2024-02-02: News Headlines

Patricia Harrity (2024-02-02). The Prejudice of Dr. Reiner Fàºllmich, An Analysis of The Case Against Him. expose-news.com Even before the main proceedings against Dr. Reiner Fàºllmich, the courts indicate what they intend to do — a short trial and a quick verdict against the critical lawyer and human rights …

Staff (2024-02-02). Akhunji Masjid: A 800 years old Mosque in Delhi declared as 'encroachment' and demolished. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Staff In a distressing and egregious disregard for human rights, the Akhunji Masjid, a 13th-century mosque located in Mehrauli, merely 400 meters from the iconic Qutub Minar, was ruthlessly demolished by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) which is tasked with the development of commercial land in the national capital. DDA carried out …

Christian Aid (2024-02-01). oPt: Declaración conjunta de los directores del Comité Permanente Interinstitucional (IASC): "No podemos abandonar al pueblo de Gaza" reliefweb.int Country: occupied Palestinian territory | Sources: Christian Aid, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Inter-Agency Standing Committee, International Council of Voluntary Agencies, International Organization for Migration, UN Children's Fund, UN Development Programme, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UN Human Settlements Program, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Women, United Nations Population Fund, World Food Programme, World Health Organization | Cientos de miles de personas están sin hogar y al borde de la…

Danish Refugee Council (2024-02-01). Regional Protection Monitoring: Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela – Annual Report 2023. reliefweb.int Countries: Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | Source: Danish Refugee Council | Please refer to the attached file. | Introduction | The unprecedented magnitude of mixed migration flows in Latin America continues to exacerbate the protracted regional protection crisis. Refugees and migrants continue to flee persecution, widespread violence, massive human rights violations, armed conflicts, natural disasters, and other situations that impact the general enjoyment of human rights. Humanitarian organizations and the international community have systematically warned about the consequenc…

Open Letter, Mondoweiss. (2024-02-01). Open Letter On The Anti-Palestinian And Islamophobic Environment At Emory University. popularresistance.org We are a coalition of community and civil rights organizations, writing on behalf of Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students and students perceived to be Palestinian or Muslim at Emory University ("the University") who have been targeted by racist, anti-Palestinian, xenophobic, and Islamophobic harassment and doxing attacks for their support for Palestinian human rights. We write to express our concern about the University's failure to protect its students from these bigoted doxing and harassment campaigns and the lack of official, public support shown to Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students.

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-01). Leftists step up protests over Dutch backing of Israeli war on Gaza. peoplesdispatch.org Leftist groups have accused the caretaker government of Mark Rutte of duplicity as talk of complying with international laws and human rights is accompanied by the backing of imperialist wars, including Israel's brutal attack on Gaza…

NGO Working Group on Women, Peace, Security (2024-02-01). Iraq: Monthly Action Points (MAP) for the Security Council: February 2024. reliefweb.int Countries: Iraq, Israel, occupied Palestinian territory, Yemen | Source: NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security | Please refer to the attached file. | For February, in which Guyana has the presidency of the UN Security Council, the MAP provides recommendations on the situations in Iraq, Israel/Palestine and Yemen. | Iraq | In Iraq, political violence and hate speech has placed diverse women human rights defenders and

The Independent (2024-02-02). Mulago ordered to pay Sh50 million for missing baby. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Civil Division of the High Court has ordered Mulago Hospital to pay sh50 Million to a 47-year-old woman as compensation for psychological torture and trauma she suffered when she lost her baby. In his ruling, Justice Phillip Odoki observed that the failure of Mulago Hospital to give Nakayima …

mondoweiss.net (2024-02-01). The shocking inhumanity of Israel's crimes in Gaza. mondoweiss.net Survivors of Israel's ground invasion in northern Gaza tell chilling stories of kidnappings, torture, and the rampant use of civilians as bait and human shields.

