2023-10-30: News Headlines

Jordan Atwood (2023-10-30). Israel's 10,000 Palestinian prisoners: a crisis of human rights and rampant abuse. nationofchange.org Unmasking systematic abuse: the untold story of 10,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention centers.

Nitza Soledad Perez (2023-10-30). Fighting for Florida's education standards. america.cgtn.com An African-American History teacher from Florida traveled to Geneva to voice her complaints about Florida's educational standards before the United Nations Human Rights Committee. Learn more.

_____ (2023-10-30). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 20: Human Rights Group Warns Israel Is 'Using Starvation as a Weapon of War' in Gaza. transcend.org 26 Oct 2023 – As Israel's Gaza assault enters day 20, food, clean water, and fuel are running out. Oxfam warns "millions of civilians are being collectively punished in full view of the world, there can be no justification for using starvation as a weapon of war."

Editor (2023-10-29). The Hannibal Directive: What Really Happened On October 7th. scheerpost.com By Mnar Adley / MintPressNews We were told Hamas killed 1400 Israelis on October 7, that they carried out rapes and torture of civilians en masse and, of course, that they beheaded babies. These claims are being used to justify Israel's bombardment of Gaza — the world's largest open-air prison. Israel's bombing of the strip, …

_____ (2023-10-30). The Man in the Mirror: A Glimpse at the Heart and Mind behind TRANSCEND Media Service. transcend.org After spending a year of military service guarding the Brazilian President in Brasilia, he was arrested and tortured by agents of the 1964 coup d'état regime who suspected him of being a Communist based on a membership card to the Brazil-Russia Cultural Union. The 20-year-old had joined to learn how to play chess… Antonio told me he felt rage, powerlessness and the urge for revenge… But he found another way.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-10-30). Israel escalates violence against Palestinian prisoners, rights groups warn of "campaign of assassination and torture" peoplesdispatch.org Occupation forces are conducting mass arrest campaigns in the West Bank and Jerusalem and escalating horrific abuse of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails…

A Guest Author (2023-10-31). Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine / Reports crimes committed against Palestinian prisoners. workers.org The following slightly edited statement was issued by the Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and the Wounded of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) on Oct. 29, 2023. There are horrific testimonies about the crimes committed by the occupation and prison administration against prisoners and detainees in its . . . |

Angus McCullough KC (2023-10-30). The Special Advocate — Not Waving but Drowning. ukhumanrightsblog.com The unfairness of secret hearings is being aggravated by sustained neglect of the special advocate system. In this piece I explain why I have regretfully concluded that I cannot accept any new appointments as a special advocate until the Government provides proper support for that system. 25 June 2023 was the tenth anniversary of section 6 of the …

WSWS (2023-10-30). As popular opposition mounts, state-backed campaign against pro-Palestinian students intensifies in New York. wsws.org The American ruling class has accompanied the Israeli onslaught with an escalation of its attacks on democratic rights.

Daniel Falcone (2023-10-29). Israel Is Using Disinformation and Deflection as a Foreign Policy Stratagem. truthout.org Finding articles and accounts sensitive to the asymmetries between Israel and Palestine amid the unfolding war is no simple matter. This interview with international relations scholar Richard Falk, however, hopes to show the ways in which Israel has created asymmetric conditions that have situated the attainment of Palestinian rights and aspirations beyond horizons of realistic hope. |

presstv.ir (2023-10-29). We won't accept ignoring genocide against Palestinians: Cuban president. presstv.ir The Cuban President blamed Israel and the US for 75 years of occupation and violating the 'inalienable' rights of the Palestinians.

Editor (2023-10-30). ERA and Abortion Are Key to Women's Vote in 2024. scheerpost.com

_____ (2023-10-30). Rights Lawyers Release Legal Analysis of U.S. Complicity in Israel's Genocide in Gaza. transcend.org 18 Oct 2023 — According to the Center for Constitutional Rights' Emergency Briefing Paper, there is a credible case, based on powerful evidence, that Israel is attempting to commit or committing genocide in the occupied Palestinian territory, and specifically in the Gaza Strip.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-10-29). It's Okay To Admit You Were Wrong About Gaza. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | It's okay to admit you were wrong about this. It's okay to change your mind. | It's okay to admit you reacted inappropriately to the news of what happened on October 7 and advocated some Israeli responses that you should not have advocated. | It's okay to admit that you were wrong to cheer when the bombs started landing on Gaza. | It's okay to admit you were wrong about the longstanding debate over Palestinian rights. | It's okay to admit that you shared some things online that you now regret sharing. | I say this because there are probably a lot of…

Staff (2023-10-30). Venezuela Activist Nelly Hernandez Expresses Optimism for 2024, With or Without Sanctions (Coffee & Chavistas Interview). orinocotribune.com Caracas (OrinocoTribune.com)—During Nelly M. Hernandez is a…

scorinoco (2023-10-29). Venezuela's Oil Production Will Increase After Sanctions Eased, Energy Policy Expert Says. orinocotribune.com The United States implemented a partial and temporary lifting of the illegal sanctions imposed on Venezuela, after the signing of agreements between the Venezuelan government and a sector of the opposition in Barbados. | The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department issued an order specifically aimed at relaxing the coercive measures applied against Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) since 2019. | Over two-thirds of these general licenses, as Washington calls them, are directed at the oil and gas sector of Venezuela, which has been seriously harmed by the unilateral coercive measures that…

Staff (2023-10-30). Venezuela Activist Nelly Hernandez Expresses Optimism for 2024, With or Without Sanctions (Coffee & Chavistas Interview). orinocotribune.com Caracas (OrinocoTribune.com)—During Nelly M. Hernandez is a psychol…

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