2024-01-17: News Headlines

Editor (2024-01-17). Senate Kills Sanders Resolution Requiring Biden to Report on Israeli Human Rights Conduct in Gaza. scheerpost.com

presstv.ir (2024-01-17). US Senate rejects resolution on Israeli human rights violations in Gaza, military aid. presstv.ir US Senators soundly votes against a resolution that would have made military aid to Israel conditional based on whether the regime is committing human rights violations in its war against Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-01-17). 'Everyone is hungry': UN says Israel destroying Gaza's food system, weaponizing food. presstv.ir United Nations human rights experts have warned that every single person in the Gaza Strip is facing hunger amid Israel's ongoing war and blockade against the besieged enclave.

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-17). Senate Votes Down Bernie Sanders Resolution to Probe Israel's Gaza Slaughter. news.antiwar.com The Senate on Tuesday night voted down a resolution introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that would have frozen US military aid to Israel if the State Department failed to produce a report on whether Israel was committing human rights violations in Gaza. Under the resolution, which invokes the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, aid would …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-01-17). Venezuela Now Produces 96.7% of its Food Domestically: President Maduro. orinocotribune.com In 2023, the Bolivarian government achieved a slowdown in inflation, a stabilization of the exchange market, and growth in the non-oil economy. | On Monday, President Nicolas Maduro presented his annual report to the Venezuelan nation. During his speech before the National Assembly (AN), he highlighted the achievements made by his administration in 2023 amid the US economic blockade and sanctions. | "Venezuela is one of the 19 countries whose economic, commercial and human rights have been illegally and systematically violated by the United States every day for nine years," the Bolivarian leader said. | Betwee…

Rédaction Montréal (2024-01-16). Security Council members: 'rare consensus' to condemn forced transfer of civilian populations from Gaza. pressenza.com The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mr. Martin Griffiths, expressed his deep concern to the Security Council this afternoon following statements by Israeli ministers in favor of the massive transfer of civilian populations from the Gaza Strip to third countries. According to the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Ms. Ilze Brands Kehris, these incendiary remarks fuel fears of expulsion coupled with the impossibility of returning. Algeria, which had requested the holding of this session, noted the "rare consensus" which prevailed among the members of the Council to reject "any project o…

APR editor (2024-01-16). Former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman faced 'continuous death threats'. asiapacificreport.nz RNZ News Former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman — a leading voice in Aotearoa New Zealand's Parliament for human rights, an independent foreign policy, and justice for Palestine — was subject to "pretty much continuous" death threats and threats of violence, says party co-leader James Shaw. She has resigned as a Green Party MP after…

Julia Conley (2024-01-16). UN Office Warns AL Nitrogen Execution May Violate International Ban on Torture. truthout.org As the United States insists on continuing state-sanctioned killings despite a European ban on drugs commonly used in capital punishment, the United Nations Human Rights Office warned Tuesday that Alabama officials may soon violate international laws banning torture as they plan to use nitrogen gas in an upcoming execution. A number of U.N. officials have said in recent days that the planned… |

Editor (2024-01-17). UN Rights Experts Says Alabama Nitrogen Execution May Constitute Torture. scheerpost.com

teleSUR, SH (2024-01-16). Denuncian la vulneración de derechos fundamentales en Ecuador. telesurtv.net La experta en Derecho Penal denunció que el blanco de las fuerzas militares parecen ser jóvenes afroamericanos de barrios empobrecidos.

teleSUR (2024-01-17). Israel Kills 7 Palestinians and Detains 85 People in West Bank. telesurenglish.net In the early hours of Wednesday, Israeli occupation forces conducted raids from north to south of the West Bank, arresting 85 Palestinians and killing 7 people. | RELATED: | Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli offensive has been escalating in the West Bank, accompanied by the arrest of around 9,000 Palestinians, stated the Palestinian Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, Qadoura Fares. | "The figure could be m…

rabble.ca (2024-01-18). International Court of Justice deliberates need for provisional measures in GazaThrough its application to begin proceedings, South Africa is looking for the ICJ to rule in favour of the implementation of provisional measures that would require Israel to immediately suspend its military operations in Gaza. The ICJ has jurisdiction over South Africa and Israel because both countries signed the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Democracy Now! (2024-01-17). MLK Day Special/ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in His Own Words. pressenza.com January 15 is the federal holiday that honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was born January 15, 1929. He was assassinated April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was just 39 years old. While Dr. King is primarily remembered as a civil rights leader, he also championed the cause of the poor and organized the Poor People's Campaign to address issues of economic justice. Dr. King was also a fierce critic of U.S. foreign policy and the Vietnam War. We play his "Beyond Vietnam" speech, which he delivered at New York City's Riverside Church on April 4, 1967, as well as his last speech, "I've Bee…

presstv.ir (2024-01-17). 'Israel abducted almost 6,000 Palestinians from West Bank since Oct. 7'. presstv.ir A Palestinian rights group says the Israeli military has abducted at least 5,980 Palestinians from the West Bank since early October.

