Monthly Archives: March 2024

2024-03-23: News Headlines

Frances Madeson (2024-03-23). Washington University Students Vote to Divest From Boeing Amid Gaza Genocide. At a nearly four-hour meeting on March 19, the student government at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, took formal action to address the human rights emergency in Gaza. More than 50 students spoke to the issue, and the resulting resolution that passed demanded the university demilitarize and democratize, materially and culturally. By a vote of 15 "yeas," five "nays" and one abstention… |

Brett Wilkins (2024-03-23). Finland Resumes UNRWA Funding, Further Cementing US's Pariah Status. As the United States doubled down on banning funds for the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, Finland said Friday that it would resume contributions to the lifesaving organization in an implicit rebuke of unsubstantiated Israeli claims — reportedly extracted via torture — that staff members were involved in the October 7 attacks. Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development… |

mforinoco (2024-03-23). Calls Mount for IOC To Kick Out Genocidal Israel From Paris Olympics. By Maryam Qarehgozlou — Mar 21, 2024 | Palestine Football Association (PFA) earlier this week urged the world football's governing body FIFA to impose a ban on the Israeli football team amid the ongoing genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza. | In a detailed letter to FIFA, backed by six other member associations, PFA called for a ban on the Israeli football federation and all clubs associated with it, citing "unprecedented violations of human rights and humanitarian law." | "The entire football infrastructure in Gaza has been either destroyed or severely damaged," read the letter. "The loss of innocent…

albawaba (2024-03-23). The Israeli army admits Its lie after the scandal. ALBAWABA – The Israeli occupation army has admitted that it mistakenly published images of people who were not in prison but were allegedly being held at Gaza's Shifa Hospital. This acknowledgment follows the debunking of Israeli allegations that they were holding Hamas officials amid ongoing operations at the Shifa compound.According to an article in the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, the Israeli army misled the public about Raed Saad's detention at Shifa Hospital.The Israeli army has since acknowledged the falsity of a list it had previously released that purported to include prominent Hamas figures seized… (2024-03-23). Russia arrests suspected gunmen as concert toll soars to 143. FSB security service chief Alexander Bortnikov says detained suspects include "four terrorists"

Mike Ludwig, Truthout. (2024-03-23). ICE Under Fire For Solitary Confinement Of Immigrants. The 61-year-old man who was recently found dead of suspected suicide at a privately run Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) prison in Washington state served the second-longest stretch in solitary confinement of any person in ICE custody since 2018, according to a new analysis by human rights experts. | Charles Leo Daniel, a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago, was found dead while in solitary confinement on March 7 after being incarcerated at the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) near Tacoma for about four years. Between April 2020 and September 2023, Daniel was held in solitary confinement for a total of 1,244…

Ana Perdigón (2024-03-23). US Congress' Foreign Affairs Committee Approves Resolution to Intensify Sanctions Against Venezuela. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress approved a resolution to intensify unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela. | As part of a Democrat-Republican bipartisan agreement, the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved a resolution that would cancel the few sanctions relief allowed in the General License 44 of the US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). | El Comité de Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes de EEUU aprueba la resolución para reimponer las sanciones al régimen…

Patricia Harrity (2024-03-23). Lawyer, Dr Reiner Fuellmich asks to Be Released From Jail With an Electronic Anklet. Corona Committee Lawyer, Dr Reiner Fuellmich remains detained in a a Gà∂ttingen jail in Germany and has now attended 8 days of a court trial accused of embezzling funds from the Corona …

WSWS (2024-03-23). Neo-Confederate Texas state law remains at center of attacks on migrants. Texas is openly defying federal constitutional authority to an extent without precedent since the civil rights struggles that resulted in the end of Jim Crow apartheid and school segregation.

