Daily Archives: April 13, 2024

2024-04-13: News Headlines

Kim Ives, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-04-13). Revolution's Human Costs And Unintended Consequences. popularresistance.org On the night of August 21, 1791, the enslaved men and women of the French colony of Saint Domingue, then the richest in the Western Hemisphere, rose up in fury. | They had been kidnapped from Africa, survived the deadly "middle passage," seen their families separated, enslaved under inhuman conditions, worked around the clock, tortured, raped, abused, and humiliated. | When the day of reckoning came, three centuries of anger erupted in a geyser of violence. | The rampaging slaves burned the plantations and homes of their European enslavers.

midwesternmarx (2024-04-13). Why We Must Inherit the Third American Revolution By: Jeremiah Kim. midwesternmarx.com On what basis do we call the Civil Rights Movement a revolution? And will there be one to follow?The year is 2024. America is today engulfed in its greatest political crisis perhaps since the Civil War. The blatant hypocrisy and contempt shown by our elites, decades of deindustrialization, neglect, and downward economic mobility, cities and towns overrun by deaths of despair, and America's most recent proxy wars in Gaza and Ukraine have, in unprecedented fashion, driven Americans aw …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-13). Sexual violence plagues the female segment in Port-au-Prince. plenglish.com In Croix-des-Bouquets, Bel-Air, La Saline, Pernier and Ganthier, at least 74 women and girls were victims of this practice, including their rape by several members of a criminal gang, according to a report from the Haitian National Human Rights Network. | Previously, the Departmental Initiative against Trafficking and Child Trafficking in Haiti (Idette) called for the creation of a multi-sectoral mechanism that can protect women and children amid the insecurity that exists in Haiti. | The organization recommended finding ways to take care of the survivors of abuse, creating a unit for women and children at risk…

newarab (2024-04-13). France, Germany sued over Israel arms exports amid Gaza war. newarab.com Five Palestinians living in the The complaint seeks to "revoke the export licences issued by the German government for arms deliveries to Israel", the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) said in a statement. | A spokeswoman for the administra…

newarab (2024-04-13). Jordan should stop crackdown on pro-Gaza protesters: Amnesty. newarab.com Amnesty International has denounced The rights group

newarab (2024-04-13). 20 years on, Abu Ghraib detainees get their day in US court. newarab.com Twenty years ago this month, photos of abused prisoners and smiling US soldiers guarding them at Iraq's Now, three survivors of Abu Ghraib will finally get their day in US court against the military contractor they hold responsible for their mistreatment. | The trial is scheduled to begin Monday in

newarab (2024-04-13). Jordanian journalist detained for covering pro-Gaza protests. newarab.com A Mohsen, a 25-year-old photographer for the independent

presstv.ir (2024-04-13). 'Silencing a witness to genocide': Germany detains Gaza war surgeon. presstv.ir Surgeon Ghassan Abu Sittah was invited to attend the Palestine Conference in Berlin on Friday.

presstv.ir (2024-04-13). French FM's about-face on Israel sanctions. presstv.ir French foreign minister, Stephane Sejourne, was showered with praise for saying that sanctions on Israel could be coming over their refusal to allow humanitarian aid to Gaza. However, he quickly backtracked in a session before Parliament the very next day.

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