Monthly Archives: August 2022

2022-08-21: News Headlines

Michael Welch (2022-08-20). NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson. "Joe Biden looked Vladimir Putin in the eye last June and threatened him with massive sanctions. He had months to sit down with his inner circle and say, "how do we prepare for this?" Nothing the U.S. and its allies are doing has taken the Russians by surprise.

Scorinoco (2022-08-20). Western Sanctions Are Good for Moscow, Says US Economist. Renowned US economist and former Wall Street analyst says the Russian economy is being made self-sufficient. | The economic war unleashed by the West against Russia has backfired and may bring the country much good, US economist and former Wall Street financier Michael Hudson has told the German news outlet Junge Welt. | "The West's sanctions are great for Russia. Any country threatened by US sanctions is forced to become self-sufficient," Hudson said in the interview. | He said that sanctions have effectively pushed Russia toward import substitution, and the country is on track to becoming completely free of rel…

IMEMC News (2022-08-20). Awawda: "Am Ongoing With Hunger Strike Until Administrative Detention is Voided" Despite his deteriorating health condition and the escalating risks to his life, administrative detainee Khalil Awawda said he is ongoing the hunger strike for the 161 day, demanding canceling the Administrative Detention order, not freezing it. In a short statement, Awawda said that he is ongoing with the hunger strike, despite the serious risks, until the …

Orinoco Tribune2 (2022-08-20). Africans Strategize in Washington Against Western-Backed Leaders. By Julie Varughese &#1 ; Aug 16, 2022 | West wants to change regimes for itself. | Silver Spring, Maryland — The United States and its European allies only care about human-rights violations when it benefits them. | That's what a few dozen members of the Horn of Africa and East Africa diaspora agreed upon as they gathered August 13 outside Washington, D.C. | A regional conference of the National Unity Platform, a political party in Uganda, brought together members of the country's diaspora from the New York City and Washington metro areas to strategize on how to tackle U.S. meddling that props up leaders.

IMEMC News (2022-08-20). Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian Near Nablus. On Friday, Israeli soldiers abducted a former political prisoner at a military roadblock near Nablus in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. Media sources said the soldiers installed a sudden military roadblock near Za'tara town, south of Nablus, before stopping and searching dozens of cars, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID …

Sharmila Devi (2022-08-20). [World Report] Iranian cases throw spotlight on use of punitive amputation. The involvement of doctors has prompted global outcry from rights groups and medical organisations. Sharmila Devi reports.

Staff (2022-08-20). Iran's official terms sanctions as human rights violator. TEHRAN, Aug. 20 (MNA) — First Deputy of the Judicial system of Iran Mohammad Mossadegh has described the imposed sanctions on Iran as a violator of human rights.

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2022-08-20). Sunday 8/21: Stop the Trigger Laws!: March and Rally to Defend Abortion Rights. San José City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street | San José, CA 95113…

Alondra Trevizo (2022-08-20). Kansas Shows Abortion Rights Can Win in Red States. Conservatives value their constitutional rights—and young progressives are highly motivated by abortion. Are Democrats listening?

Staff (2022-08-20). Iran pursuing trial of terrorist grouplets in intl. arena. TEHRAN, Aug. 20 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Judiciary for International Affairs and Secretary-General of Human Rights Office said that Iran is extremely serious in confronting terrorist grouplets and their actions.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-08-20). California poised to celebrate 2022 International Day for People of African Descent. Together, we will call for the Great State of California to stand in solidarity with H. Res 615. People of African descent and friends across the diaspora stand against systemic racism and supports the transformational agenda for racial justice and equality as identified in the Systemic Racism Report, and implemented through the subsequent Human Rights Council Resolution and the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-20). US-led Coalition Base In Syria's Al-Omar Oil Fields Attacked Again. Early on August 20, an indirect fire attack targeted the US-led coalition's Green Village base in al-Omar oil fields in the southeastern countryside of Syria's Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. | The London-based monitoring group said that an unidentified projectile landed in the vicinity of the base. The projectile was alleged launched from the government-held part of Deir Ezzor across the Euphrates River, where Iranian-backed Syrian and Iraqi forces are present. | No ca…

Lee Siu Hin, China-US Solidarity Network (2022-08-20). 8/20 LEE SIU HIN: Stupid Self-Defeating U.S. Sanctions Make China Even Stronger. Why the latest desperate, racist and phony high-tech ban against China by the U.S. — the CHIPS Act — won't work and will only serve to put taxpayer money into the wallets of corporate America and the corrupt politicians.