Diana O'Dwyer (2024-03-23). Reflecting on the Rejected Referendums in Ireland. "The far right and conservative Catholics claimed credit for the outcome but so have progressive disability rights and carers' activists. So who is right? Was this a victory for reactionary or progressive ideas, or is the truth more complicated? " | – | / |

| Our Correspondent | (2024-03-23). Seventh grader tortured to death in Mianwali. A 12-year-old boy was found brutally murdered in Mochh, Mianwali on Saturday. | Tahir Khan, a seventh-grade student, was playing cricket near his house when he went missing. | As per the First Information Report (FIR) filed at Mochh police station, Tahir went missing during the evening hours, prompting his relatives to launch a search. | He was discovered severely injured in the washroom of an unoccupied mansion belonging to Faiz Hameed Khan during Taraweeh prayers. | The boy bore visible wounds to his forehead, nose, face and neck. Rushed to District Headquarters Hospital Mianwali, Tahir succumbed to his inju…

newarab (2024-03-23). Cameron 'threat to pull Israeli arms over prisoner access'. UK Foreign Minister Cameron reportedly demanded that the Red Cross or diplomats be granted access to "detained terrorists of Hamas elite Nukhba force" if Israel wanted to continue buying UK weapons, Ynet reported. | He also warned that the UK and other European countries might enact an… (2024-03-23). Amid Israeli Genocide – Gaza's Faith Unbroken (PHOTOS & VIDEO) Faith is a central component in the lives of Palestinians. Gaza, now undergoing an Israeli genocide, is in greater need of its faith than ever before. (2024-03-23). Defunding UNRWA Was Never About HamasThe refugee agency is a reminder that Palestinian refugees exist and have inalienable political rights—a truth the Israeli government finds deeply inconvenient. (2024-03-23). The UN Security Council is set to vote on a resolution demanding a Ramadan cease-fire The U.N. Security Council is set to vote on a NEW resolution demanding a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The resolution, put forward by the 10 elected council members, is backed by Russia and China, who vetoed a U.S.-sponsored resolution Friday. The council is expected to vote on the resolution Monday morning. (2024-03-23). US Has Redefined "Human Shields" to Enable Israel's Slaughter of Gaza Civilians President Biden and members of Congress have cynically reinterpreted "human shields" to flout international law. (2024-03-23). 'She Never Returned Home' – Palestinians Children Remember Their Mothers, Killed in Israeli Airstrikes In fact, for many children, there will be no mothers to celebrate anymore as well over 9,000 Palestinian women have been killed since the beginning of the war. Moreover, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said in a statement on X on Thursday that the Israeli war on Gaza has been killing an average of 37 mothers daily since October 7.

Israel-Gaza War Update: Latest Figures and Statistics

Posted by Richard Medhurst. (2024-03-23). West treats human rights as 'political plaything' amid Gaza genocide: Iran FM. Iran says Israel's genocidal war in Gaza showed the West treats defense for human rights as a political plaything. (2024-03-23). Israeli forces brutally target civilians in Gaza City, burning homes. Israel has been carrying out a horrendous campaign of bloodshed and human rights violations against Palestinian civilians in Gaza City, according to testimonies.

2024-03-23 23:13:05 | 23:13 EST | tr | 22 | 0 | 0 | 21 | 0 

2024-03-21: News Headlines

DikelediM (2024-03-21). Sharpeville massacre victims remembered. Sharpeville massacre victims remembered | President Cyril Ramaphosa has encouraged South Africans to continue to honour those who fought for the rights that all enjoy today and hold dear. | President Ramaphosa delivered the keynote address at the Human Rights Day commemoration in Sharpeville, Gauteng on Thursday, held under the theme: "Three Decades of Respect for and Promotion of Human Rights". | "Sixty-four years have passed since the ground on which we gather here in Sharpeville bore witness to one of the worst atrocities committed by the apartheid regime against the South African people. | "And although many…

DikelediM (2024-03-21). South Africa called to build "a society of equals" South Africa called to build "a society of equals" | President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on all South Africans to strive for a society of equals, "where none may claim dominance over another, where there is neither privilege nor disadvantage". | Speaking at the official Human Rights Day commemoration in Sharpeville on Thursday, the President said while the journey over the 64 years since the Sharpeville Massacre has been remarkable and the 30 years of democracy have seen great changes in the lives of South Africans, the journey is far from complete. | "We must strive for a society where neither race nor gender,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-03-21). Inside the Anti-Syria Lobby's Capitol Hill Push for More Starvation Sanctions. Hekmat Abokhater A week from the 13th anniversary of the US-backed Syrian dirty war, the American Coalition for Syria held its annual day of advocacy in Washington DC. I went undercover into meetings with Senate policy advisors and witnessed the lobby's cynical campaign to starve Syria into submission. On the morning of March 7, as…

