2023-11-23: News Headlines

Pressenza Athens (2023-11-22). The International Tribunal on the US sanctions against the Republic of Cuba. pressenza.com The extensive political and economic sanctions imposed on the Republic of Cuba since 1960 up to date violate international law. These include, above all, Articles 2(4) and 2(7) of the UN Charter on the protection of sovereignty, self-determination and the prohibition of intervention, the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) of 1966, as well as the provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the protection of freedom of trade and numerous principles of the Treaty on European Union (TEU, Maastrich…

Melvin Goodman (2023-11-22). Biden and the Washington Post Combine to Argue for War. counterpunch.org David Ignatius, the Washington Post's national security columnist, has been an apologist for the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency for the past several decades. In the past, he has defended the CIA's political assassination program as well as its torture and abuse program. He never condemned the CIA training of death squads in Central America and never deplored the Phoenix program during the Vietnam War, when the CIA ran a paramilitary campaign of interrogation, torture, and assassination that targeted many innocent victims. Now, he has a new client—the Israeli Defense Forces—and the IDF co…

Staff (2023-11-22). UP: Hindu extremists abduct and torture Muslim man in Hapur. muslimmirror.com On October 17, 2023, in Mauja Nidhooli, Tehsil Dhaolana, Hapur district, Uttar Pradesh, Muhammad Nadim bin Babu fell victim to the heinous acts of some Hindu extremist goons from the neighbouring village of Hay. The perpetrators, identified as Bini Sharma, Deepanshu Sharma, Prince Sharma, and several others, abducted Nadim from Nidhooli during the night and …

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-23). Presidente Maduro destaca que el 3 de diciembre marcará un precedente en la historia de Venezuela. telesurtv.net "Venezuela está reclamando sus derechos históricos, jurídicos, de la Guayana Esequiba que nos dejaron los libertadores y los libertadoras de nuestra Patria", manifestó.

Al Mayadeen, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-22). Yemeni Armed Forces Capture Israeli Ship In Red Sea. popularresistance.org The Yemeni Naval Forces managed to capture an Israeli ship in the depths of the Red Sea, sources familiar with the matter told Al Mayadeen on Sunday. | Reportedly, 52 people aboard the Israeli ship, presumably a vehicle carrier, were detained, Al Mayadeen's sources added, revealing that the Yemeni Armed Forces were working on revealing their identities and nationalities. | The ship is called the Galaxy Leader. It is Bahamian-flagged but owned by an Israeli businessman. | "Await what will warm your hearts," a Yemeni military source said, confirming the authenticity of the news Al Mayadeen reported.

Editor (2023-11-22). Tel Aviv police ban World Children's Day event supporting "children living in the shadow of the war" mronline.org Tel Aviv police refused to allow a silent vigil for World Children's Day saying the event could "cause serious harm to public security." Police have used this same rationale to attack and detain peaceful protesters around the country.

Larry Johnson (2023-11-22). Israel Accepts Cease fire Deal to Secure Release OF SOME HOSTAGEs. sonar21.com I would like to have been a fly on the wall of the Tuesday night meeting of the Israeli Cabinet. That meeting lasted well over three hours and pitted Netanyahu against the more radical members of his government. According to Haaretz: | The Israeli cabinet has voted to accept a deal for a temporary cease-fire with Hamas that would involve the exchange of hostages being held by the organization for Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails. According to a senior Israeli official, the plan will see Hamas release 30 kidnapped children, eight mothers and 12 more women during a five-day cease-fire. | According to th…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-22). 'Israel' Assassinates Prisoner Thaer Abu Asab in Al-Naqab Prison. orinocotribune.com The Prisoners Club says the Israeli occupation is carrying out systematic operations against Palestinian prisoners. | The Palestinian Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners Club announced that Israeli occupation forces assassinated 38-year-old prisoner Thaer Sameeh Abu Asab from Qalqilya province in the al-Naqab Desert prison. | Israeli occupation forces arrested Abu Asab on May 27, 2005, and sentenced him to 25 years in prison. It is noteworthy that Abu Asab is the sixth prisoner to be assassinated by the Israeli occupation, following the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood o…

Giorgos Mitralias (2023-11-22). When Netanyahu Accustoms Us to an Inhuman World Without Rights or Rules, the Law of the Jungle Reigns! counterpunch.org While the operation to exterminate and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians in Gaza has — quite rightly — monopolized the world's attention for weeks, little or no attention is being paid to one of its crucial objectives, which is passing rather unnoticed: the habituation of our societies and of each and every one of us, i.e.

Deepak Bhargava, Stephanie Luce (2023-11-22). Why We Need Bayard Rustin's Practical Radicalism Today. counterpunch.org Ask most Americans what they think of "radicals" and you'll hear skepticism. Ask them about "practical radicals," and you might get a chuckle. Surely practical people don't try to change society in dramatic ways? A new film and books about Bayard Rustin, an organizer and strategist in civil rights, peace, and economic justice movements, bring

infobrics (2023-11-22). Ukraine will not recognize rights of Russian citizens. infobrics.org According to the words of a Ukrainian official, the regime is willing to continue its policies of apartheid and ethnic persecution.

Jessica Buxbaum (2023-11-22). These Are Western Countries Aiding Israel's Genocide in Gaza. mintpressnews.com Now into its second month, Israel's war on Gaza has left the strip's northern section in shambles and killed over Who is sending Israel weapons?: | Since Israel's war on Gaza began in October, several rights groups have initiated legal proceedings re…

Johanna Silver (2023-11-22). 2023 at the ACLU: Our Year in Stories. aclu.org Across the country, 2023 saw both new and ongoing challenges to civil rights, whether it was reproductive freedom, access to gender-affirming health care, or the ability to speak openly and freely in classrooms. But the ACLU has been there every step of the way, and we've seen many victories amid these challenges. Throughout the year, we brought attention to some of the country's biggest fights to protect our rights, shared the stories of those whose freedoms were assailed, and celebrated hard-won battles. Look back with us on some of the civil rights moments that defined this year. |

WSWS (2023-11-23). US appeals court guts Voting Rights Act. wsws.org With the Eighth Circuit ruling, a new stage in the assault on the Voting Rights Act and democratic rights more broadly has been initiated.

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