2023-06-05: News Headlines

AAMIR (2023-06-05). Saturday 6/3: Pakistan: Stop human rights violation, call for democracy. indybay.org 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco…

_____ (2023-06-05). The Hypocrisy of Economic Sanctions. transcend.org 1 Jun 2023 – Are economic sanctions a violation of human rights?>

Alan MacLeod (2023-06-04). Ukraine, Human Rights, and International Law, With Alfred De Zayas. orinocotribune.com By Alan MacLeod — Jun 1, 2023 | You can indict Vladimir Putin over war crimes in Ukraine. But if you do, you'd better indict Joe Biden as well. That is the message that Professor Alfred de Zayas, world-renowned human rights and international law expert, gave "MintCast" host Alan MacLeod on today's episode of the series. | A Swiss-American lawyer, academic and United Nations official with over 50 years' experience in the field of human rights, de Zayas joins us for a wide-ranging discussion about international law and Ukraine, U.S. sanctions, whistleblowers, the successes and failures of the United Nations an…

Editor (2023-06-04). Alfred de Zayas on Ukraine, Human Rights, and International Law. scheerpost.com By Alan MacLeod / MintPressNews You can indict Vladimir Putin over war crimes in Ukraine. But if you do, you'd better indict Joe Biden as well. That is the message that Professor Alfred de Zayas, world-renowned human rights and international law expert, gave "MintCast" host Alan MacLeod on today's episode of the series. A Swiss-American …

Simon Hooper (2023-06-04). The "Black Sites" of Guantanamo: UK Spy Agencies Under Scrutiny Over Torture of Saudi Men by CIA. globalresearch.ca

Simon Hooper (2023-06-04). UK Spy Agencies Under Scrutiny Over Torture of Saudi Men by CIA. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-04). Presidente Petro acepta renuncia de dos altos funcionarios. telesurtv.net Petro aseguró que su Gobierno respeta los derechos humanos y no realiza interceptaciones ilegales de comunicaciones de magistrados, periodistas u opositores, como pasaba en otras épocas.

Staff (2023-06-04). Palestinian prisoners' movement demands freedom for Walid Daqqah, escalates struggle to end administrative detention. samidoun.net In a new statement released by the Higher Emergency Committee of the Palestinian Prisoners' Movement, the unified leadership body representing the Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails, the prisoners' movement declared an escalation of struggle to confront the policy of administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. As administrative detention orders are indefinitely renewable, Palestinians routinely …

WSWS (2023-06-05). Australian university union blocks call by CFPE members for broader struggle. wsws.org This was a blatant act of political censorship, showing that the NTEU bureaucrats are intent on stifling the democratic rights of members as they rush to push through sell-out enterprise bargaining deals at one university after the other.

_____ (2023-06-05). (Franàßais) L'Hypocrisie des Sanctions Économiques. transcend.org Les sanctions économiques sont-elles une violation des droits de l'Homme ?>

Rick Sterling (2023-06-04). Journey to St. Petersburg, Moscow & Crimea. orinocotribune.com By Daniel Kovalik and Rick Sterling — Jun 1, 2023 | At the end of April of this year, the two of us ventured together to Russia. We went with the purpose of fact-finding and also to make a point that we do not believe that Russia should be isolated from the world through sanctions and travel bans. | At this moment, Russia is more isolated from the West than it has ever been, quite possibly in history. As just one example, while V.I. Lenin was able to famously travel from Finland via train to St. Petersburg, even during the height of WWI, the train from Finland to Russia ceased operating after February 24 of…

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