2023-07-12: News Headlines

teleSUR (2023-07-12). Cuba Rejects European Parliament Interference. telesurenglish.net The International Relations Commission of the National Assembly of People's Power (Parliament) on Wednesday rejected a resolution adopted by the European Parliament (EP) calling for sanctions against Cuban officials for alleged "human rights violations." | RELATED: | The Assembly points out that the European document shows highly interfering content, defaming not only the Cuban reality, its legal system, and the rule of law b…

teleSUR (2023-07-12). UN Adopts Resolution Condemning Quran Burning. telesurenglish.net Some Western countries expressed their opposition to the anti-blasphemy laws and, at the same time, strongly denounced the burning of the Quran in Sweden. An Iraqi immigrant to Sweden burned the Quran outside a Stockholm mosque last month, sparking outrage across the Muslim world and demands by Muslim states for action. | Related: | The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted on Wednesday, July 12, a resolution condemning acts of religious hatred such as the burning of the Quran, even though several countries…

teleSUR (2023-07-12). Uganda and Its Campaign to Normalize Homophobia. telesurenglish.net In Uganda, you can simply be arrested for being gay or lesbian. Since May, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act, despite widespread condemnation from many Western governments and human rights activists. Since that time, sexual relations between people of the same sex have been punishable by jail or life imprisonment. | Related: | This violative practice has been legal in the co…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-07-12). MEP slams EP resolution against Cuba. plenglish.com Despite the infamous insulting resolution, the peoples of the world are with you (Cuba), he said in a message of fraternal greetings to Cuba. | According to the Left Group member, the European Parliament (EP) has become a loudspeaker for the most reactionary and extreme right-wingers. | Regarding the adopted document, Pineda asserted that it contaminates and stains what should be the house of Europe's sovereignty. | The text used the human rights issue to attack Cuba, with the clear intention of affecting the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement signed by the European Union (EU) and Cuba in 2016. | Pineda…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-12). The UK-Rwanda Pact to Keep Migrants from Crossing the English Channel. libya360.wordpress.com Ann Garrison The UK is spearheading a European drive to outsource migrants to Rwanda. UK officials have been trying to ship African and Middle Eastern migrants to Rwanda since June 2022 despite successful legal challenges mounted by immigrant rights advocates, including intervention by the European Court of Human Rights . At the end of June, three UK…

Staff (2023-07-11). Human Rights Activists Warn Climate-Induced Heat Waves Are Killing Asylum Seekers at the Border. democracynow.org A massive heat dome is starting to engulf the southern United States this week. It could grow to be one of the worst in the region's history, breaking records for intensity and longevity and impacting some 50 million people in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California and Nevada. Heat domes are a key part of heat waves and have become hotter and longer due to climate change, making heat the leading cause of weather-related death in the United States. Along the Southwest border, more than 100 migrants have already died from heat this year amid the Biden administration's continued crackdo…

Kit Klarenberg (2023-07-11). British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture. thegrayzone.com Recent developments raise the prospect that British intelligence agents could finally face justice for their little-known role in the CIA's global torture program. Britain's foreign and domestic intelligence apparatus is facing scrutiny by a tribunal tasked with intelligence oversight. On May 26, London's infamously opaque Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) unanimously issued a landmark ruling which means the complaints of two Saudis brutally tortured at CIA black sites and jailed for years in Guantanamo Bay can finally be heard, at least …

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-07-12). Trasladan en Honduras 1.628 reos a cárceles de máxima seguridad. telesurtv.net Según las autoridades, las operaciones se desarrollaron respetando los derechos humanos de los prisioneros.

Pablo Ruiz (2023-07-12). Organizaciones piden el fin de la OTAN y avanzar hacia un Acuerdo de Paz mundial. globalizacion.ca Personas y organizaciones sociales, de paz, ecuménicas y de derechos humanos, emitieron un "Llamamiento: Por un Acuerdo por la Paz y la Amistad entre los Pueblos" en ocasión de la Cumbre de la OTAN, que se celebrará en Vilnius, Lituania,…

Staff (2023-07-12). Solidarity with Soha Bechara: Lebanese resistance struggler detained and deported from Greece. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces the Greek government and European Union's denial of entry to Souha Bechara, the Lebanese resistance struggler, former political prisoner and Communist activist. As she traveled from Beirut through Athens to Switzerland, she was stopped in the Athens airport by Greek officials, detained for multiple hours and deported to Lebanon, …

Editor (2023-07-12). Caged, stripped, beaten: Latest 'Save the Children' report on Palestine makes chilling read. mronline.org According to a just-released report by the international rights organization, Save the Children, four out of five Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system are beaten and 69 per cent are strip-searched.

Eleanor J. Bader (2023-07-12). Kids Awaiting Foster Care Placement Are Being "Housed" in Jails and Offices. truthout.org By age 17, more than half of youth who are removed from their homes will have an encounter with the legal system through arrest, conviction or detention. Critics describe this process as the foster-care-to-prison-pipeline. But for many foster children, the pipeline is activated the moment they enter care. This is because child welfare authorities in several states are placing kids in juvenile… |

Pip Hinman (2023-07-12). End the cruelty: Labor must support asylum seekers. greenleft.org.au The death of a refugee at Villawood Detention Centre is the latest indictment of the bipartsian cruelty towards refugees in Australia. Pip Hinman reports.