Staff (2024-03-21). Headlines for March 21, 2024. Israeli's Assault on Al-Shifa Hospital Enters 4th Day, Attacks Continue Throughout Gaza Strip, U.S. Submits Ceasefire Resolution to UNSC; Netanyahu Tells GOP Israel Will Continue Attacking Gaza, Lawmakers Pushing to Cut Off U.S. Funding for UNRWA for Another Year Amid Soaring Hunger in Gaza, "Completely Contrary to Human Rights": AMLO Blasts Texas's SB4, Says Mexico Will not Accept Deportees, Georgia Executes Prisoner Willie Pye After 4-Year Pause in Capital Punishment, Two More "Goon Squad" Officers Sentenced to 40 and 17.5 Years for Torture of Two Black Men, Assange's L…

Staff (2024-03-21). Headlines for March 21, 2024. Israel's Assault on Al-Shifa Hospital Enters 4th Day, Attacks Continue Throughout Gaza Strip, U.S. Submits Ceasefire Resolution to UNSC; Netanyahu Tells GOP Israel Will Continue Attacking Gaza, Lawmakers Pushing to Cut Off U.S. Funding for UNRWA for Another Year Amid Soaring Hunger in Gaza, "Completely Contrary to Human Rights": AMLO Blasts Texas's SB4, Says Mexico Will not Accept Deportees, Georgia Executes Prisoner Willie Pye After 4-Year Pause in Capital Punishment, Two More "Goon Squad" Officers Sentenced to 40 and 17.5 Years for Torture of Two Black Men, Assange's La…

Leila Warah (2024-03-21). US Unveils Ambiguous UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution. Gaza's Ministry of Health confirmed this figure on Telegram channel. Some rights groups put the death toll number at more than 40,000 when accounting for those presumed dead. ** The death toll in West Bank and Jerusalem is not updated regularly. According to PA's Ministry of Health on March 17, this is the latest figure. *** This figure is released by the Israeli military… |

David Starr (2024-03-21). Israel's Censorship: The Repression of Pro-Palestinian Voices. Besides the Israeli military's mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza (the West Bank as well), there have been repressive measures by Israel to silence the dissent of pro-Palestinian voices. In a sane world, Israel would be sanctioned and deprived of U.S. military aid. Its right-wing leaders would be charged by the International Court of Justice …

Jordan Atwood (2024-03-21). US arms sales to Israel in the spotlight as Gaza conflict escalates, Sanders leads call for embargo. This plea follows closely on the heels of Canada's groundbreaking decision to suspend military equipment sales to Israel, a move that has been hailed by human rights organizations and advocates worldwide.

WSWS (2024-03-21). Israel allegedly carried out mass summary executions at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital. Based on interviews with survivors who were detained and tortured at the hospital, Euro-Med said that Israeli forces had been carrying executions for three days in a row.

MEE staff (2024-03-21). Egypt: Nile Delta police station allows 'torture sessions' with impunity, says rights group. Egypt: Nile Delta police station allows 'torture sessions' with impunity, says rights group | One prisoner has died due to deliberate denial of healthcare at a Sharqiya police station, and other detainees leak letter accusing officers of acts of torture, says rights group | | Egyptian police cadets…

infobrics (2024-03-21). Russia-India Trade Route Through Central Asia Moves Forward. Work on a long-planned shipping route connecting Russia with the Middle East and South Asia is moving forward as sanctions-hit Moscow seeks alternative markets for its products, creating a wide-ranging geopolitical ripple effects… (2024-03-21). China urges the U.S. to correct its wrongdoing against Chinese students. The U.S. frequently adopts discriminatory, politically motivated and selective law enforcement against Chinese students, which severely violates the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of the persons concerned, disrupts normal cross-border travel between China and the U.S., runs counter to the U.S. commitment to facilitating and supporting cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries and contravenes the common aspiration of the two peoples in carrying out friendly exchanges, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian on Wednesday. (2024-03-21). Russia & China have secured agreement with Houthis to protect their vessels According to information published by Bloomberg on March 21, 2024, the Houthi group has assured China and Russia that their naval vessels will be granted safe passage through the strategically critical maritime zones of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. (2024-03-21). Gaza: 100 Palestinians killed 92 injured by Israeli bombings last 24 hoursMore than 100 Palestinians were killed and 92 more injured by Israeli indiscriminate bombings in the last 24 hours in Gaza Strip according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza. The death toll of Palestinians from Israeli deadly attacks since 7 October 2023 has gone up to 31,988 including over 13,000 children and 74,188 Palestinians injured in Gaza Strip. 8,500 Palestinians are missing.

