2023-10-01: News Headlines

Isabella Kaminski, DeSmog. (2023-10-01). Youth Challenge 32 European Nations In 'Truly Historic' Climate Trial. popularresistance.org After Portugal experienced massive wildfires and extreme heat waves this summer, six children and youth from the nation appeared in the European Court of Human Rights Wednesday for a landmark lawsuit against 32 European nations charged with violating their human rights due to the impacts of climate change. | At the hearing in Strasbourg, France, lawyers representing six Portuguese young people said the youth were being discriminated against by state inaction in cutting greenhouse gas emissions, the effects of which have been "foreseeable for decades." | Inadequate action to curb global emissions, the lawyers argu…

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-09-30). Denuncian violación de derechos ante decisión del Congreso de Brasil. telesurtv.net Asimismo los indígenas denunciaron la represión por parte de fuerzas policiales en el estado de São Paulo contra el pueblo Guaraní Mbya.

E Lee Cas (2023-10-01). Back The Blue Until It Happens To You. indybay.org On June 1, 2023, a troubling incident unfolded at a Milpitas, California, 24 Hour Fitness location, prompting a determined pursuit of justice. The incident involved harassment and intimidation, with the victim seeking help from the police, only to have his request for assistance ignored by a dispatcher. When officers arrived, they displayed hostility, detaining and confiscating personal items from the victim. Allegations of false accusations and corruption emerged, suggesting collusion among these police officers and potential corruption, personal gains, and financial ties, either with the juveniles' families, St…

E Lee Cas (2023-10-01). **Correction** Back The Blue Until It Happens To You. indybay.org On June 1, 2023, a troubling incident unfolded at a Milpitas, California, 24 Hour Fitness location, prompting a determined pursuit of justice. The incident involved harassment and intimidation, with the victim seeking help from the police, only to have his request for assistance ignored by a dispatcher. When officers arrived, they displayed hostility, detaining and confiscating personal items from the victim. Allegations of false accusations and corruption emerged, suggesting collusion among these police officers and potential corruption, personal gains, and financial ties, either with the juveniles' families, St…

Staff (2023-10-01). Saudi Arabia is Trying to Pacify Palestinians While Opening the Gates of Normalization With Israel. orinocotribune.com By Rajab al-Madhun — Sep 27, 2023 | Just days after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave an interview about ongoing talks with Israel, it appears that the door to normalization is now wide open. At the same time that the Saudi Ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, Nayef al-Sudairi, arrived in the Palestinian territories to "reassure" the Palestinians about the Kingdom's position on Palestinian rights and to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque, announcements poured in about Israeli ministers and Knesset leaders visiting the Kingdom. It began with the arrival of the Israeli Minister of Tourism Haim Katz on Sept…

Areeba Shah (2023-09-30). GOP Waging Coordinated Effort to Undermine US Elections, Says Leading Official. truthout.org Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat viewed as a national leader in voting rights, has received 67 death threats and over 900 threats of online abuse within just three weeks, according to a system used by her office that tracks harassment and threats against election workers. In 2020, Griswold's office launched a "rapid response" election security unit, a team of election security… |

Marjorie Cohn (2023-09-30). Right-Dominated Supreme Court Is Poised to Do Grave Harm in Upcoming Term. truthout.org The 2023-2024 Supreme Court term will begin on Monday, October 2. Dominated by six right-wingers, the court has agreed to review cases in which voting rights, consumer protection, and the regulation of health and safety, workers' rights and the environment are in jeopardy. The cases present the issues of gerrymandering and the power of administrative agencies. In light of its recent conservative… |

Peoples Dispatch (2023-10-01). On International Safe Abortion Day, women across Latin America march demanding reproductive rights. peoplesdispatch.org On September 28, hundreds of thousands of women flooded the streets across Latin America to commemorate the International Safe Abortion Day and to demand decriminalization and legalization of abortion in the region. Wearing green scarves, the women campaigned for Legal, Safe and Free Abortion. | Abortion is strictly regulated in the Latin American and the Caribbean region. Of the 33 countries in the region, only Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Guyana, some states in Mexico, and Uruguay allow elective abortion. Some countries such Chile, Ecuador, and Venezuela allow abortion in circumstances such as rape or health risk…

Pete Dolack (2023-10-01). It's a Capitalist World. counterpunch.org Image by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona. | Conditions for working people continue to get worse. The right to strike, or to join a union, is denied by increasing numbers of the world's governments. The 2023 Global Rights Index report issued by the International Trade Union Confederation makes for grim reading, as has consistently been the case for the decade that the ITUC has issued its yearly reports. | Once again, there is no country on Earth that fully protects workers' rights, the

presstv.ir (2023-10-01). Over 300 academics urge Biden administration to uphold Palestinian rights. presstv.ir Palestinian, Arab, and international academics have urged the Biden administration to uphold the fundamental rights of Palestinians.

Editor (2023-09-30). Files Expose Syrian 'Revolution' as Western Regime Change Operation. scheerpost.com By Kit Klarenberg / MintPress News Throughout August and September, anti-government protests have rocked Syrian cities. While the crowds are typically small, numbering only a few hundred, they show little sign of abating. Demonstrators are motivated by increasingly unlivable economic conditions spurred by crippling U.S.-led international sanctions against Damascus. These have produced hyperinflation, mass food insecurity, and …

JANET (2023-09-30). Cash, cars and gold bars — and the crooks who slander Cuba. iacenter.org September 27, 2023 Senator Bob Menendez, in the news recently, is nothing but a front man for the Cuban right-wing Gusanos, those worms who left Cuba after the 1959 revolution stopped their exploitation and theft. The Democrat from New Jersey is notorious for his furious rants against Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and any country that dares to pursue a socialist path. Menendez has taken up other despicable causes, such as backing the "Israel Anti-Boycott Act" that would criminalize free speech in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). As recently as May 11, Menendez sent a vicious message…

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