A Guest Author (2024-01-16). Fighting for disability rights behind bars. workers.org By Billy Rinick and Joe Piette "The disproportionate incarceration of people with disabilities in the United States is a serious and growing problem. As the prison population ages, more inmates are reporting physical disabilities. The U.S. has also seen a rise in the number of people with mental illness and . . . |

Finian Cunningham (2024-01-16). Martin Luther King Would Condemn the U.S. Today. thealtworld.com The official dedication to MLK is more public relations than a genuine reflection of the man's principles and what he really stood for. | Like Thanksgiving Day, the United States indulges in another national fraud holiday called Martin Luther King Day. | We could add more such bogus ballyhoo and days of deception: Columbus Day, Labor Day, Independence, and Christmas too for that matter. | Monday, January 15, saw the annual federal holiday dedicated to the famed civil rights preacher who was assassinated in 1968. | MLK was bestowed in 2000 a federal holiday marking his life's struggle for overcoming racist inequal…

Kevin Gosztola (2024-01-16). US Judge Rules In Favor Of Police 'Buffer Law' Viewed As Threat To Rights Of Journalists. thedissenter.org The following article was made possible by paid subscribers of The Dissenter.  A United States judge in the state of Indiana ruled that a state law, which makes it a crime to enter a 25-foot "buffer" around police, does not violate press freedom or freedom of speech. | "This law has only an incidental effect on the public's First Amendment right to capture audio and video and otherwise to scrutinize police conduct," U.S. Distr…

Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Chuck Collins, Other Words. (2024-01-16). MLK Would Have Been 95 This Year; Let's Make His Dream A Reality. popularresistance.org This January marks what would have been Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 95th birthday. Nearly a century after the late civil rights leader's birth, it's a good time to reflect on the work still to be done. | Just over 60 years ago, in his famous "I Have A Dream" speech at the 1963 March on Washington, King declared: "We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice." | Sixty years on, as our report "Still A Dream" highlighted late last…

Patrick Bond (2024-01-16). Beckenbauer, Rest in Shame: South African Memories of German Corruption. counterpunch.org Who taught leading South Africa sports officials and politicians world-class corruption; specifically, how to buy hosting rights to the FIFA Soccer World Cup? One prime suspect is the great mid-fielder Franz Beckenbauer, who passed away on Sunday January 7 in Salzburg, Austria, not far from his native Munich. I saw him play sweeper for the

Ann Brown (2024-01-16). Black America Has Words For Jonathan Majors Comparing Blonde Girlfriend To Coretta Scott King. moguldom.com The assault case against Marvel star Jonathan Majors audio of him with his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, in which he said he needed her to act like Michelle Obama or civil rights icon Coretta Scott King. Many saw this as odd as Jabbari is a white woman. In December 2023, Jury found Majors guilty of assault …

Ann Brown (2024-01-16). Black America Has Words For Jonathan Majors Comparing Blonde Girlfriend To Coretta Scott King. moguldom.com The assault case against Marvel star Jonathan Majors may be over, but it was revealing. There was an audio of him with his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, in which he said he needed her to act like Michelle Obama or civil rights icon Coretta Scott King was presented to the jury. Many saw this as odd, …

eng.belta.by (2024-01-17). Germany described as main target of anti-Russian sanctions. eng.belta.by "The anti-Russian sanctions have hurt Germany the worst. It is losing its heavy industry and innovation clusters as we speak. The two years of the active U.S. and the UK's measures against Russia and Belarus have crushed Germany's agriculture," the expert stated.

Staff (2024-01-16). President Maduro: Venezuela Suffers an Economic Genocide. orinocotribune.com A true economic genocide has been committed against Venezuela, said President Nicolás Maduro forcefully, during his annual message before the National Assembly, due to illegal sanctions that have been applied to Venezuela by the North American empire since 2015 and that continue to affect the Venezuelan people. | The head of state said this Monday, January 15, that due to the drop in oil production by 87 percent, due to the sanctions, 323 billion dollars have been lost only in oil production, which stopped entering the country. Oil production stood at more than 2.5 million barrels per day in 2015 and fell to 339…

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