albawaba (2024-03-21). US sanctions networks supporting Iran's defense and nuclear programs. ALBAWABA – In a daily press briefing at the US State Department, department spokesperson Matthew Miller stated that the Biden Administration imposed several sanctions on networks supporting Iran's ballistic missiles, defense, and nuclear programs. The US has imposed sanctions on procurement networks based in Iran, Turkey, Oman, and Germany that have purchased goods for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps entities involved in the defense, nuclear and ballistic missiles programs.The sanctioned entities include the Aerospace Force Self Sufficiency Jihad Organization, the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Log…

albawaba (2024-03-21). "Lock his a** up" Protestors attack Kyle Rittenhouse at the University of Memphis. ALBAWABA – The American man who shot three people Kyle Rittenhouse was reportedly screamed at and booed off his event with BLM protestors demanding the individual get arrested and locked up. Amid the event his name quickly rose to X's (formerly Twitter) trending charts as users took to the platform and posted a plethora of videos and photos of protestors allegedly screaming "Lock his a** up" and "F*** his a** up" while also spitting on cars as the speakers of the event departed. "Lock his a** up" Protestors attack Kyle Rittenhouse at the University of Memphis: According to Commercial Appeal, around 200 peo… (2024-03-21). Xizang celebrates 65 years of democratic reform. Xizang has witnessed considerable improvement in delivering democratic rights to its people in the past six decades, said a senior official of the regional legislative body.

DikelediM (2024-03-21). Social Development to keep older persons fit and active in Mbombela. Social Development to keep older persons fit and active in Mbombela | As the country commemorates Human Rights Day, the Department of Social Development will use the day to promote the rights of older persons through dialogue and sporting activities in Mbombela, Mpumalanga. | The active ageing programme will be held on Thursday in collaboration with the South African Older Persons Forum (SAOPF), under the theme: "Leaving No One Behind during the Decade of Healthy Ageing". | The programme seeks to improve the quality of life, health, and well-being of older persons by instilling dignity, peer social integration,… (2024-03-21). Article 23 fully aligns with intl laws and practices, protects human rights: HK official at UNHRC session>. The Article 23 legislation fully aligns with the principles of international laws and practices. (2024-03-21). Putin calls for measures to counter Western sanctions. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday told the Federal Security Service, known by the acronym FSB, to help Russian companies bust Western sanctions and expand their clout into new markets around the world. (2024-03-20). China urges the U.S. to correct its wrongdoing against Chinese students. The U.S. frequently adopts discriminatory, politically motivated and selective law enforcement against Chinese students, which severely violates the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of the persons concerned, disrupts normal cross-border travel between China and the U.S., runs counter to the U.S. commitment to facilitating and supporting cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries and contravenes the common aspiration of the two peoples in carrying out friendly exchanges, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian on Wednesday.

Zane McNeill (2024-03-21). Report Says That a "Medical Ethics Crisis" Is Unfolding in Louisiana. A recently released report details an unfolding "constitutional, human rights, public health, and medical ethics crisis" in Louisiana, caused by the state's abortion ban. "Clinicians across the state time and again underscored the impossibility of prioritizing patient care under the state's draconian laws and the many harms this untenable situation results in for pregnant Louisianans… |

Abahlali baseMjondolo (2024-03-21). Still No Human Rights for the Poor. The poor and marginalised have not seen any gains in almost 30 years of democracy. The poor remain poor and unemployment, poverty and inequality are worse today than at the end of apartheid. Many more people live in shacks than in 1994. Those who live in shack settlements continue to be denied access to basic …

William Denselow (2024-03-21). Texas immigration law decision leads to confusion for officials, activists. A controversial immigration law in the U.S. state of Texas has been blocked again as a federal appeals court continues its deliberations. | The U.S. Supreme Court briefly allowed the measure to take effect Tuesday before it was halted just hours later. | Senate Bill 4 gives law enforcement officers the power to detain people suspected of crossing the U.S. southern border illegally. | CGTN's William Denselow reports.

