Daily Archives: September 4, 2024

2024-09-04: News Headlines

Human Rights Watch (2024-09-04). Another Child Dies in Western Australian Youth Detention. hrw.org Click to expand Image | A prisoner lies in his solitary confinement cell in the safety unit at Lotus Glen Correctional Centre, northern Queensland. Prisoners in solitary confinement typically spend 22 hours or more a day locked in small cells, sealed with solid doors, without meaningful social interaction with other prisoners; most contact with prison and health staff is perfunctory and may be wordless. | © 2017 Daniel Soekov for Human Rights Watch…

Stewart Lawrence (2024-09-04). Big Tobacco Seizes Upon Biden's Menthol Cigarette Ban to Try to Drive a Wedge Between Harris and Black Voters. counterpunch.org Some conservatives think they've found a slick new way to keep straying African-American voters from returning to the Democratic fold: Attack the Biden administration's proposed ban on menthol cigarettes as a crackdown on African-American consumer "rights" and "freedom" — and an assault on Black "pride." It sounds far-fetched — isn't cigarette smoking a major public health

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