2024-01-03: News Headlines

Amy Goodman (2024-01-02). Israel Rebuffs South Africa's International Court of Justice Case Filing. truthout.org South Africa has filed a case at the main judicial body for the United Nations, the International Court of Justice in The Hague, accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza. "I believe South Africa will win an order against Israel to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Palestinians," says Francis Boyle, an international human rights lawyer who won two requests at… |

Staff (2024-01-02). South Africa Files Case Against Israel at International Court of Justice over "Genocidal" War on Gaza. democracynow.org South Africa has filed a case at the main judicial body for the United Nations, the International Court of Justice in The Hague, accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza. "I believe South Africa will win an order against Israel to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Palestinians," says Francis Boyle, an international human rights lawyer who won two requests at the ICJ under the Genocide Convention of 1948 for provisional protection on behalf of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Yugoslavia. Boyle says Israel has a history of listening to the United State…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-01-02). Western Imperialist Nations As The Greatest Enemy Of Humanity. popularresistance.org In November, 2023, a delegation from the US Peace Council traveled to China for meetings at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament. Ajamu Baraka, who participated in that delegation, speaks with Clearing the FOG about what he witnessed and the contrasts between US/Western and Chinese approaches to development, diplomacy and global security. He also discusses the broader conflicts in the world, particularly in Western Asia, the fall of US hegemony, the black radical tradition's definition of peace and the Peoples-Centered Human Rights Framework. Baraka advises us to understand…

Alfred de Zayas (2024-01-02). Unilateral Coercive Measures and Human Rights. orinocotribune.com By Alfred de Zayas — Dec 29, 2023 | As a matter of proper terminology, it is best not to use the term "sanctions" too loosely, because the term is judgmental and implies that the entity imposing them has the legal or moral authority to do so. This is the case e.g. when the United Nations imposes certain coercive measures under article 41 of the Charter. By contrast, what politicians and media routinely denominate sanctions are actually "unilateral coercive measures"[1] (UCMs) imposed by a country in pursuance of its geopolitical agenda and lacking any international legitimacy. Such measures actually constitu…

Staff (2024-01-02). AIPAC vs. AOC & The Squad: Pro-Israel Lobby Group to Spend $100M to Target Progressive Lawmakers. democracynow.org As we begin a pivotal election year in the United States, we look at the powerful U.S. lobby group AIPAC, which is set to spend more than $100 million to defeat progressives who are critical of Israeli human rights violations in Palestine. That includes Michigan's Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American member of Congress. AIPAC's outsize influence in national campaigns comes with "an implicit threat," says The Intercept's Ryan Grim, whose new book, The Squad: AOC and the Hope of a Political Revolution, was published last month. "That money will still be spent, but it will b…

Adriaan Alsema (2024-01-02). Deadly violence against Colombia's leaders remained high in 2023. colombiareports.com Deadly violence targeting Colombia's human rights defenders and community leaders maintained in 2023, according to data by think tank Indepaz. According to the non-governmental organization, 188 social leaders were assassinated…

krish-rad_ind (2024-01-02). Unilateral Coercive Measures and Human Rights. orinocotribune.com

Arshad Mehmood (2024-01-02). Pakistan's Senate Human Rights Committee Votes Against Public Hanging for Rapists. themedialine.org

Mustafa Abu Sneineh (2024-01-02). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 88: Israeli army kills 4,000 students in Gaza, detains hundreds in torture camps. mondoweiss.net Israel's opposition welcomes Supreme Court ruling against Netanyahu's law restricting judicial powers. Israeli forces kill four Palestinians in a single West Bank village, and a seventh Palestinian prisoner dies in Israeli prisons.

