2023-05-30: News Headlines

Staff (2023-05-30). Mass demonstration in Vancouver commemorates 75 years of Nakba and resistance. samidoun.net Samidoun Vancouver joined with the Palestinian Youth Movement, Canada Palestine Association, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC and the International League of People's Struggle to commemorate the ongoing Nakba since 1948 on Sunday, 14 May 2023. Hundreds participated in a mass popular march from the Vancouver Art Gallery in the center of downtown to the …

AAMIR (2023-05-30). Saturday 6/3: Pakistan: Stop human rights violation, call for democracy. indybay.org 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-05-30). Cuba supports Unesco process about education for peace. plenglish.com Paris, May 30 (Prensa Latina) Cuban expert Margarita Mc Pherson spoke on Tuesday at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in the process to update the 1974 Recommendation, which seeks to strengthen education as a promoter of peace, cooperation and human rights.

Paul Petit (2023-05-29). South Australians oppose Labor's new anti-protest bill. greenleft.org.au South Australian unions, human rights, legal and community groups are campaigning against Labor's new draconian anti-protest laws, which passed the Legislative Assembly with the Liberal's support. Paul Petit reports.

Nora Barrows-Friedman, The Electronic Intifada. (2023-05-29). NY Bill Would Stop Charities From Funding Israeli Crimes. popularresistance.org A new bill would prevent New York state-based registered charities from funding illegal Israeli settlement activities in the occupied West Bank. | Introduced by state Assembly member Zohran Mamdani, the bill is the first of its kind in targeting US-based not-for-profit organizations involved in the violent dispossession and expulsion of Palestinians from their land. | Mamdani told The Electronic Intifada that representatives of human rights groups, including Jewish Voice for Peace, the Adalah Justice Project, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, came to his office "and…

Orry Moore (2023-05-29). Trouble at the EHRC, Modern Slavery, and Gay Rights in Romania: The Weekly Round-Up. ukhumanrightsblog.com In the news The head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Kishwer Faulkner, is facing an independent investigation into alleged misconduct. It is reported that around 40 complaints have been made by 12 members of staff against Faulkner, alleging harassment, bullying, and discrimination. It is also alleged that Faulkner described Emma Laslet, a trans …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-30). Blindman's Buff: America's Continuing Quest to Hide Torture. orinocotribune.com By Karen J Greenberg — May 25, 2023 | In the

_____ (2023-05-29). The Quest to Expose U.S. Torture. strategic-culture.org With each passing year, more details emerge about Washington's torture programs, writes Karen J. Greenberg. But much remains hidden as Congress and U.S. policymakers refuse to address the wrongdoing. | By Karen J. GREENBERG | In the

Anonymous103 (2023-05-29). Torture Chambers Created By Ukrainian Nazis In Luhansk People's Republic (Video 18+). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | After the Russian military secured new settlements in the Donbass, Zaporozhie and Kherson regions, numerous evidences of crimes of the terrorist Kiev regime against the civilian population in the Eastern and southern regions have been revealed. Among them, there are numerous torture chambers which have been used by Ukrainian Nazis to threaten pro-Russian civilians for years. | Most recently, Russian security forces showed a torture chamber which was discovered in the town of Rubezhnoye in…

Staff (2023-05-30). El sistema de seguridad social en Cuba cumple 60 años: "Hay que adoptar políticas que permitan garantizar estabilidad laboral" cubadebate.cu En 2023 se cumplen seis décadas de la promulgación del primer sistema de seguridad social en Cuba, la Ley 1 100 de 1963. Esa legislación y las que siguieron, como la Ley 1 165 (1964), Ley 24 (1979) o la Ley 105, han unificado beneficios y derechos de la seguridad y asistencia sociales para trabajadores, madres y padres, y personas en estado de vulnerabilidad.

Editor (2023-05-29). State Department Won't Say If It's Working to Free US Citizen Detained in Ukraine. scheerpost.com

Staff (2023-05-30). "King: A Life": New Bio Details Extensive FBI Spying & How MLK's Criticism of Malcolm X Was Fabricated. democracynow.org We speak in depth with journalist Jonathan Eig about his new book, King: A Life, the first major biography of the civil rights leader in more than 35 years, which draws on unredacted FBI files, as well as the files of the personal aide to President Lyndon Baines Johnson, to show how Johnson and others partnered in the FBI's surveillance of King and efforts to destroy him, led by director J. Edgar Hoover. Eig also interviewed more than 200 people, including many who knew King closely, like the singer, actor and activist Harry Belafonte. The book has also drawn attention for its revelation that King was less…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-05-30). Film Review: Reproducing FBI's Interrogation Of Whistleblower Reality Winner. thedissenter.org Before the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested NSA whistleblower Reality Winner, agents surrounded her home in Augusta, Georgia. Two agents interrogated Winner without advising her of her rights. But when Winner's defense attorneys tried to suppress incriminating statements that she made, the FBI and United States Justice Department contended that Winner had always been "free to leave." | Playwright Tina Satter's first feature film "Reality," which premiered on HBO on May 29, shows the control that FBI agents immediately established over Winner at her relatively small home. It discred…