Movement Rights (2023-07-12). Tuesday 7/11: Banking on a Safe World: Divest from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels w/ Indigenous Leaders. indybay.org Online event via Zoom…

Movement Rights (2023-07-12). Monday 7/17: Banking on a Safe World: Divesting from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels. indybay.org Online event via Zoom…

Vince Quiles, The Real News Network. (2023-07-12). Why Companies Say 'You're Family' While Underpaying You. popularresistance.org Karl Marx once observed that "equal rights" under the inequality of capitalism simply means the right of capitalists to exploit workers. Anyone who's attempted to unionize their workplace has discovered the truth of this—as employers frequently stoop to unethical and dishonest measures to prevent workers from building collective power. Felix Allen, a Lowe's union organizer based in New Orleans, speaks with The Real News about his experience organizing his workplace for fair pay. Transcript: Vince Quiles: Hey everyone, Vince here. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up, a couple weeks after we recorded this…

West Oakland Tenants Rights Clinic (2023-07-12). Wednesday 7/19: Renters' Rights Clinic in West Oakland. indybay.org Oakland Public Library: West Oakland Branch | 1801 Adeline Street | Oakland, CA 94607…

Ann Brown (2023-07-12). U.S. Government Launches Investigation Into Cedars-Sinai Hospital Over Black Mothers. moguldom.com Health inequality among Black women is a matter of life and death. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is now facing a federal civil rights investigation over the treatment of Black mothers. "Black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," …

Marc Steiner (2023-07-11). America's lost promise of economic rights. therealnews.com Inequality lies at the heart of contemporary American politics—from the dizzying power of corporations and the billionaire class to the racialized and gendered dimensions of wealth and income disparities. Yet the question of economic justice, as well as the struggle to attain it, also has long historical roots. Mark Paul joins The Marc Steiner Show to discuss his new book,

Kwolanne Felix (2023-07-11). Pride and Prejudice: Returning to Our Roots in Wake of Anti-LGBTQ Ruling. truthout.org This past Pride month started off like any other for me, with celebrations, advocacy events and parades. However, on the last day of Pride month, the Supreme Court delivered a devastating blow to LGBTQ+ rights, with its ruling on 303 Creative v. Elenis. To me, it felt like this ruling was stealing the joy and resistance LGBTQ+ folks harnessed and celebrated all month long. I was overwhelmed with… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-07-11). Democrats Set Up Vote on Bill to Rein In Supreme Court Corruption. truthout.org Democrats in the Senate Judiciary Committee are taking steps to address corruption on the Supreme Court at a time when the Court is eroding the public's rights at an unprecedented rate. On Monday, Judiciary Committee Chair Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) and Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights Chair Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) announced in a… |

Chris Peterson, Chloe DS (2023-07-11). Big turn out for NAIDOC march. greenleft.org.au Thousands took part in the annual NAIDOC march for land rights and justice for First Nations. Chris Peterson and Chloe DS reports…

Staff (2023-07-11). Headlines for July 11, 2023. democracynow.org Turkey Drops Opposition to Sweden's Membership as NATO Summit Opens in Lithuania, Kremlin Says Putin Spoke with Wagner Group Leaders, Including Prigozhin, After Mutiny , Historic Floods Hit Northeastern U.S. as Heat Wave Bakes Southern States, Witnesses Say Palestinian Shot by Israeli Troops Was Left to Bleed Out at Checkpoint, Protests Erupt as Israeli Lawmakers Advance Bill to Gut Judiciary, U.S. and Israel Launch Joint War Games, Rights Groups Condemn Tunisia's Government for Abandoning Asylum Seekers at Libyan Border, Iowa's GOP-Controlled Legislature Convenes Special Session to Consider Abo…

Editor (2023-07-11). Law That Made "Sex Work Industry More Dangerous" Upheld in Court. scheerpost.com

teleSUR (2023-07-12). President Maduro: Capriles Conspires Against Venezuela. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro denounced that opposition politician Henrique Capriles continues to conspire and encourage economic warfare against this South American nation. | RELATED: | During his weekly television program, Maduro recalled that Capriles supported the arbitrary U.S. sanctions against Venezuela, the urban riots ("guarimbas") aimed at destabilizing the country, and the political farce…

Erik Mar (2023-07-12). El régimen de sanciones impuesto por el Reino Unido apunta a Nicaragua. globalizacion.ca Gran Bretaña y sus socios, como los EE. UU., están imponiendo sanciones económicas a docenas de gobiernos que no les gustan, pero algunos individuos en Nicaragua están siendo atacados sobre la base de poca o ninguna evidencia. | El Reino Unido,…

Erik Mar (2023-07-12). The Political Theatre of the U.K. Sanctions Regime. Targeting Nicaragua. globalresearch.ca

Ana Perdigón (2023-07-12). Venezuela 'Hikes' Diesel Price to $0.32 per Liter. orinocotribune.com An adjustment to the price of diesel fuel for the industrial sector was made official in Venezuela after being published in the government gazette. The new price is equivalent to 32 US cents per liter. In addition, Article 2 of the resolution states that the government may evaluate the use of different prices for sectors considered to be a priority. | The new price is a necessary adjustment after the US restricted, under illegal sanctions, exports of diesel to Venezuela in 2021, while President Maduro's administration retained a subsidized price equivalent to slightly less than half a cent per liter in US dollars…

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