2022-08-21 09:35 | 05:35 EST | jz | 15 | 0 | 13 | 0 | 0 

2022-08-20: News Headlines

Michael Welch (2022-08-20). NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson. "Joe Biden looked Vladimir Putin in the eye last June and threatened him with massive sanctions. He had months to sit down with his inner circle and say, "how do we prepare for this?" Nothing the U.S. and its allies are doing has taken the Russians by surprise.

Scorinoco (2022-08-20). Western Sanctions Are Good for Moscow, Says US Economist. Renowned US economist and former Wall Street analyst says the Russian economy is being made self-sufficient. | The economic war unleashed by the West against Russia has backfired and may bring the country much good, US economist and former Wall Street financier Michael Hudson has told the German news outlet Junge Welt. | "The West's sanctions are great for Russia. Any country threatened by US sanctions is forced to become self-sufficient," Hudson said in the interview. | He said that sanctions have effectively pushed Russia toward import substitution, and the country is on track to becoming completely free of rel…

IMEMC News (2022-08-20). Awawda: "Am Ongoing With Hunger Strike Until Administrative Detention is Voided" Despite his deteriorating health condition and the escalating risks to his life, administrative detainee Khalil Awawda said he is ongoing the hunger strike for the 161 day, demanding canceling the Administrative Detention order, not freezing it. In a short statement, Awawda said that he is ongoing with the hunger strike, despite the serious risks, until the …

Orinoco Tribune2 (2022-08-20). Africans Strategize in Washington Against Western-Backed Leaders. By Julie Varughese &#1 ; Aug 16, 2022 | West wants to change regimes for itself. | Silver Spring, Maryland — The United States and its European allies only care about human-rights violations when it benefits them. | That's what a few dozen members of the Horn of Africa and East Africa diaspora agreed upon as they gathered August 13 outside Washington, D.C. | A regional conference of the National Unity Platform, a political party in Uganda, brought together members of the country's diaspora from the New York City and Washington metro areas to strategize on how to tackle U.S. meddling that props up leaders.

| AFP | (2022-08-20). UN to end travel ban exemptions for Taliban officials. The United Nations is set to end travel ban exemptions for 13 Taliban officials Friday, pending any deal by Security Council members on a possible extension, diplomats told AFP. | Under a 2011 UN Security Council resolution, 135 Taliban officials are subject to sanctions that include asset freezes and travel bans. | But 13 of them were granted exemptions from the travel ban to allow them to meet officials from other countries abroad. | In June, the 15-member UN Security Council's Afghanistan Sanctions Committee removed two Taliban | In June, the 15-member UN Security Council's Afghanistan Sanctions Committee r…

IGD Worldwide (2022-08-20). An Urgent Call for Solidarity and Needed Funds to Battle Escalating Repression in Greece: An Interview With Tameio. The following is an interview with the Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Militants in Greece, also known as "Tameio" (meaning cash register in Greek). Urgent financial support and revolutionary solidarity is needed. Please donate to their new
| In Greece, repression of anarchists and against revolutionar…

IGD Worldwide (2022-08-20). An Urgent Call for Solidarity and Needed Funds to Battle Escalating Repression in Greece: An Interview With Tameio. The following is an interview with the Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Militants in Greece, also known as "Tameio" (meaning cash register in Greek). Urgent financial support and revolutionary solidarity is needed. Please donate to their new FireFund and help spread the word. This interview was conducted with Tameio by anonymous anarchists and submitted…

IMEMC News (2022-08-20). Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian Near Nablus. On Friday, Israeli soldiers abducted a former political prisoner at a military roadblock near Nablus in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. Media sources said the soldiers installed a sudden military roadblock near Za'tara town, south of Nablus, before stopping and searching dozens of cars, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID …

Sharmila Devi (2022-08-20). [World Report] Iranian cases throw spotlight on use of punitive amputation. The involvement of doctors has prompted global outcry from rights groups and medical organisations. Sharmila Devi reports.

