2023-10-29: News Headlines

Dinesh C Sharma (2023-10-28). World Report] Marriage equality eludes same-sex couples in India. thelancet.com The Indian Supreme Court has struck down calls for marriage equality, drawing criticism from human rights groups. Dinesh C Sharma reports from New Delhi, India.

Nevada County For Human Rights in Palestine (2023-10-28). Thursday 10/26: Nevada City Palestinian Solidarity Demonstration. indybay.org Broad Street Bridge in Nevada City at 4pm on Thursday, October 26th.

Shampa Ghosh, Jitendra Kumar Sinha, Manchala Raghunath, Sung Soo Han, Rakesh Bhaskar (2023-10-28). Correspondence] Accountability and protection for health care in conflict zones. thelancet.com We agree with the Editorial1 that attacks on medical facilities and health-care workers violate human rights2 and require immediate attention. Although the International Criminal Court prosecutes war crimes,3 its slow processes cause problems. We propose four measures for addressing this crisis.

Nevada County For Human Rights in Palestine (2023-10-29). Thursday 10/26: Nevada City Palestinian Solidarity Demonstration. indybay.org Broad Street Bridge in Nevada City at 4pm on Thursday, October 26th.

Editor (2023-10-29). The Hannibal Directive: What Really Happened On October 7th. scheerpost.com By Mnar Adley / MintPressNews We were told Hamas killed 1400 Israelis on October 7, that they carried out rapes and torture of civilians en masse and, of course, that they beheaded babies. These claims are being used to justify Israel's bombardment of Gaza — the world's largest open-air prison. Israel's bombing of the strip, …

presstv.ir (2023-10-29). We won't accept ignoring genocide against Palestinians: Cuban president. presstv.ir The Cuban President blamed Israel and the US for 75 years of occupation and violating the 'inalienable' rights of the Palestinians.

Alejandra Hayon, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-10-28). Chile's Proposed New Constitution Threatens Women's Rights. popularresistance.org Chilean society is once again at the culmination of a transformative constitutional process. This pivotal juncture will decide whether the constitution drafted by a legislature dominated by conservative and right-wing parties will replace the current constitution which was established during Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. After a first failed attempt to establish a new constitution, this new draft introduces stricter measures concerning irregular migration, firmly entrenches the existing pension and healthcare systems—both subjects of substantial critique. It additionally introduces provisions that pose s…

daughter (2023-10-28). Jane Kysor of PIRC (Psychiatric Inmates Rights Collective). indybay.org

Editor (2023-10-28). House Speaker Mike Johnson Has Long Opposed Abortion and LGBTQ+ Rights. scheerpost.com

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-10-29). It's Okay To Admit You Were Wrong About Gaza. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | It's okay to admit you were wrong about this. It's okay to change your mind. | It's okay to admit you reacted inappropriately to the news of what happened on October 7 and advocated some Israeli responses that you should not have advocated. | It's okay to admit that you were wrong to cheer when the bombs started landing on Gaza. | It's okay to admit you were wrong about the longstanding debate over Palestinian rights. | It's okay to admit that you shared some things online that you now regret sharing. | I say this because there are probably a lot of…

scorinoco (2023-10-29). Venezuela's Oil Production Will Increase After Sanctions Eased, Energy Policy Expert Says. orinocotribune.com The United States implemented a partial and temporary lifting of the illegal sanctions imposed on Venezuela, after the signing of agreements between the Venezuelan government and a sector of the opposition in Barbados. | The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department issued an order specifically aimed at relaxing the coercive measures applied against Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) since 2019. | Over two-thirds of these general licenses, as Washington calls them, are directed at the oil and gas sector of Venezuela, which has been seriously harmed by the unilateral coercive measures that…

Dongsheng News (2023-10-28). More US Controls on China's Chip Industry. dissidentvoice.org This week's News on China. | ‚Ä¢ More US sanctions against Chinese chip industry | ‚Ä¢ China tightens graphite export controls | ‚Ä¢ Industrial renaissance in northeast China | ‚Ä¢ China approves GM soybeans and corn…

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