Danish Refugee Council (2024-02-01). Monitoreo de Protección Regional: Colombia, México, Perú y Venezuela – Informe Anual 2023. reliefweb.int Countries: Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | Source: Danish Refugee Council | Please refer to the attached file. | Introducción | La magnitud sin precedentes de los flujos migratorios mixtos en América Latina continúa agudizando la prolongada crisis de protección regional. Las personas siguen huyendo de la persecución, la violencia generalizada, la violación masiva de los derechos humanos, los conflictos armados, los desastres naturales y otras situaciones que impactan el goce general de los derechos humanos. Las organizaciones humanitarias y la comunidad internacional han alertad…

teleSUR, DRL, YSM (2024-02-01). Movimiento popular argentino realiza vigilia contra ley ómnibus. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a las organizaciones sociales y de derechos humanos, la llamada ley ómnibus "de prosperar arrasará con el Estado Democrático de Derecho y el orden constitucional vigente".

WSWS (2024-02-02). Youth treated like animals at Wayne County juvenile detention center. wsws.org Two nurses are suing the county after they were fired for exposing the terrible conditions at the facility in Detroit.


greenleft.org.au (2024-02-02). Coroner refers Jai Wright's death to DPP. greenleft.org.au

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-02). Argentine workers remain mobilized. plenglish.com Dozens of people, including journalists, were injured on Thursday by rubber bullets fired by motorized police outside Congress, during the second consecutive day of protests against the package of laws presented by President Javier Milei. | In addition, police used batons, tear gas and water cannons to remove protesters from the streets. | The CTA-A issued a statement describing what happened as an attack on democracy and on those who defend the rights they have achieved. "Our Central demands that deputies represent us with dignity and legislate for the well-being of workers and not for the voracity of transnati…

WSWS (2024-02-02). Court challenge exposes Canada's decade-long xenophobic anti-Muslim adoption ban. wsws.org In a chauvinist attack on the democratic rights of all working people, the Harper Conservative and Trudeau Liberal governments have enforced a punitive ban on adoptions from Muslim countries.

Alexis Sterling (2024-02-01). Arizona GOP resolution seeks to shift presidential elector selection from voters to legislature. nationofchange.org The bill, which has not yet been assigned to a committee, faces significant hurdles given its radical proposition to dismantle voters' rights in presidential elections.


Eleanor J. Bader (2024-02-01). Right-Wing Members of Congress Push Anti-Abortion Measure on College Campuses. truthout.org On the face of it, House Bill 6914, passed just days before the annual anti-abortion "March for Life" in late January, sounds benign. Its introductory paragraph seems straightforward: "to require institutional higher education to disseminate information on the rights of, and accommodations and resources for, pregnant students." But a few paragraphs later, the bill reveals its true mission… |

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-01). Coroner refers Jai Wright's death to DPP. greenleft.org.au

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2024-02-01). US judge rebukes Biden's "unflagging support" for war on Gaza. electronicintifada.net Civil rights organizations say they are continuing to pursue all legal avenues to stop Israel's crimes.

Rosalind English (2024-02-02). Law Pod UK New Episode: Secondary Victims. ukhumanrightsblog.com Paul v Wolverhampton NHS Trust (SC) 11 January 2024 For decades, close family members have been able to claim for psychiatric illness caused by witnessing the death or serious injury of their loved ones, whether it be on the scene of the accident, hospital or mortuary. The jury has been out on the recoverability of …

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-02-02). Iraqi Parliament Calling To Ditch US Dollar For Oil Trade. popularresistance.org The Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament made a statement on 31 January calling for the sale of oil in currencies other than the US dollar, aiming to counter US sanctions on the Iraqi banking system. | "The US Treasury still uses the pretext of money laundering to impose sanctions on Iraqi banks. This requires a national stance to put an end to these arbitrary decisions," the statement said. | "Imposing sanctions on Iraqi banks undermines and obstructs Central Bank efforts to stabilize the dollar exchange rate and reduce the selling gap between official and parallel rates," it added.

