatiza que la violencia de Israel y su bloqueo a suministros vitales viola los propósitos y principios de la Carta de ONU y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-10-16). ONU condena asesinato de joven campesino en Honduras. telesurtv.net La ministra de Derechos Humanos expresó su preocupación y rechazo por la denuncia de uso excesivo de la fuerza por parte de la Policía Nacional.

teleSUR, MER (2023-10-17). Gobierno de Venezuela y sector opositor firman dos acuerdos parciales en Barbados. telesurtv.net Los acuerdos parciales son sobre la promoción de derechos políticos y garantías electorales para todos, así como para la protección de los intereses vitales de la nación.

presstv.ir (2023-10-17). Former UK diplomat Craig Murray detained after supporting Hamas, Hezbollah. presstv.ir A former British diplomat-turned-dissident is detained after voicing support for the people of Palestine.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-10-17). Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been arrested. expose-news.com Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was arrested on Friday, 13 October. While trying to renew a passport he was detained at an embassy in Mexico and escorted back to Germany. Attorneys Dagmar Schoen …

teleSUR (2023-10-17). Fifteen Journalists Have Died in Gaza and Israel in 10 Days. telesurenglish.net Fifteen journalists, eleven of them Palestinians, have died in the battles that have raged for the past ten days in Israel and Gaza, according to a report by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). | RELATED: | The CPJ also has information about three missing or detained journalists, two of them Palestinians and one Israeli, and eight more who have been injured. This data was collected from Palestinian, Israe…

krish-rad_ind (2023-10-16). Israel Detains, Expels To West Bank Hundreds Of Gaza Palestinian Workers. popularresistance.org

teleSUR (2023-10-17). Social Organizations Demand Release of Venezuelan Diplomat Saab. telesurenglish.net On Monday, social organizations held a rally in Caracas to demand the release of the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, who has been in illegal detention in the United States for two years. | RELATED: | This businessman was arrested in Cabo Verde and extradited to the United States. His lawyers emphasize that he was abducted because his detention proceeded without the necessary international legal procedures for such cases.

ALEX (2023-10-16). Indigenous Australians Weigh Voice Referendum Defeat. popularresistance.org On 15 October, Indigenous Australians grieved the collapse of a landmark push for Indigenous rights and recognition that was spurned by the country's white majority in a binding constitutional referendum. | Indigenous leaders called for a "week of silence" to mourn the bitter outcome of Saturday 14's landside vote. The defeat has called into question decades-long reconciliation efforts. Aboriginal advocacy groups stated that millions of Australians had ignored the chance to atone for the country's colonial past and the "brutal dispossession of our people".

Jake Johnson (2023-10-16). ICC Should Investigate Netanyahu for War Crimes, Spanish Minister Says. truthout.org Spain's minister of social rights released a statement Monday calling on her country's coalition government to petition the International Criminal Court to open a war crimes investigation into Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, citing the ongoing aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip and the devastating blockade that has prevented the free flow of desperately needed humanitarian aid. |

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-10-16). Palestinians' Legal Right To Resist; Their Fight And Showing Solidarity. popularresistance.org On October 7, Hamas fighters broke out of Gaza, the world's largest open air prison, and directly attacked the Israeli State, including military facilities, illegal settlements and airports. Israeli Occupying Forces responded with sophisticated weaponry targeting civilian housing in Gaza and schools and hospitals where people sought refuge. Israel has now stopped all water, power and aid to Gaza. To understand what is happening and Palestinian rights under international law, Clearing the FOG speaks with Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, who resides in Bethlehem. In support of Palestinians' right to resist, massive rallies and…

Zora Thomas (2023-10-16). Gender-Affirming Care for Veterans is Under Attack. Here's How We're Fighting Back. aclu.org Like many transgender people, the 2016 presidential election of Donald Trump was a deeply alarming and concerning turn for me in our country's politics. At the time, I was an active-duty air mechanic in my seventh year of service in the United States Air Force. Unable to organize and protest in the streets — as millions did in the wake of that election and Trump's disastrous presidency — and following the end of my service, I fought to organize on behalf of the 134,000 transgender veterans like myself with the Transgender American Veterans Association. | For years, transgender veterans have fought…

Jake Johnson (2023-10-17). Israeli military has killed 1 child in Gaza every 15 minutes: Rights group. nationofchange.org Israel has dropped more than 6,000 bombs on Gaza—home to 2.3 million people—in the wake of Hamas' deadly attack.

Karl-Heinz Peil (2023-10-17). From war to ecocide in Ukraine: these are the global consequences. indybay.org Today peasants are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalized and advertised. This threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives. This portends that an industrial model of agriculture will prevail in Ukraine, based on large-scale monoculture farming,…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-10-17). Argentine President urges for championing unity and sovereignty. plenglish.com On X social media, Alberto Fernández assured that guaranteeing these four aspects is a duty "in this difficult time the world is going through". | Loyal to our people, we must preserve unity to confront with those who want to put an end to the rights of the ones who work, to put an end to public health, education and to scientific and technological development, he added. | Fernández made the statement from China, where he is attending the 3rd Forum of the Belt and Road for International Cooperation. During the meeting, he met with Dilma Rousseff, with whom he opened the process of Brazil ¥s accession to BRICS…

teleSUR (2023-10-17). Venezuelan Gov't Signs Agreement With Opposition in Barbados. telesurenglish.net "This is the first step of a much broader agreement that is in full development, construction, evolution," said the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, who heads the Venezuelan delegation. | The documents relate to the promotion of political rights and electoral guarantees, as well as the protection of the vital interests of the nation. Oct. 17, 2023.

Peter Certo (2023-10-16). Both Israelis and Palestinians Are Victims of Israel's Apartheid System. ips-dc.org The violence in Gaza and Israel is bringing horrifying new levels of human suffering to both Israelis and Palestinians. | Both sides have committed heinous violations of international law, and all attacks on civilians must be condemned. But if we're serious about preventing such horrors in the future, we have to go beyond condemnation. | A lesson we ignore at our peril is that oppression undermines not only the rights, dignity, and lives of the oppressed, but eventually the security of the oppressors as well. The apartheid system that's been suffocating Palestinians for so long is now also undermining the safety…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-10-16). Biden Devalues American Citizenship. thealtworld.com President Biden is a traitor to the United States. He is doing everything possible to make illegal immigrant-invaders identical in their rights to US citizens. | The Biden regime has sued Elon Musk's SpaceX for hiring Americans instead of immigrant-invaders. | The Biden regime has extended the protection of US law to illegal immigrant-invaders. Last Thursday the Biden Justice (sic) Department and Biden Consumer Financia…

Tobias Riegel (2023-10-17). The refugee crises were triggered by warmongers. indybay.org Preventing wars and sanctions would have a preventive effect against refugee movements. But once people are here, they must be treated with dignity. Racism does not solve the problems and it is rather a smokescreen behind which geopolitical causes can be hidden.

Tobias Riegel (2023-10-16). The refugee crises were triggered by warmongers. indybay.org Preventing wars and sanctions would have a preventive effect against refugee movements. But once people are here, they must be treated with dignity. Racism does not solve the problems and it is rather a smokescreen behind which geopolitical causes can be hidden.

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