2024-01-05: News Headlines

The Independent (2024-01-05). Lawyers protest alleged judicial misconduct in Tilenga land case. independent.co.ug Hoima, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A section of lawyers have endorsed a plea to convene an extraordinary general meeting of the Uganda Law Society, to address concerns surrounding perceived judicial misconduct attributed to Justice Jesse Byaruhanga Rugyema in a case about the Tilenga oil land dispute. Initiated by human rights lawyer Eron Kizza, the petition, …

oliviaalperstein (2024-01-05). Letter Signed by 185 Academics and Lawyers Calls on Attorney General of El Salvador to Drop Charges against Water Defenders, Respect Human Rights. ips-dc.org 185 academics and lawyers and 13 legal and related organizations from 21 countries send Open Letter to the Attorney General of El Salvador requesting that the case against five Salvadoran Water Defenders be dropped, and that the Attorney General respect and enforce the human rights of all Salvadorans.

oliviaalperstein (2024-01-05). 185 académicos y abogados y 13 organizaciones legales de 26 países envían una carta abierta al Fiscal General de la Republic de El Salvador solicitando que se abandone el caso contra cinco lideres comunitarios de Santa Marta y ADES, y que el Fiscal General respete y haga respetar los derechos humanos de todo el pueblo salvadoreño. ips-dc.org La carta solicita "que la Fiscalía abandone inmediatamente el caso en contra de los Defensores del Agua salvadoreños".

Fight Back News!. (2024-01-05). 20 Years Too Many, Free Simon Trinidad Now! popularresistance.org On January 2, 2004, under the orders of the U.S. government and the CIA, Ecuadorian and Colombian forces kidnapped and arrested Colombian revolutionary Simon Trinidad. 20 years detained and imprisoned is 20 too many. That needs to change immediately, and conditions are better than ever for activists in the U.S. and Colombia to push for his freedom. | A member of the revolutionary organization and army of the people, the FARC, since 1987, Trinidad was a leading thinker and peace negotiator. Acting in that role, Trinidad's and the FARC's peace-seeking efforts have been routinely sabotaged by the U.S. government and…

Editor (2024-01-05). 20 Years Too Many, Free Simon Trinidad Now! scheerpost.com By Fight Back! News On January 2, 2004, under the orders of the U.S. government and the CIA, Ecuadorian and Colombian forces kidnapped and arrested Colombian revolutionary Simon Trinidad. 20 years detained and imprisoned is 20 too many. That needs to change immediately, and conditions are better than ever for activists in the U.S. and …

KATIE (2024-01-05). BDS Guide to Strategic Campaigning for Palestinian Rights. bdsmovement.net

Staff (2024-01-05). "The IDF Should Not Exist": Meet Meital Yaniv, Former Israeli Soldier Turned Anti-Zionist Organizer. democracynow.org We speak with anti-Zionist organizer and former IDF soldier from Tel Aviv Meital Yaniv, who joined hundreds of Jewish activists and their allies to shut down the California state Capitol in Sacramento Wednesday to demand a ceasefire in Gaza and condemn the roughly $600 million in California taxes that is used annually for U.S. military aid to Israel. Yaniv recalls how they were raised "extremely Zionistic," their experience in the Israeli Air Force and eventual turn to fight for Palestinian rights. "What Israel is doing right now has nothing to do with antisemitism. What Israel is doing right no…

WSWS (2024-01-05). Australian media studies teacher denounces Gaza genocide and escalating attacks on democratic rights. wsws.org "Millions of people are shocked by what they see going on day after day in Gaza, but they need to understand the whole brutal history of the oppression and dispossession of Palestinian people." — Australian media studies teacher…

Zane McNeill (2024-01-05). New Hampshire Democrats Join Republicans in Passing Anti-Trans Bills. truthout.org On January 4, the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed two bills attacking LGBTQ rights — one that would permit discrimination against trangender people in public spaces and one that would ban gender-affirming procedures for trans youth. HB 396 would weaken the guarantee of equal protection under the law for LGBTQ people by permitting the state and educational institutions to discriminate… |

Rosalind English (2024-01-05). Law Pod UK latest episode: The Most Significant Cases of 2023. ukhumanrightsblog.com In Episode 191 Jon Metzer and Lucy McCann join Rosalind English to review the judgements and decisions of the past year that we at Law Pod UK consider to have the most important implications for the law. The cases we discuss are the following: R (on the application of AAA (Syria) and others) (Respondents/Cross Appellants) …

anuragdeb (2024-01-05). The mirror crack'd from side to side: Dalton's application for judicial review [2023] UKSC 36. ukhumanrightsblog.com In Lord Tennyson's Arthurian ballad 'The Lady of Shalott', the eponymous heroine is stranded in her island castle. Continually weaving a web in her loom of the reflections of the outside world she sees in her mirror, she knows she will be cursed if she stops and looks out to nearby Camelot. But one day, …

Eve Ottenberg (2024-01-05). Assange's Rights and Press Freedom Hang in the Balance. counterpunch.org The deadline for Julian Assange's fight against extradition to the United States looms, as British judges will decide his case on February 21. Meanwhile, the American demand that Wikileaks publisher Assange stand trial in Virginia on trumped-up charges is what has kept this journalist locked up in Britain's maximum security Belmarsh jail for four years, and sequestered for refuge in the Ecuadoran embassy in London for seven years before that.

William M. LeoGrande, The Nation. (2024-01-05). Cuba's Humanitarian Crisis. popularresistance.org Nine years ago, on December 17, 2014, jubilation swept the through the city of Havana when Presidents Barack Obama and Raúl Castro announced that they would normalize US-Cuban relations, after 55 years of hostility. Church bells rang, cars honked their horns, and people hugged each other in the streets. Today, the mood in the city is one of desperation. The economy is spiraling downward, and US policy is exacerbating the growing humanitarian crisis. | President Donald Trump's tough economic sanctions drastically reduced Cuba's foreign exchange earnings, and President Joe Biden has left most of those sanctions in…

Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond (2024-01-05). Whips, Drones, Donkeys and the Future of Resistance: a Lesson from Saeed Al-Err. counterpunch.org Since October 8, Al-Err and his family have been displaced twice. When Israel first ordered northern Gazans to evacuate to the south, Al-Err was forced to leave the 400 dogs with open bags of food and the sanctuary gates open. He and his family moved with 120 cats into one of the cat shelters, located just south of the evacuation line.

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