Monthly Archives: April 2024

2024-04-11: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-04-11). Multiple students at Pomona College in Southern California arrested for protesting against Gaza genocide. In a vicious attack against democratic rights and freedom of speech, nineteen students were arrested Friday at Pomona College in Southern California. The students were arrested at the college president's office after holding a sit-in opposing the university's previous crack downs on pro-Palestinian protests.

Consortium News. (2024-04-11). Aid Flotilla Heading To Gaza To Break Siege. Hundreds of human rights activists with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, including CODEPINK's Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin, are due to set sail on multiple vessels in mid-April to carry 5,500 tons of aid for Gaza. | Their mission, aside from delivering the much-needed humanitarian aid, is to challenge Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza amid dire conditions, including widespread hunger and lack of medical attention intentionally caused by Israeli policies. Time is running out for many in Gaza as Israel threatens an all-out attack on Rafah and experts warn hunger and disease could soon surpass casualties from bombin…

Brett Wilkins (2024-04-11). Salvadoran Court Slammed for Upholding Charges Against Environmental Activists. Human rights defenders on Wednesday condemned a Salvadoran court's decision to uphold what critics say are politically motivated murder and illicit association charges against five environmental activists. Miguel Ángel Gámez, Alejandro Laínez García, Pedro Antonio Rivas Laínez, Teodoro Antonio Pacheco, and Saúl Agustín Rivas Ortega were arrested in January 2023 and accused of murdering María Inés… | (2024-04-11). Xinjiang holds exchange event with foreign diplomats. Authorities from Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held an event in Beijing on Wednesday to introduce the economic and social development and human rights protection in the region, with more than 70 foreign diplomats.

| Name (2024-04-11). Guatemalan journalist Jorge Tizol detained while covering police raid.

The Committee for the Respect of Freedoms, Human Rights in Tunisia (2024-04-11). Tunisian authorities strive to legalize racism with European blessing.

newarab (2024-04-11). US-sanctioned Lebanese man moving money to Hamas killed.

newarab (2024-04-11). Released Bahraini political prisoners chant for Palestine. Around 600 political prisoners in The released prisoners left the jail "with their heads held high and chanting for Palestine", Bahraini human rights defender and activist Maryam Al-Khawaja said, while videos showed them clapping, chanting and celebrating. | Some waved Palestinian flags, while others praised the Prophet Muhammad. | The release comes…

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