Lee Siu Hin, China-US Solidarity Network (2022-08-20). 8/20 LEE SIU HIN: Stupid Self-Defeating U.S. Sanctions Make China Even Stronger. Why the latest desperate, racist and phony high-tech ban against China by the U.S. — the CHIPS Act — won't work and will only serve to put taxpayer money into the wallets of corporate America and the corrupt politicians.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-08-20). California poised to celebrate 2022 International Day for People of African Descent. Together, we will call for the Great State of California to stand in solidarity with H. Res 615. People of African descent and friends across the diaspora stand against systemic racism and supports the transformational agenda for racial justice and equality as identified in the Systemic Racism Report, and implemented through the subsequent Human Rights Council Resolution and the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent.

Alondra Trevizo (2022-08-20). Kansas Shows Abortion Rights Can Win in Red States. Conservatives value their constitutional rights—and young progressives are highly motivated by abortion. Are Democrats listening?

Staff (2022-08-20). Iran pursuing trial of terrorist grouplets in intl. arena. TEHRAN, Aug. 20 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Judiciary for International Affairs and Secretary-General of Human Rights Office said that Iran is extremely serious in confronting terrorist grouplets and their actions.

Vicky Peláez (2022-08-20). The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery? This incisive and carefully researched article was first published by Global Research 14 years ago in March 2008. | Things have got worse since 2008. African-Americans and Latinos are routinely the victims of arbitrary arrest, incarceration and inhumane exploitation in America's …

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2022-08-20). Sunday 8/21: Stop the Trigger Laws!: March and Rally to Defend Abortion Rights. San José City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street | San José, CA 95113…

Vicky Peláez (2022-08-20). The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery? This incisive and carefully researched article was first published by Global Research 14 years ago in March 2008. | Things have got worse since 2008. African-Americans and Latinos are routinely the victims of arbitrary arrest, incarceration and inhumane exploitation in America's …

Staff (2022-08-20). Investigación sobre caso Ayotzinapa determinará responsabilidad de 33 personas, incluidos ex funcionarios públicos. Con las investigaciones que hasta el momento se tienen del caso Ayotzinapa, hay elementos suficientes para determinar responsabilidades penales contra 33 personas, entre ellas ex funcionarios públicos de los tres niveles de gobierno y militares, sostuvo el subsecretario de Derechos Humanos, Población y Migración, de la Secretaría de Gobernación, Alejandro Encinas.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-20). US-led Coalition Base In Syria's Al-Omar Oil Fields Attacked Again. Early on August 20, an indirect fire attack targeted the US-led coalition's Green Village base in al-Omar oil fields in the southeastern countryside of Syria's Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. | The London-based monitoring group said that an unidentified projectile landed in the vicinity of the base. The projectile was alleged launched from the government-held part of Deir Ezzor across the Euphrates River, where Iranian-backed Syrian and Iraqi forces are present. | No ca…

Staff (2022-08-20). Iran's official terms sanctions as human rights violator. TEHRAN, Aug. 20 (MNA) — First Deputy of the Judicial system of Iran Mohammad Mossadegh has described the imposed sanctions on Iran as a violator of human rights.

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-19). Report: Details of New Iran Nuclear Deal Approved by Iran. As the US is considering Iran's response to an EU proposal to revive the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, The Cradle reported on Thursday the details of the agreement Tehran put forward. The Cradle report cited an unnamed Iranian source who said that the deal includes comprehensive sanctions relief for Iran and a series …

Kyle Anzalone (2022-08-19). Agreement to Save Iran Nuclear Deal Is Close, But Obstacles Remain. Al-Jazeera reported on Friday that several sources say the US and Tehran could imminently ink an agreement that will see both sides return to compliance with the Iran nuclear deal. If implemented, the US would lift sanctions on Iran, and Tehran would scale back its nuclear program over the next 120 days until each side …

WSWS (2022-08-19). Sri Lankan government detains hundreds fleeing overseas amid economic crisis. Severe shortages of essentials and rising unemployment is compelling more and more Sri Lankans to flee to India and Australia.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-08-19). Raeisi government works towards removal of sanctions. TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (MNA) — Abolfazl Amouei, the spokesman for parliament's foreign policy & nat'l security commission, says President Raeisi's administration seeks to get the sanctions removed, adding that talks with Riyadh are going on well.