Staff (2024-01-02). Video: Abdul-Rahman al-Bahsh's father speaks on the torture and abuse of prisoners and his son's martyrdom. samidoun.net As the new year dawns on 2024, amid the ongoing Zionist genocide in occupied Palestine — and the heroic resistance confronting the occupation war machine — the Israeli occupation forces are continuing their war on the Palestinian detainees and the prisoners' movement. On 1 January 2024, 23-year-old Palestinian detainee, Abdul-Rahman Bassem Al-Bahsh was assassinated by …

The Media Line Staff (2024-01-03). Turkey Detains 33 People on Charge of Spying for Israel. themedialine.org

Staff (2024-01-02). African Coups Boot French Colonizers, Leave Power Vacuums. unicornriot.ninja On July 26, 2023, the presidential guard detained Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum and placed him under house arrest. The perpetrators then appeared on national television and announced to the nation they were seizing power to end Niger's deteriorating security situation and bad governance. Days later, head of Guard General Abdourahamane Tchiani was declared head of …

Guest Contributor (2024-01-03). Griffiths v. TUI UK Limited: Evidence, Challenge and Fairness. ukhumanrightsblog.com Overview The central question facing the Supreme Court in Griffiths v TUI UK Limited [2023] UKSC 48 concerned the extent to which a party must put criticisms of a witness' evidence to him in cross-examination. The Supreme Court made clear that the general rule in civil cases is that a party is required to challenge …

WSWS (2024-01-03). Academics denounce pro-government thug attack on Sri Lankan SEP members. wsws.org The SEP is calling on all those who are concerned to defend democratic rights of freedom of expression to register their opposition by sending protest letters to the relevant authorities.

Angela (2024-01-03). Monday 1/15: Palestine Rights Contingent in MLK March. indybay.org Sac City College | 3835 Freeport Blvd | Sacramento, CA…

Henry Giroux (2024-01-02). The Politics of Emergency Time and the Emerging Threat of Fascism. counterpunch.org The underbelly of contemporary violence is colonialism, the politics of disposability, religious fundamentalism, neoliberalism, and raw militarism. Violence seems to have engulfed the earth like a blinding sandstorm. Children are being killed en mass in Gaza, homelessness is increasingly spreading among youth in many countries, inequality exists at staggering levels, and a culture for justice has been replaced by a global culture of war. Gangster capitalism is waging a war on the working class, women's reproductive rights, gay rights, people of color, and democracy itself–brazenly wrapping itself in the discours…

Peoples Dispatch (2024-01-02). Belgian women's rights platform Zelle resolves to continue struggle for equality and against discrimination. peoplesdispatch.org The Belgian progressive women's rights group, Zelle, vowed to continue the struggle against femicide, harassment against women, and other forms discrimination and oppression…

Angela (2024-01-02). Monday 1/15: Palestine Rights Contingent in MLK March. indybay.org Sac City College | 3835 Freeport Blvd | Sacramento, CA…

Peace-fully (2024-01-02). Biblical & DNA Proof Palestinians' Rights To Land Between The River & The Sea! CEASE FIRE! indybay.org Biblical & DNA Proof of Palestinians' Rights To Land Between the River & The Sea! CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIRE NOW!!! Modern DNA tests prove half of Palestinians descended from ABRAHAM!!!

Lizzie Chadbourne (2024-01-02). History Shows Community Solidarity Is Essential for Making Abortion Accessible. truthout.org When Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was decided in the summer of 2022, ending the constitutional protection of abortion rights in the United States, calls for the creation of underground networks of abortion helpers echoed across communities supportive of reproductive freedom. These calls were largely centered on the history of the Jane Collective, a diffuse but highly organized… |

Binoy Kampmark (2024-01-03). Blocking Israel's Supply Chain. counterpunch.org If demography is destiny, as Auguste Comte tells us, then economics must be current, pinching reality. The Israel-Gaza conflict is invigorating a global protest movement against the state of Israel which is seeing various manifestations. From an economic standpoint, Israel can be seen as vulnerable in terms of global supply lines, potentially at the mercy of sanctions

Kiji Noh, Consortium News. (2024-01-03). Pilger's Rap Sheet On The Criminal Elite. popularresistance.org John Pilger was always on the side of the oppressed. He denounced Empire and all its violent predations — war, genocide, exploitation — as well as its endless lies and propaganda. | Till his death on Saturday, he fought tirelessly for the freedom of Julian Assange, and his last article, "We are all Spartacus," published in Consortium News, was a call to stand with the imprisoned publisher. | Pilger gave voice to the invisible and the voiceless: the hungry, the poor, the handicapped, the conscripted, the sanctioned and bombed, the dispossessed, refugees, the chemically experimented on, the structurally…

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