Fight Back (2023-05-29). 300 march for LGBTQ youth at Louisiana Capitol. fightbacknews.org Baton Rouge, LA – On May 27, almost 300 people gathered at the Louisiana State Capitol to protest the attacks on LGBTQ rights. The demonstrators then marched to Governor John Bel Edwards' mansion and listened to several speakers. Protests like this are sweeping the nation as states move to pass anti-LGBTQ legislation. Many of the attendees and speakers were students and young people, who these reactionary bills directly attack. | Protesters demanded that Edwards, a Democrat, veto all anti-LBGTQ legislation. They condemned bills such as "Don't Say Gay" (HB 466), which would ban teachers from discussing gender ide…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-29). South Africa's Abahlali baseMjondolo continues struggle for true freedom. peoplesdispatch.org Every year, April 27 is commemorated as Freedom Day in South Africa. It marks the first elections with universal voting rights after the fall of white supremacist apartheid rule, 29 years ago. However, for South Africa's socialist militant shack dwellers' movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), the occasion is an expression of how poor and otherwise marginalized communities in the country remain profoundly unfree. | Abahlali baseMjondolo's General Secretary Thapelo Mohapi talks about the true meaning of freedom for the masses of South Africa.

Project Censored (2023-05-29). Trans Right Activist Morgan Artyukhina, and Community Organizer Kamau Franklin. projectcensored.org On this week's Project Censored show, Eleanor speaks with journalist and activist Morgan Artyukhina for a powerful and vital analysis of the vicious attack on trans rights. Morgan highlights how…

Staff (2023-05-30). Headlines for May 30, 2023. democracynow.org Debt Ceiling Deal Would Cap Nonmilitary Spending, Add Welfare Work Requirements, Slash IRS Funds, Sudan's Rival Military Factions Extend Shaky Truce, Drone Attacks on Moscow Follow Russian Airstrikes on Kyiv, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Wins Reelection in Presidential Runoff, Israeli Settlers Move to Reestablish Illegal Outpost in Occupied West Bank, Libyan Court Sentences 23 Men to Death over ISIS Takeover of Sirte, Ugandan President Signs Draconian Anti-LGBTQ Bill That Includes Death Penalty, Lula Welcomes Venezuelan President Maduro to Brazil, Blasts U.S. Sanctions, 16 Killed Across U.

Anonymous103 (2023-05-30). China Rebuffs Pentagon Chief For Talks Due To Sanctions On Top General. southfront.org China's Defense Minister Gen. Li Shangfu visiting Moscow in April: Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP | Originally published by The US confirmed Monday that Beijing continues resisting all military-to-military communications and contacts with the Pentagon. | The latest specific is that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reached out to his Chinese counterpart, Minister of National Defen…

ecns.cn (2023-05-30). China warns EU against sanctions bid. ecns.cn So these normal economic cooperation and activities should not be interfered with, and they should not be the reason for any coercive measures from any side, either from the US or the European side."

WSWS (2023-05-30). What next in the growing dollar crisis? wsws.org Sanctions imposed by the US and the major imperialist powers against Russia at the start of the Ukraine war have produced some unintended consequences, most notably attempts to shift away from dependence on the dollar as the global reserve currency.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-29). The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions. libya360.wordpress.com Francisco R. Rodiguez Executive Summary This paper provides a comprehensive survey and assessment of the literature on the effects of economic sanctions on living standards in target countries. We identify 32 studies that apply quantitative econometric and calibration methods to cross-country and national data in order to assess the impact of economic sanctions on indicators…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-29). The G7, Economic Coercion and the Art of Projection. libya360.wordpress.com In this article for the Morning Star, Carlos Martinez addresses the "stunning hubris and hypocrisy of the imperialist powers" in accusing China of economic coercion. He points out that G7 states are all involved in multiple forms of economic coercion, and that the US is the world's sanctions superpower, imposing unilateral economic sanctions on nearly 40…

_____ (2023-05-29). Journey to St. Petersburg, Moscow & Crimea (Part 1). transcend.org 24 May 2023 – At the end of April of this year, the two of us ventured together to Russia. We went with the purpose of fact-finding and also to make a point that we do not believe that Russia should be isolated from the world through sanctions and travel bans.

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-29). China Declines Meeting Between US and Chinese Defense Chiefs. news.antiwar.com The US said Monday that China has declined an offer for a meeting between Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chinese Defense Li Shangfu, who is under US sanctions. The US proposed for the two military leaders to meet on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue that will be held in Singapore this week, but …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-29). How sanctions affect the poor and vulnerable. peoplesdispatch.org In this video, we take a look at the politics behind sanctions, how they have become the preferred choice of the US to exert pressure on its rivals and bring about regime change, and how they affect the poor and vulnerable the most…

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