A Guest Author (2024-02-01). Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemns U.S./Britain sanctions on Yemen. workers.org The following statement was posted by The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Department on Resistance News Network on Jan. 26, 2024: These sanctions are a badge of honor for the nation and will not deter the Yemeni people from fulfilling their duty in supporting the Palestinian . . . |

Workers World Party (2024-02-01). PDF of February 1 issue. workers.org Download the PDF. Int'l Court puts Israel on notice for war crimes Hamas, PFLP hold joint meeting PFLP condemns U.S./Britain sanctions on Yemen Mundo Obrero: Desmontando la hipocresía occidental sobre Xinjiang y Gaza Editorial: CCR lawsuit: A blow to the war criminals Download the PDF. More PDF back-issues here. |

WSWS (2024-02-01). Washington resumes imperialist sanctions after Venezuelan government disqualifies US-backed candidate. wsws.org Biden's actions continue the regime of imperialist piracy and sanctions launched under Obama and vastly intensified under Trump with the aim of subjugating Venezuelans through hunger, illness and mass suffering.

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-01). Washington Announces Sanction Resumption Against Venezuela, Caracas Responds (+Migrant Repatriations). orinocotribune.com

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2024-02-01). The ICJ Ordered Israel Not To Engage In Genocide; What Happens Now? popularresistance.org What comes next, now that the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, has handed down its near unanimous ruling that South Africa presented a "plausible" case that Israel was violating the Genocide Convention? | The January 26 provisional ruling — which was a landmark victory for the Palestinian people, and indeed, for international law itself — now goes to the United Nations Security Council for enforcement. It would be within the Security Council's purview to order economic or trade sanctions, arms embargoes, travel bans or even military force. | But in the likely event…

newarab (2024-02-01). US targets Sudan bank, firms backing warring generals. newarab.com The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on a bank and two companies accused of providing funds for The Treasury Department said it was blocking any assets and criminalizing US transactions with the Alkhaleej Bank, which has been an "essential part" of funding for the paramilitary The bank allegedly received $50 million from the…

Staff (2024-02-01). PDVSA: Venezuela Prepared to Deal With Illegal US Sanctions. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan minister for petroleum and president of Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA), Rafael Tellechea, has "If they impose more sanctions on us, we will be ready to face them, and we will have a powerful industry to handle the global ene…

Medea Benjamin, Steve Ellner (2024-02-01). Redefining US-Latin American Relations: From Outdated Monroe Doctrine to a 21st Century Good Neighbor Policy. dissidentvoice.org The Trump administration dusted off the 19th century Monroe Doctrine that subjugates the nations of the region to U.S. interests. The Biden administration, instead of reversing course, followed suite, with disastrous results for the region and a migration crisis that threatens Biden's re-election. It has left most of Trump's sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba intact …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-02-01). Cuba Repudiates US Interference in Venezuelan Affairs. orinocotribune.com Washington's onslaught is supported by sectors of the Venezuelan far-right that have been linked to previous calls for the imposition of international sanctions. | On Tuesday, Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez repudiated the threat of interference by the United States in the internal affairs of Venezuela. | Through a message on his X account, the Cuban diplomat stated that the US government persists in the use of unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela. He also reaffirmed the solidarity of the Cuban government and people with Venezuelans. | Meanwhile, Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yva…

Staff (2024-02-01). ALBA—TCP Condemns Recent US Imperialist Actions Against Venezuela. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America—Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA—TCP) condemned the most recent imperialist measures taken by the United States against Venezuela and demanded the lifting of the illegal sanctions imposed by the White House against the Venezuelan people. | Through a communiqué, ALBA—TCP stated that the government of the United States "has no moral standing to threaten a free and sovereign state such as Venezuela, an example of participatory democracy in our region." | Likewise, ALBA-TCP urged the international community to condemn the US economic…

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