Staff (2022-08-19). Senior cleric commemorates return of prisoners-of-war anniv. TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (MNA) — Hojatoleslam Seyyed Ali Akbar Aboutorabi Fard, this week's Friday Prayers leader in Tehran hailed the Iranian prisoners-of-war who were held in Iraqi Saddam regime's prisons for their steadfastness and resiostance.

Staff (2022-08-19). Collective statement by administrative detainees in occupation prisons. On Friday, 19 August, the administrative detainees — jailed without charge or trial under indefinitely renewable orders — in Zionist prisons issued a statement urging greater solidarity, action and mobilization to stand with Palestinian prisoners inside the occupation prisons, particularly to bring an end to detention without charge or trial, particularly Khalil Awawdeh, on his …

Staff (2022-08-19). #FreeKhalil Awawdeh: Administrative detention order "suspended" as Palestinian detainee continues 170th day of hunger strike, take action! Palestinian prisoner Khalil Awawdeh's administrative detention was suspended by the Israeli occupation military command on Friday, 19 August, due to his precarious health condition on his 170th day of hunger strike. While the suspension of an administrative detention order is not the end of imprisonment without charge or trial, it does mean that the hunger …

John Kiriakou (2022-08-19). J. Edgar Hoover's Evil Brainchild. By John Kiriakou &#1 ; Aug 13, 2022 | All of COINTELPRO should be declassified. Bobby Rush's legislation — now at high risk of getting lost in Congress — would do that. | COINTELPRO, an abbreviation for Counter-Intelligence Program, was the illegal brainchild of the F.B.I.'s first and longest-serving director, J. Edgar Hoover, whose obsession with communism and "subversion" allowed him to justify violating the civil rights and civil liberties of millions of Americans. | Under COINTELPRO, which Hoover initiated in 1956, the F.B.I. surveilled, infiltrated, discredited, disrupted, burglarized and harasse…

Diegoramos718 (2022-08-19). The Deadly Business of Reporting Truth. Image by By Andy Lee Roth / Violence is the most basic and blunt form of press censorship. To kill or imprison a journalist is to silence the public's source of news. To date, 33 journalists around the world have been killed this year and another 494…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-19). Black August: Jalil Muntaqim on the Black Liberation Struggle Inside and Outside Prison Walls. Natalia Marques Jalil Muntaqim was first imprisoned in 1971, when he was only 19 years old, after being involved in revolutionary Black liberation groups the Black Panther Party (BPP) and the Black Liberation Army (BLA). Jalil spent 49 years behind bars before himself and his supporters won his freedom in October 2020. Black August is…

Contributing Writers (2022-08-19). Lies Concerning the History of the Soviet Union/ By Mario Sousa. By Mario SousaMember of theCommunist Party Marxist-Leninist RevolutionariesSwedenKPML(r) From Hitler to Hearst, from Conquest to Solzhenitsyn The history of the millions of people who were allegedly incarcerated and died in the labour camps of the Soviet Union and as a result of starvation during Stalin's time. In this world we live in, who can avoid …

Tomdispatch (2022-08-19). How Trump helped Sportswash Saudi Arabia. By Robert Lipsyte | &#1 ; ( ) &#1 ; Here's the big question in Jock Culture these days: Is the Kingdom of Golf being used to sportswash the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Or is it the other way around? After all, what other major sport could use a sandstorm of Middle Eastern murder and human-rights …

Staff (2022-08-19). DCIP: "Israeli forces raid, shut down Defense for Children & 5 other agencies in West Bank" As a continuation of its targeting of select Palestinian NGOs, Israeli forces raided, ransacked, confiscated materials, and welded shut their office doors. The raid was part of a series of early morning raids against six prominent Palestinian human rights and civil society organizations reposted from DCIP — Defense of Children International — Palestine, August 18, 2022 Israeli …

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-08-19). Iran pursues release of Hajj pilgrim detained in S. Arabia. TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (MNA) — Hossein Amir-Abdollahian voiced hope with the cooperation of Saudi officials, the only remaining Iranian Haj pilgrim will return home.

