2023-11-05: News Headlines

Federica Marsi, Ylenia Gostoli, Al Jazeera (2023-11-05). Thousands of Gaza workers go 'missing' in Israel amid wartime mass arrests. indybay.org Palestinians whose permits to work in Israel were revoked are believed to be held in detention camps, but Israel has so far refused to release information about them, human rights groups say.

AROC (2023-11-05). Activists Escalate Blockage of US Military Ship Bound for Israel at Port of Oakland, Arrests Made. indybay.org Oakland, CA — For over 9 hours, community members demanding a ceasefire in the Israeli war against Gaza at Berth 20 at the Port of Oakland delayed the Cape Orlando, a US military supply vessel bound for Israel. The blockage escalated, and protestors occupied the berth. Three protestors locked themselves to the ladder leading onto the ship contributing heavily to the delay of the ship. After police forcefully moved in, the three locked-down protestors were detained by the Coast Guard, and are still in their custody. Currently over 300 community members are protesting directly outside the vessel in different…

Mustafa Abu Sneineh (2023-11-05). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 30: Nearly 10,000 people killed in Gaza as U.S. rejects ceasefire calls, Israel continues ground invasion. mondoweiss.net Hundreds of thousands protested in the Washington D.C. and around the world, calling for a ceasefire. Israel continues to target civilian infrastructure, using the "equivalent of two nuclear bombs," says rights group.

Ingo Schmidt (2023-11-05). Too big to fail, too weak to lead. indybay.org Through the World Bank and IMF, they were able to push through privatization and the dismantling of social benefits and trade union rights in the over-indebted countries of the South. They also pursued this policy domestically, while corporations and the upper income brackets were spoiled with tax gifts. There were also massive arms orders.

Andy Kroll (2023-11-05). Roses Dressed in Black. tomdispatch.com On September 19, 2001, eight days after 9/11, as the leaders of both parties were already pounding a frenzied drumbeat of war, a diverse group of concerned Americans released a warning about the long-term consequences of a military response. Among them were veteran civil rights activists, faith leaders, and public intellectuals, including Rosa Parks, Harry Belafonte, and Palestinian-American Edward Said. Rare public opponents of the drive to war at the time, they wrote with level-headed clarity: Twenty-three years and more than two wars later, this statement reads as a tragic footnote to America's Global War on T…

Angela (2023-11-05). Thursday 11/9: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: Building Solidarity with Palestine. indybay.org YouTube…

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