DikelediM (2024-03-21). South Africans called to observe International Down Syndrome Awareness Day. South Africans called to observe International Down Syndrome Awareness Day | Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, has called on South Africans to observe International Down Syndrome Awareness Day which is concurrent with the commemoration of Human Rights Day. | Down syndrome is a naturally occurring chromosomal arrangement that has always been a part of the human condition. It exists in all regions across the globe and commonly results in variable effects on learning styles, physical characteristics, or health. | According to the Down Syndrome South A…

Joe Piette (2024-03-21). Pennsylvania incarceree files grievance to reverse illegal punishment. Bryant Arroyo and Joe Piette at SCI Frackville in 2018. An article about the struggle for the rights of people with disabilities within the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections system should never have led to punishment for two incarcerated people at the State Correctional Institution at Coal Township. But officials there . . . |

DikelediM (2024-03-21). Threats and intimidation will not be tolerated during elections. Threats and intimidation will not be tolerated during elections | As the country heads to the polls on 29 May 2024, President Cyril Ramaphosa has warned that threats, intimidation and undemocratic actions by people who want to undermine the electoral process will not be tolerated. | Speaking at the Human Rights Day commemoration in Sharpeville on Thursday, the President said the regularity, peacefulness, fairness and integrity of the elections are achievements that must be dutifully protected. | "In just over two months from now, South Africans will go to the polls to vote in the 7th democratic election for nat…

Palestine Solidarity Central Coast (2024-03-21). Saturday 3/23: How We Win: The Power of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) in Liberation Struggles. Virtual Event…

Roger McKenzie (2024-03-21). Amnistía Internacional: El mundo finge que se trata de una cuestión humanitaria y no de crímenes israelíes. El mundo finge que la crisis en Gaza es humanitaria y no causada por Israel, dijo un importante grupo de derechos humanos. Agnes Callamard, secretaria general de Amnistía Internacional, dijo en una publicación en el sitio de redes sociales X: "Mientras la comunidad internacional está ocupada fingiendo que Gaza es una crisis humanitaria, Israel continúa …

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-21). Denuncian abuso y amenaza a activista de DD.HH. en Argentina. "Ella fue atada, golpeada, abusada sexualmente, nuestra hermana sufrió amenazas de muerte", denunció la agrupación.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-21). øPor qué se celebra el Día de la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial. Ante los hechos de racismo y xenofobia registrados en varios países, la oficina de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos mantiene la agenda contra este flagelo social.

newarab (2024-03-21). Palestine Football Association urges FIFA sanctions against Israel. The Palestine Football Association has called on football's The The PFA's statement, released on Tuesday, said: "The l…

newarab (2024-03-21). Al-Araby TV journalist detained by Israel forces at Al-Shifa. Israeli forces detained an Al-Araby TV journalist during their multi-day raids on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City this week, according to the network. | Al-Araby TV, the sister station of The New Arab, said they lost contact with Mohammed Arab on Monday as he reported on a raid by Israeli forces at the medical facility. | His family later confirmed to the network on Wednesday that Arab was detained by Israeli forces. | In a statement, Al-Araby TV said that the detention of Arab was not an isolated incident but part of a systematic targeting of media workers by Israeli forces in Gaza, including from The New Arab…

newarab (2024-03-21). Egypt activist Hossam Bahgat's 13-year legal ordeal ends. The final chapter in a 13-year-old criminal case in Egypt against domestic NGOs, mostly rights groups, An Egyptian investigative judge on Wednesday The rights groups were the final batch of dozens of other NGOs… (2024-03-21). Israel escalates kidnapping Palestinians freed in prisoner swap: Rights groups. The regime has put 13 released Palestinians back behind bars. (2024-03-21). US introduces new Iran sanctions over missile, nuclear programs. The US Treasury targets three procurement networks based in Iran, Turkey, Oman, and Germany for supporting Iran's ballistic missile, nuclear, and defense programs.

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