Staff (2022-08-19). Escalation inevitable if Israel denies Lebanon's rights. TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (MNA) — Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah said Friday that "Regardless of the fate of the Iranian nuclear deal, Hezbollah will insist on the Lebanese maritime rights and borders."

TeleSUR, ysm, JGN (2022-08-19). Revelan que caso Ayotzinapa constituyó un crimen de Estado. El subsecretario para Derechos Humanos, Alejandro Encinas, precisó que hasta el momento "no hay indicio alguno de que los estudiantes se encuentren con vida".

WSWS (2022-08-19). Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg pleads guilty to tax fraud. Despite pleading guilty to multiple crimes, the nearly -year employee of the Trump family is expected to spend a mere 100 days in jail.

Staff (2022-08-19). Ghalibaf calls for prioritizing neutralizing sanctions. TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (MNA) — The Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagheri Ghalibaf has called on President Raeisi's government to prioritize reviving the economy and neutralizing the sanctions.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-19). US-led Coalition Conducted Live-Fire Exercise At Key Base In Northeastern Syria. An F-15E Strike Eagle from the 391st Expeditionary Fighter Squadron at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, launches heat decoys Dec. 15 during a close-air-support mission over Afghanistan. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon) | On August 19, the US-led coalition conducted a live-fire exercise at Qasrak base in the northern countryside of Syria's al-Hasakah. | According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, several fighter jets of the coalition took part in the exercise. The Lon…

Mark Gruenberg (2022-08-19). AFL-CIO: Freedom is on the ballot this November! WASHINGTON —Declaring "Freedom is on the ballot this November," the AFL-CIO is stepping up its intense battle to campaign for the rights of workers, women, people of color, LFBTQ people and everyone else in this country who, it says, are being deprived of their rights by a Republican Party captured by the extreme right. As …

Miko Peled (2022-08-18). Miko Peled: Israel Blames its Victims for the Violence it Causes. Palestinians are at a point where they can find no support anywhere, regardless of the severity of their conditions. Be they simply people who want to live their lives, fighters, activists or organizations dedicated to human rights, they will be killed and harassed.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-18). "Everyone's a Little Problematic in Ukraine's International Legion" Lindsey Snell and Cory Popp "Benjamin Velcro" in Ukraine "Benjamin Velcro" is former US serviceman and volunteer with the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, the official unit of foreign volunteers under the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In early August, Russian media widely shared voice recordings in which Velcro recounted the torture and murder of a…

_____ (2022-08-18). Police Lied To Get The Warrant To Search Breonna Taylor's Home. The March 2020 killing of Breonna Taylor, which caused widespread protest around the country, was the result of police lies to obtain a warrant and racist police violence after officers forced their way into her apartment. | On August 4, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the federal grand jury indictments of four Louisville Metro Police officers involved in the raid that resulted in Taylor's death. | Three of the officers were accused of violating Taylor's Fourth Amendment rights to be free from unreasonable search and seizure by lying to secure a no-knock warrant. The officers who sought the warrant "kne…

_____ (2022-08-18). Israeli Forces Raid Offices Of Palestinian Civil Society Groups. Israeli forces closed the offices of seven Palestinian civil society rights groups in the occupied West Bank in an overnight raid on Thursday. | Al-Haq said Israeli soldiers stormed its offices in Ramallah, confiscating items, shutting down the main entrance with an iron plate, and leaving behind a military order declaring the organization unlawful. | Other groups raided included Addameer, the Bisan Center for Research & Development, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP), the Union of Palestinian Women's Committees and the Union of Agricultural Work Committee and the Union of Health Workers Com…

_____ (2022-08-18). Monkeypox Is A Workers' Rights Issue. As of early this week, over 11,000 cases of monkeypox have been reported in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The virus that causes the disease, which many cities and towns have now declared a public health emergency, spreads through close personal contact, but in certain cases it can reportedly also transmit through contact with surfaces infected people have touched. | As of early this week, over 11,000 cases of monkeypox have been reported in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The virus that causes the disease…

2022-08-21 02:14 | 22:14 EST | tr | 47 | 5 | 20 | 19 | 0